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Posts posted by rikiryou

  1. YES! It's the Dancouga!! XDD Glad to see Ideon and Gunbuster back as well. Gaogaigar Final, mmmm. It's a bit weird to have Virtual On in the series though, but that's still pretty interesting. I wonder if the Sunrise Eiyuutan units will pop up this time around.

    Well, it's actually a total of 4 Alpha games so far (including Alpha Gaiden), and yes Alpha 3 is a PS2 release.

  2. I remember there were a few movies of 'Lord of the Flies', ranging from black and white to more contemporary ones, which I've not seen entirely (since I've read the novel itself). It might or might not be your cup of tea to seek it out though.

    And long-live space operas!

  3. Nope. I believe that one you posted are the scenes from the game itself, made into episodes.

    This new Xenosaga animation's first episode just released last week or so, and is animated by Toei if I remember correctly. (Which probably explains that 'lack of quality' if compared to, say, Bones.)

  4. Growlanser 2 is much shorter than I expected. O_o You can finish it in about 6 hours or so (without bothering to level up much), however the choices you can make in this game are quite a handful. Heck, you could even choose to fight for the villain (which I thought was pretty amusing). There're also quite a number of endings you can get to compensate for the length of the game.

  5. Not sure if any of you guys read it, but someone at Anime on DVD's forums posted this:

    one of my Korean friends told me that OP/ED was replaced with an instrumental score when they played Zeta on VoD last year in S. Korea. so apparently, other conuntries weren't able to get the correct song played in the show either.


  6. Hmmm, apparently both openings and endings have their songs replaced with the orchestral BGM from the soundtrack... This is not a good day. So much for the wait.

    Both opening themes and the ending theme have been replaced by musical score tracks from the show...

    Quoted from Shokara who posted on AoD.

  7. :blink: The individual feathers and the upper part of the wings splitting apart is an obvious one to have been spotted being the difference. Not to mention the ability for the arms to bend forward thus posing it in its signature posture with the twin buster rifle. It'd be identical to the MG Wing ver. Ka. except for the wings (as everyone probably already knew). One thing's for sure: the polycaps and joints sure as heck wouldn't be loose like the HG ones are. That was the major flaw of the HG in the first place.

    The arrows are pointing at the edge of the Twin Buster Rifle and the chest area. As you can see there's a bit of the rifle sticking out, it just goes into that little area at the chest and holds it in place rather than having it flop all over the place. Personally I think that made it look odd since the arms aren't fully stretched out.

  8. SRX (Made up of R-1 Powered, R-2 Powered and R-3 Powered) From Super Robot Wars Alpha for dreamcast

    Just a little side-info :p. The SRX made its first appearance in SRW Neo on PS where the robots were actually in normal form as opposed to SD. Even the transformation sequence was take from SRW Neo, except in Neo the same sequence occurs either in space or earth depending on the path you picked. Alpha's was the earth one, not much of a difference. But yeah, SRX is one heck of a transformation.

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