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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. I never thought Marvel could top Iron Man as their best movie, but they just did with Avengers. It's exactly how a superhero teamup movie should be done. It's just too bad

    someone important had to bite the big one in the process.


    But that someone has to become somebody else important.

  2. Please, let's stop speculating the price and just awe in the glow of it's future coming.

    Price will only detour sales. Let's not ruin it now until Yamato establishes and lists the unavailability to most.

    If we speculate now people can set a high goal and save. If they wait to find out and it's over their hopeful $150 projection they will most definitely skip it then.

  3. To a certain extent, you're right... Macross II: Lovers Again was not up to the level of previous Macross shows. The thing that really undermined it was that it was trying to follow in the footsteps of Macross: Do You Remember Love?, which is generally hailed as the definitive Macross experience, setting the bar pretty damn high to start. No matter how good it was, it was never going to live up to the way it was being promoted by the idiots in America, as they called it things like "the most anticipated anime sequel of all time" and generally built it up to sound like the single greatest achievement in anime's history. At that point, failing to meet expectations was the only option. It also didn't help that neither of its two prequels, and virtually none of the other material for it ever made it to audiences outside of Japan, who were left to flail in the dark and wonder how this OVA connected to Macross as a whole.

    Really, the Macross II: Lovers Again OVA isn't a bad series... under any other name, it would probably have done quite well for itself, but it was only an average series in a family where exceptional is the norm. Had Macross 7 not been the right show at the right time, we'd probably be tearing into it the same way for the various ways it falls short of the mark.

    Now, if those questions of yours are serious, and not just vitriol, I can answer them for you... many of them would have been answered for you already had the Macross II publications made it to audiences outside of Japan.

    Even if his questions were vitriol I'd be curious about the real answers to them.

  4. I am really hoping my Bigbadtoystore preorder comes through! Also, IF Bandai comes out with armor for the Vf 171ex, will it be the super armor found here http://macross2.net/...171ex-super.htm or just the beam gun and the micro missle launcher found here http://macross2.net/...sf/vf-171ex.htm? Personally, I hope for the super armor.

    Considering the cannons on the version with extra armor are the same as the version without the armor if they do release this stuff (separately, as an overpriced Tamashii exclusive) I'd imagine they would have the armor, guns and all.

  5. Actually from what I see I beg to differ... While I love the design and scheme for both the luca and micheal models, the japanese public and others didn't seem to care for them as much. I can't tell you how many times I've looked online for frontier products looking for an ozma model and the only ones that are in-stock almost always is the micheal and luca models, and its usually more than one.

    I do check the for sale and trade section now and then for good deals and I tend to see those releases still up for sale while the alto and ozma releases fly off the shelves. Its kinda a shame really because I do like these other models.

    I have the ver 1.0 atm for both and even with all their flaws I love em and would never think of selling them unless maybe a ver 2.0 came out. That being said I don't think it's likely were going to see a ver 2.0 of these anytime soon due to the poor sales they seemed to have on the first run.

    While I think you're likely right in some respects that Michael and Luca are not nearly as popular there is also the fact that the first two of the V.1 25's released were Alto's and Ozma's and it was widely known the time the third and fourth iterations (Michael and Luca) came out that they were pretty shoddy in quality. Combine a poor first showing with two less popular characters and you're almost guaranteed people who might have been interested in a whole squad made the easy choice to skip the two less popular characters. That being said, I really do hope we see a V.2 Luca and Michael as well as a 171 Luca. I have a weakness for Radomes.

  6. Man, I came pretty close to never owning these things too. I had them on preorder and the month before they were released I got laid off. I almost cancelled the order to save money but my Mom talked me into "treating" myself one last time (with the Elintseeker in this same order too.) It's a bummer other people can't get them, Max especially looks very striking.

  7. Err...so...the shoulder issue hasn't gone away?

    I'm just hoping that since obviously these special parts VFs will be a new production run - so too all of the shoulders will be QC problem free....


    The shoulder thing is absolutely fixed. Except for one confusing issue with the VT-1 and then the reuse of some older stock 1J HIkaru's with the original GBP sets the shoulders have been rock solid since the middle of 2010.

  8. It means that graphically and gameplay-wise, it looks like an iPhone or Android game, not something you expect to see on a current gen console like the X-Box 360, where everything is pretty, pretty graphics and movie style cut scenes ala Mass Effect 3 etc.

    Simple is good, but i'ts not often you see something like this on consoles (not that I monitor the console scene too closely).

    These days, I'm only into casual gaming on smartphones, which is why when I saw the vid I thought it was a smartphone game.


