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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. If i remember correctly, Shinji Aramaki designed the powersuit that was shown in Halo Legends episode 'Prototype'. And as far as the mentioning of Robotech, it could be more of a passing reference to Aramaki's previous works. Oh and did the special feature really mentions Itano? You know, that guy who made "missile circus"?
  2. How about...take a drink every time there's a close up on the character's face?
  3. Okay, so what Maverick is saying is that Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles is geared more towards intellectual fans? Funny he said that, because last time i checked RT.com, he and MEMO have systematically banned all the intellectual fans who didn't want to conform to their mass delirium. Now it's mostly populated by fans who can't comprehend the hidden underlaying and subset that's hidden within the plot of RTSC.
  4. To Seto: The Genia look more of the same as an Alpha and the only noticeable difference i can see is that they added a few centimeters on the wing tips to give it a bit longer wing span than the Alpha. And also i noticed that the design for Admiral Lisa Hunter in 'Mars Base One' is kinda based on Misa Hayase's Flashback 2012 appearance. Or maybe it's because of the captain's hat? Also, i can definitely see a few 'influences' from Macross Frontier showing up on Shadow Rising, or even on new comics (if they decide to do another mini-series). Like they say if your gonna steal, steal from the best. They've already rip off took some influences from Star Trek, Babylon 5 and god knows how many other sci-fi movies.
  5. Okay, since Tommy Yune can't design a decent Veritech, maybe they can ask Tatsunoko's permission to use the 2007 update of the Legioss for the Shadow Rising feature. They can put it as an experimental Veritech with limited production run and given only to elite squads for testing. Come to think of it, that's a good idea for a fanfiction.
  6. When you said 'original designs'*coughripoffcough* did you mean 'Wings Of Gibraltar' and 'Firestorm'? Now i wasn't able to read those comics, but base on what i read in the internet, the story was supposedly inspired from Macross Plus. Now i do believe there's still a possibility to fix Robotech Sentinel, but it's gonna require a massive overhaul. First, finding a way to put the remaining Macross Saga characters on the back burner and instead focus more on Jack Baker, Karen Penn, Rem and other new characters. Make the Sentinels less goofy. The concept of some of the Sentinels are good but needs to ditch the 70's campness. At least make Edwards motivation clear. In the comics his motivation keeps changing from 'I'll get my revenge on the Hunters!' to 'I want to rule the Galaxy' to 'I'll do anything to save humanity, even if it's means allying with the aliens'. I swear, Edwards changes motivation more than Minmei changes boyfriends. Talking about Minmei... Giving the extra characters some relevance. I mean really, what's Minmei's purpose on the Sentinel other than regretting letting Rick go, and going on a boyfriend binge left and right?[ New Veritech fighters. New Veritech Fighters. New Veritech Fighters.
  7. Speaking of thong, Maverick's movie, apply titled 'Thong', will probably involve Macek, Tommy, Steve and Mav himself wearing nothing but thong for the entirety of the movie.
  8. That's HG's official company theme song btw.
  9. Even if the RLAM get's done and shown on the theater's, it's going to have a hard time competing with other live action movies based on much more well known animes that will also be in theater's by that time. There's Evangelion, Akira, and Cowboy Bebop already in the process of being turned into live action movies. Also add to that a potential third Transformer movie, and it's going to be a very bloody battle for the box office. Additional Update: Robotech panel @ Katsucon:
  10. Well, it looks like they're coming out with another Vinyl Battlepod, this time with the missile pod. I guess this means they're going back to Macross Saga toys? http://toyfair10.asmzine.com/gallery/toynami/index.html http://www.collectiondx.com/article/nytf_2010_toynami
  11. What's next, your gonna tell us that "What About My Star" is a reference to "My Time To Be A Star"? And that the SMS logo ripped off the UEEF logo? It's fun to speculate which character in Robotech draws parallel to a Macross character. Here's a comparison of the UEEF and SMS logos:
  12. Isn't the reason why Protoculture Addict changed from a Robotech fan magazine to a general anime magazine was because of HG trying to shut them down?
  13. Also. does Flashback 2012 have the same messy distribution rights problem like DYRL?
  14. How times change so quickly. I guess we can only thank HG for this. With the way they treat their fans and the franchise, even the most hardcore fans will become so disenchanted and leave the fandom (or come here at MacrossWorld)
  15. In the spirit of fairness, MEMO's side of the story must also be considered in this discussion. I wonder when will he log in so we can ask him some questions. Also, were almost at the end of page 25. When it hits 26, all hell will break loose
  16. And this begs the question: Why would they put the Protoculture Matrix on a warship that may end up getting destroyed? If the Protoculture Matrix is that so important, why don't they place it somewhere safer like in a bunker deep underground in their Headquarters back at Tirol? It's just seem foolish for the REF to put the Matrix on the SDF-3, without thinking over the possibilities that if the SDF-3 ends up in a dire situation (say getting sucked into a black hole ), they are screwed.
  17. Welcome to MacrossWorld Pizza. I have said a lot of offensive things towards you, and i want to apologize, and i hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

  18. From their Programming Info page: So it's not just Macross, they're locked in the US until they can clear the rights for each show.
  19. The chances of anything resembling the VF-1 appearing in the RLAM is zero. And that goes the same for anything resembling the Macross copyrights. The RLAM itself will be a re-imagining of the Macross saga, and all the mecha for that movie will created in-house by WB.
  20. I read that thread and apparently someone is trying to undermine their project. Somebody is telling HG about how UEG is gonna commercialize their Genesis animation, despite the fact that they (UEG) have made it clear already that they won't.
  21. HULU is locked to North America, which makes it kinda sad that we blokes from other countries can't watch. Oh well, there's always Youtube.
  22. Here's a question, based on what we know on Macross Frontier, does this mean that a few of the long range research fleets have at least an older Macross class ship leading them like the SDFN-4 Global? Also, is there any official publication that indicates that the SDFN-4 Global and other ships of its class have a design lineage from the (before refit) SDF-2?
  23. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...genumber=1#post You rage you lose?
  24. Action speaks louder than words, and so far, HG have not yet proven that their geniuses like they say they are. And some of the fans like PTH are already realizing this.
  25. A minor correction, the Supervision Army and the Varauta forces are two different entities. Basically, the Supervision Amy are made up of brainwashed Protoculture and Zentradi under control of the Protodevilins like Beltane said. It was the Supervision Army that waged war against the Stellar Republic/Protoculture that led to the destruction of the latter. The Protoculture managed to win by sealing the Protodevilins on planet Varauta. The Varauta Forces on the other hand are brainwashed UN Spacy military of another NMC Fleet that came to planet Varauta (I can't remember which fleet it was, Macross 11?). It was explained in Macross 7 that when the Macross (?) fleet reached Varauta, they started snooping around, but didn't know that it was on that planet the Protodevilin were sealed, and then well, they accidentally unsealed the Protodevilins and they ended up being brainwashed and became the Varauta Army.
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