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Posts posted by rikiryou

  1. I found it rather hard to swallow the anime's style though. They just couldn't capture Oh! Great's style, and apart from that, Aya sounds plain weird. Negatives aside, I can't badmouth the animation quality since it's pretty darn smooth.

    By the way, did you notice that/read about the Ikkitousen manga actually having identical scenes to Tenjou Tenge? The characters pose in the same style etc. It's quite sad, really.

  2. I'm surprised only one person mentioned Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram. :o

    But yes, it sucks without the sticks. Everyone here pretty much nailed the bunch... Well, if you're into novel/love simulation games, there're a LOT, I repeat, a LOT of them.

    Oh, and don't forget the much acclaimed Sakura Wars bunch as well. I don't think it'd appeal to many people out there though. :lol: Here's a link the full japanese listing. Not sure if it'd be of much help. http://sega.jp/dc/db/

  3. Well, yeah, it's apparently the last Onimusha. And apparently there's the Onimusha movie. No solid word on that, though. =/

    I still think it's weird with the French folks speaking japanese in the game. I mean, didn't Samanosuke travel the world before? Shouldn't he able to converse in French?

  4. Hmm, good sites. I picked this up directly from a HMV store that I passed by, though. All DVDs in Australia are Region 4, in case you didn't know. :) As for R2 DVDs, I suppose there's www.cdjapan.co.jp I'm not sure if you know about it, however.

    Oh, and I forgot about the fact that Animeigo doesn't allow their set to be sold overseas. Lol.

  5. Yeah, I just picked up the Madman's boxset. Comes with 3 DVD cases (2 discs in each, a total of 6 DVD-9s with 6 episodes each) and 3 booklets accompanying them:

    1. Episode guide with short 'facts' and sometimes 'notes' section for each episode. Pretty fun information provided.

    2. Character and mecha guide. Quite thorough with some background info on preproduction names etc.

    3. A book of lyrics. O_o Now I wasn't expecting that... but it's in there.

    Packaging: The main box's art is fair. Hikaru's face with the VF-1S. Now... each individual cases, on the other hand... have the illustrations of each pilot found on the MPC's cover. Frankly, it really looks like a bootleg copy to me. (Heck.. If I remember correctly even the bootlegs had a better boxart) Disappointing, is all I can say about the coverart. Oh well, can't be expecting some nice Mikimoto art knowing where this came from.

    I can't compare the set with Animeigo's since I don't own that one, all I know is that the disc count is different, and the boxsets are different. But hey, it's only AU$145 (US$108 atm). A pretty good steal, don't you think?

  6. It all really depends on how they make the PVC though. FIX's PVC is... rather flexible. However look at something like Kaiyodo's action figures, they're also PVC, but are rather hard and brittle, e.g. Virtual On Oratorio Tangram figs. Personally, I prefer the hard and brittle PVCs as they don't end up warping like Bandai's figures, but in that place, they break easier. =/

    Thanks for the info, Graham!! And congratulations to all parties with their upcoming/newborn babies. :D

    Frankly I'm disappointed at the 'words' on the VF-0S. I'm waiting for the pictures to change that. :p

  7. They vary. FX's titles are mostly R1 rips. Only very few are sub only. As for the rest, they vary a great deal. Manga International (MI), previously known as Anime Cartoon, mostly release sub-only DVDs. Most of their older releases have terrible subs. Though there're quite a few that's good, or great. Subs have problems like missing letters, sentences that skip, wrong names, bad grammar. They recently have started releasing R1 rips, too.

    Other companies are Animation Video (not to be confused with Anime Cartoon, since their logo's the same, except AV's is RED, whereas AC's is ORANGE), Indian Video and Anime Studio/MAC. MAC's stuff are rips of MI's stuff, as well as quite a load of R1 rips. Harder to find however. AV's subs are pretty good most of the time, but they suffer from wrong names, bad sentencing, etc. Indian Video is very scarce.

    All in all, you can only find R1 stuff from FX most of the time. MI releases a whole lot of stuff, the newer ones are mostly TV rips. The same goes for AV. When buying MI and AV stuff, you're basically randomly picking the odds. They either suck, or they're good. :unsure:

  8. Hmm, despite Gransazer having all those cool fight scenes etc. I still can't make myself like Sentai and its wackiness. Perhaps if they made things like Kamen Rider more i.e. less crazy 'hand action' poses, then I'd like it more. It just takes away the seriousness of the setting, lol. Nevertheless, I voted for Faiz because of various reasons around it. Odd designs that grow on you, nice semi-dark setting, and pretty good characters. It has some stupid moments that I couldn't stand, but overall, I love it.

  9. That's pretty much about it. Pros: nice details, it's just nice to look at. Cons: deformation of parts, you run the risk of getting one with sloppy paint or badly assembled parts in some areas, mine has the head's joint put a little towards the right, so it doesn't have a straight head. =/ The backpack of the S-Gundam has some problems there too.

    You run a risk of such things for the FIX line, but if you don't take a close look, it doesn't matter. If you want to play with it a lot, try the VF-1J.

  10. Hmm, that's a pretty funny yet interesting suggestion. But then again, wouldn't he start having nightmares of himself as Sailor Jupiter when he grows up? It would be quite the scare that lasts for a loooong time. If he forgets, it might even change the history into "my dad made me dress up as a Sailor when I was a kid". O_o Ok that might be a bit too far, so I'm gonna stop there.

  11. Yeah, a number of variations there.

    “ can be read as: Okawa/Ogawa/Kokawa/Koga/Kogawa

    _ can be read as: Isamu/Ooi/Kiyoshi/Kou/Koushou/Kouji/Kousou/Gou/Gouji/Hiro/Hiroshi/Yutaka

    That's what JWPce gave me, anyway. Nice designs.

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