    This mindset is why gamers can't have fun things that aren't shooters. It's done in a pixelated way but it still uses a lot of 3D tricks for the makeup of it's levels. Besides, a platformer would SUCK to play on a crappy smartphone. You must not be aware of the HUGE downloadable game component to most consoles these days either as XBox Live the PSN and the Wii all have games like this for download on them. They're not sold as boxed items. They're $8 downloads.

  9. damn had not been paying attention to the VF-1 rereleases....no way i'm going to be able to track down a vf-1d + option parts now huh? i have a vf-1d, but would love to be able to display one in gerwalk mode too (arguably the most iconic moment fothe vf-1d was in this mode)....just checked amiami/hlj/anime export/toy-wave and they are all sold out on this preorder or don't list it. gah!!!

    They've still got it at HK-Collectibles. I've ordered from them before and haven't had any issues getting my items.

  10. I think these option parts are an attempt to double dip, or entice people to buy the old VF-1 valks who have yet to buy one. The Cavalier doesn't list the option parts, so I assume they don't come with them. The only reason why I am buying a VF-1S is because I've always wanted an extra one since Roy's is my favorite valk and I love the blue flightsuit. I was waiting for restock, but I don't mind paying a bit more for the option parts.

    Considering the price of the Cavalier is exactly the same as these new Valks with the special parts it's odd they wouldn't include them.

  11. AAUUUGGHHH!! :(:angry::(

    even a Valk design that i CANNOT STAND, and was oh-so-happy to have left behind in the 90's, has been rendered SO incredibly beautifully here

    that i cannot seem to help but WANT one SO badly. i've actually had -DREAMS- about getting one of these. seriously. i S$%t you not, not in the slightest little bit.

    why-oh-why the hell does this damned thing have to be SO damned EXPENSIVE?!? :(:angry::(

    i don't know, perhaps this is linked to the fact that the old BANDAI 1/65 19kai toy WAS INDEED my VERY FIRST EVER MACROSS toy,

    let alone my very first ever TRANSFORMABLE one. i still have that fugly POS packed away, too. it had received a LOT of love

    in the time since i had bought it at a comic shop back around 1997-ish, and it's warn-out joints of today are consummate proof of that.

    i dunno, the kai DOES go WAY back with me, perhaps i owe it to myself to concentrate on procuring myself

    one of these wonderful Yammie 1/60's. if only i could find one at a halfway reasonable price,

    and if only i could manage to begin stockpiling a halfway decent chunk of change one of these odd money-hungry months...

    You know you could always go for the 19S/F... and if you aren't a fan of the stubby wings the P. That way you get the awesome engineering without all of that red.

  12. Hey Man, have you had a chance to check this game out yet? I just downloaded it after work/daily exercise routine and it's a real charmer. I've caught myself sitting grinning like a moron the whole time I've played it. Also, the painting in the background of your room is a nice touch... obviously this guy likes The Legend of Zelda.

  13. I'm gonna get some hate for this, but i'm considering painting the red stripes yellow on my second 171...

    Other then a few of us who can't find one of these things being irked at someone having more than one I don't see why a Skull Leader color scheme would offend anybody.

  14. Wow, somebody has got an axe to grind. The Hi-Metal is no more or less flawed then a v2. It's got it's ups and it's got it's downs. A big one in my estimation is that the Yammie looks good in all three modes. I do not believe the Fighter or Gerwalk (anemic as far as pose-ability is concerned) are any good on the Hi-Metal, the wings are weird and floppy too and the missiles don't hold on nearly as well. Battroid mode is easier to pose and the shoulders are a good design on the hi-metal (plus the hip implementation is cool though I question how well it would work in a larger scale) but the feet on those little metal ball rotators can become EXTREMELY loose (my Hikaru hangs on by a thread.) I COULD put nail polish on it but then... that's a fan fix, like the shoulders (of which I have had zero break, even on my original Hikaru DYRL VF-1A) so that's not perfect. They're both good in different ways. I tend to pose and repose the hi-metals in battroid more. I actually have Yammies in Fighter and Gerwalk.

    Like whichever one you like but be realistic about the pros and cons.

  15. "Updates to classic franchises? Fist of the North Star got 3 movies, 2 OVAs and a tv series about Raoh. City Hunter got a direct sequel (Angel Heart) as did Captain Harlock (Endless Odessey) and Cobra (2 OVA’s and one TV series). Not to mention the Golgo 13 tv series or the terrific Cyborg 009-1 spin-off series. Votoms also got at least 2 OVA’s and Yamato actually got a fully-fledged sequel with Yamato Ressurection. Evangelion also got the first 2 rebuild movies. Oh and Towards the Terra received an excellent update in the form of a new TV series that outdoes (imo) the old theatrical version."

    So what you're saying is that Macross should get a remake?

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