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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. Well, the "aerodynamics in modern English" way does pronounce the S for the plural form. I think.

    Regardless, it is a long-established aerodynamic term, and you can't debate the correct pronunciation or claim "it's whatever the majority say it is". Because frankly, a couple of people on MW do not constitute the majority among people in the world using aeronautic terms. It'd be like saying you want to pronounce wing with a long-I sound, or flap with a long-A. "Deploy flapes!" Or "rooder" instead of rudd-er.

    Kind of like when you hear someone say they have Nike shoes, and pronounce it exactly like "Bike".

    Actually, if enough idiots keep saying it wrong the term does officially become flapes if only because nobody will know the correct way to pronounce it. I'm about ready to start shooting people who say/type "wala" instead of "voila" as it's becoming far too common an occurrence now.

  2. Huh, you're right. I do hear clicking when pushing them back. Never heard it before, thanks!

    But you still haven't answered my question, do you actually own a vf-17?

    I do and plan on getting the D when it's released as well.

  3. There's only a few reported cases of the VF-19 joint popping apart and this only seems to happen when the ankle joint is deliberately forced past it’s range of motion limit.


    Which is easy to do because the design sucks and needs to be reimplemented.

  4. And I'm curious why your 25's ankles are making noises as well. Maybe you got a rock stuck in there.

    Bend the Ankle all the way back then all the way forward. You should hear three light clicks. Both of my 25's do this.

  5. Oops. Didn't know that. I've never watched Mac 7, haven't bothered to even try to investigate/follow after reading synopses and generally unfavorable reviews involving space whales, Nekki Basara and "listen to my song!" <_<

    So, how'd it explain that whole deal? You won't spoil it for me by divulging. Still not terribly enthused about Mac 7...

    I would describe the resolution as unsatisfactory.

  6. This video highlights the four parts of the armor that aren't colored correct on the Alto at about 10:40 in. That little diamond bit on the chest and the two intake covers are colored white like the rest of the valk when they really should be colored the same as the crotch armor to present symmetry and color coordination like in the show. That would make a huge difference in how it looks, though losing that darker border along the bottom would also help.

  7. do you actually own a 17? The 17 and 19's ankles do have a joint that allows left to right motion and the front to back rocking motion is pretty damn deep. The 25's ankles have no ratchet's either, BTW.

    The front to back on both the 17 and 19 is awful and can lead to the joint popping apart in some cases. If the 25 has no ratchets then I'm curious why the ankles on my F and S both click as I adjust them forward and back?

  8. Because of the design/weight distribution of the valk the 17's ankles are less of a problem however they're the exact same design as the 19's and as such need more dynamic range front to back. Like the 25, they would benefit from a joint higher up that handles motion left to right and then a lower click-able portion that handles front to back. That would greatly improve both the 17 and 19 overall.

  9. I think they're just showing off how deep it can turn down in Gerwalk mode. The 25's ankles had plenty of movement forward and back. I'd be surprised if they screwed this up (but Yamato would be wise to look at how the 25's ankles function and the fix their other Vf-19/17 releases later this year with Ankles that don't suck but I doubt they will because nobody will inform them the ankles are poorly designed.)

  10. *best Ozzy Osbourne voice* 'ew the fu*k is T****s?!

    "...Avengers breaks all-time domestic box office opening weekend grosss...blah blah, yadda yadda..." Yeah, but are those figures adjusted for inflation? When I hear people talk about "...paid $45 for 3 tickets" and the like, I think: fu*k me, you're mad, man!

    I just think that's potentially misleading, giving only gross sales figures to measure a film's success. Does that necessarily = more butts in seats [theaters] than previous films, when the avg ticket price approaches 2 - 3 times more than earlier record busters? :huh:

    I agree. I already pointed out that at 9pm on opening night we didn't even have a full house.

    Can I just say (you guys who like Scarlett can keep on if you like) that Cobie Smulders looked SMOKIN' in this film. Who knew a black jump suit and pony tail could make her look that damn good.

  11. Not that the scene really bothered me but the thing she grabbed on to was going like 100mph. Woulda ripped a non super humans arm/hand/finger whatever right off. Thats of course if you could grab on and hold it. of course if you did grab a hold of something metal going that speed you would have to be superhuman...... oh never mind

    The part where she grabbed on I agree was too much. The boosting/flipping/whatever prior to it I don't have an issue with.

  12. For example, I've heard more than one person, none of whom are comic readers, comment on Cap boosting Widow and the aerobatics that ensued as affronting their credulity, while comic readers take that sorta over-the-top action as par for the course.

    So none of these people have seen a Cheerleader/Chinese/other acrobatic performance? Couple that with two humans boosted to the height of physical fitness/prowess and it's not a very large stretch of the imagination.

  13. Based on that image you just posted Bandai got the coloring wrong. Or, rather, they got the crotch armor color correct but they did not color the intake covers the same color nor did they color the little triangle shape in the center of the chest armor the same color. So when on the toy you've got that one Gray crotch patch surrounded by bright white when other nearby spots should have been that same grey color as well.

  14. I was never sure what the midsection swivel issue was so I never bothered with these which is a shame because I've loved the Tomahawk since I was a kid.

  15. I like the concept and your execution is stunning. One thing I've noticed is the inherent shininess of the Bandai Valks makes the pictures ever so slightly more believable. The VF-1's look great but they might require a little more modification to keep the plasticy feel away. In this latest pic it's pretty good looking but the feet thrusters kind of ruin the illusion.

  16. That Scissor tail would be a lot less weird if it was changed to be the forearm shield (like on every Kawamori design since the 11) which would do two things. Keep the fighter looking like a fighter and not some retarded space age hornet-nosed thing and would make the Battroid more in line with other Macross Valks because it would have a proper forearm shield. While it still have the derivative VF-1 transformation in Battroid it has the wings folded back like the 25 and would bring it far more in line with what Kawamori has designed now.

  17. Yeah, both 1A's and his 1S were released the same day. And it was only a few months later they released his 1J with Milia too. The only one i didn't get was the 1A DYRL at the time and I'm not sure why I didn't as Max is my favorite and I have all of his other Valks.

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