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Posts posted by rikiryou

  1. :blink: Now I'm confused; is it meant to tip inwards or outwards? Thanks for the info Wicked Ace. Quick question: the pivot piece to which the landing gear connects, is it plastic or diecast? Judging from the fact that you could cut (scratch?) it off with an x-acto knife, I'm assuming it's plastic.
  2. This applies to page 12-13 of the manual, steps 1-5 of [Transforming the Neck].

    First of all, push (pull?) the neck forward and a little bit down to detach the lock. (Similar to how Graham did it in his video)

    If you push it down too much, you might damage the neck so BE CAREFUL!!


    This is how it looks from the side. Notice the detached part.


    Detach the neck's internal lock. The 2 tabs which the red arrows point to should protrude.

    DON'T PUSH THAT PART OF THE NECK FORWARD/DOWN!!! (Where the front arrow shows the big X)

    To detach the neck from the tabs, push/slide the entire neck to the rear as per the arrow. Don't be in a hurry and do it carefully, you'll get a 'click' once it detaches.


    Looks like this when it detaches. Now you know how that section of the neck moves to the rear don't you? (haha)

    Then we slide the neck down.


    Looks like this when you've moved the neck downwards.

    It's pretty easy once you've come to this part. The next step is to just flop the nosepiece down.


    And so from the side you can see that it's the Battroid's body!!

    Does yours look like this?! (Gotta love all those exclamations)








  3. Well this is interesting, Yamato's official site has steps for precautions when transforming (Not sure if it's been posted). Seems pretty self-explanatory; the grey part that people mentioned before which formed stress marks - it says that you shouldn't push that part forward whatsoever or you'll damage it. My guess is that those 2 tabs are there to stop the neck from swinging forward. Hmmm.


  4. Hmm, I've no real idea actually, don't recall the reason why it had no visor. It's odd, because in the Patlabor game for PS1 that takes place after the end of the TV series, SVU-2 creates a third team for Ingram 3. Eventually its head gets smashed and replaced with what's seen in Patlabor 2.

  5. Oh man oh mannn... wasn't as swayed to buy one but those videos just broke my will, haha. Unfortunately my wallet is broke, too. Thanks a lot Graham for the review and videos. :D Now to get rid of my 1/72 of it somehow, and make room.

    Hmm, the parts falling off their placements reminds me of the 1/48 line, too. Heat shield and the 'locks' specifically, which didn't bother me much. Arghhh talking about it just makes me want to get the YF-19 even more.

  6. If I remember correctly, the only real difference of Movie 1 and TV's Ingram 1 is the colour of the antenna (grey and brownish yellow). Differences between each Ingrams are the heads and shoulders. Interestingly, I think in Movie 3, Ingram 1 had gloves. As to why, no real idea. Originally I thought it was an animation error when I saw it on the big screen, haha.

    Frankly I'm not too impressed with CM's Ingrams, they look rather outdated. =/ The price is a bit much, too. Guess I'll just stick with the MG kits.

  7. Quite a shame for Kuuga though, the first two episodes had something going, from there it just turned pretty silly with an Ultraman-ish style applied and the story didn't really go anywhere with the 'monsters' speaking gibberish. (Baginggu!) Lol.

    But they fixed that up with Agito. :p Kuuga even gets mentioned in it, so it seems they're both in the same universe. I should get around to catching up with Kabuto soon.

  8. Hmm, personally, I'm still fond of Kamen Rider Black (despite it being somewhat cheesy by today's standards) since it's quite dark. I don't really like the bad comedy they try to pull in the newer Kamen Riders, or the bad teen angst stuff which Faiz was kinda plagued with in the latter half. Don't really like the recent designs either, but Kuuga and Agito's designs were good. G3-X. :D :D Of the recent series, Agito is probably still my favourite; it had a certain charm to it.

    Haven't watched Kabuto in its entirety, but heard of the interesting plot on a grand scale. Don't quite dig the characters, found them somewhat annoying. I guess I still prefer the lone hero as per the previous Kamen Riders. Heheh.

  9. http://www.geocities.jp/hetare_d_max/galle...or_INGRAM3.html

    Here's one. I also have this kit, though all the normal (i.e. not Reactive Armoured) Ingram 1-3 kits are more or less the same except for their heads and shoulders. And that Ingram 2 comes with a shotty (we all know why :p). Main gimmicks include the right hand's ability to extend and retract to reach the revolver cannon inside the right leg, which also has a gimmick i.e. when you open it the holder slides up a little. The hand misses the gun just slightly though, the body pretty much has to lean a bit either to the front or side if you wanna pull off a pose.

    The stun stick isn't a gimmick unfortunately; they come with 2 types, one extended and one detracted, the latter easily inserted and removed into the shield. Oh, 3 pairs of hands: open, closed, and one for holding the revolver cannon i.e. your somewhat standard hand with ball-jointed thumbs and moveable fingers. The closed hands have a hole in the middle in which you can insert the stunstick, it's basically 2 parts combined. You'll have to remove them to place the stunstick in. The chest also opens up, too. A nice feature. The pilot can also be removed from the cockpit (provided you don't glue it in place) but it's a bit hard to reach inside to press it back in place.

    The rubber could've covered some areas a bit more, but they do the job. Too bad the wire on the crotch isn't a gimmick. Apart from the shoulder lights, all other clear parts aren't coloured and this includes the 'eyes' but this isn't a difficult problem to overcome. Overall it's a pretty good kit, just don't expect it to be the Revoltech. :p

  10. Yeah, that's a re-release of the MG Ingram 1. Basically Ingrams 1 to 3 (normal and Reactive Armoured) were released, and Griffin Aqua and Flight types. There was also the WXIII version of Ingram 2 which had a LED lighting system for the shoulder lights. Apart from those, there were also the IXTL (crab/spider tank thing from Patlabor the Movie 2) and Command Car EX Model kits which were the same scale as the MG kits if I remember rightly.

    I had the old 1/60 Ingram 1-3 set with the interchangeable parts, didn't like the rubbers since they hindered movement. You pretty much don't get that problem with the MG simply because the joints have screws, so they're quite tight. My MG Ingram 3's right elbow joint broke though, probably because I screwed it too tight; but that's fixed.

  11. I think I've mentioned this before (it's trivial stuff) but if you pay a bit of attention to the dialogue, you'll find out that the first movie actually isn't part of the TV series's universe at all i.e. the mention of Alphonse. The movie was also released a *tad* bit earlier than the TV series, so that sort of makes sense.

    You got back into the series just in time Poonman, the MG kits recently got a re-release after some 4-5 years. :D :D Although I'm still contemplating getting more though, I only grabbed the Ingram 3 before. The rubber's still in good condition all round, except at the forearms although I think that's mainly due to it constantly bending and subjected to more stress as such.

  12. Wow, the Gunbuster sure has a lot of things packed, plus they even managed to engineer it to be quite poseable. Impressive.

    Ahh so that's what the Eva-01 is, I was wondering when I first saw the prototype before. Seems as though they're giving it the refixing treatment like with the Saint Seiya line. Interesting how they reworked the joints so that they're quite well-hidden this time around. Might pick it up. :D

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