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Posts posted by rikiryou

  1. Well, I don't have the others, except for Guyver III. Guyver I's shoulder pads pop off really easily compared to III's. III's shoulder pads seem to be somewhat larger (and rounder) so I guess it's able to hold better that way. Interestingly enough, the 2nd batch of Guyver III action figures don't have glow-in-the-dark blades. Hmm.

  2. It's actually an extra armour for the Guyver(s), originally belonging to Guyver I, but he then shares it with Guyver III. I'm not too familiar with how it came about, except it involved the fusion of Guyver I's Metal with another's when he was heavily damaged in a battle with Archangel (the main Zoalord?)

  3. I've been wondering, some places label the Play Arts figures as Kotobukiya's. Is Play Arts some kind of entity within Kotobukiya or what? The quality of the figures so far in terms of sculpt (notably the joints) seem to be different from that of what you'd expect from Kotobukiya.

  4. About that translation of Teresa as Teletha (hmm), it seems that's actually the official spelling as used by ADV with their release (truly screwed up). From what I can remember of my viewing anyway, someone can probably back me up or correct me if I'm wrong on that.

  5. Heheh, so far the SRW series has had 2 games with normal sized robots: Shin (Neo) Super Robot Wars, and Super Robot Wars: Scramble Commander. Plus a few other Banpresto games here and there had normal sized robots, too, such as Real Robots Final Attack, Real Robot Battle Line etc.

    Man, M7 being in that list is scary. It was scary enough on the Gameboy Advance SRWD.

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