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Everything posted by pondo

  1. do you think we might get a new VF-1 over here? Would Yamato make one in Japan? who's got the license for this stuff?
  2. a friend of mine is visiting from Hong kong in a few weeks. My bank account is doomed...........
  3. Thanks guy, I'm the type who really likes their ducks in a row when spending frivolous money on things I don't really need but want badly....
  4. I gotta say, the revoltech regult might be the coolest looking toy I have. When I get a larger display area, I'll get a couple more.......
  5. ain't that the truth. It just sits there, looking pathetic next to my 1/48 cannon fodder. Heck my revoltechs look better than the V1 I have. any links to images (or threads) of this new crotch assembly?
  6. you mean these guys??? 2009 45. VF-1D Valkyrie (2nd Ver.) (2/2009) 46. VF-1S Valkyrie (Maximillian Jenius Custom) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.) (4/2009) 47. VF-1A Valkyrie (Maximillian Jenius Custom) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.) (4/2009) 50. VF-1A Valkyrie (Maximillian Jenius Custom) (2nd Ver.) (5/2009) 51. VF-1A Valkyrie (Hayao Kakizaki Custom) (2nd Ver.) (5/2009) 52. VF-1A Valkyrie (Hayao Kakizaki Custom) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.) (5/2009) 53. VF-1J Valkyrie (Mass Production Type) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.) (6/2009) 54. VT-1 Super Ostrich (2nd Ver.) (7/2009) 55. VF-1A Valkyrie (Mass Production Type) (TV ver.) (8/2009) 56. VE-1 Elintseeker (2nd Ver.) (9/2009)
  7. one of the reason's I'm skeptical is that I recently made the noob mistake of buying a V1 from ebay I feel pretty lame about it.
  8. I'd really like to start getting some 1/60's. Specifically the TV versions. But I keep seeing things about broken shoulders and whatnot. So I'm wondering if that was just on the early V2's. Especially Hikaru's VF-1J and Roy's VF-1s. I notice that those ones came out early on and I'm wondering if they have improved the mold. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1013 This is a great price, but if it's from a poor quality mold, I may just skip it and get a DYRL hikaru instead. Are there any rules to live by with the 1/60 V2.0's?
  9. because there's lot's out there, lets make it easier for us to find 'em! Here's a start! (I'm a n00b so I'm still discovering this stuff) http://www.hlj.com/index.html http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/ http://www.tisinc99.com/
  10. sorry I didn't check the title to make sure I could fit it in there...... I'm looking for online stores, I've only got a couple of yamatos and I'm looking for a third!
  11. I'm getting sick of searching ebay and I keep seeing great links around this place for different online places. Are the links collected any where?
  12. thank you very much. I never really read too much into the hands. I just figgered that with more sophisticated animated, we would see more sophisticated detail.
  13. people around talk about the improvements of design in DYRL, but I don't really see any dofference other than fast/ attack packs or paint schemes. Am I missing something? Also, are there any vf-1j's in DYRL? It seems like the vf-1s and vf-1a are the predominant valk. (or is there a great thread that I haven't found somewhere that goes into detail about this?)
  14. Sorry, I meant english sub. So I take it, there's no "macross approved" file out there in the ether...?
  15. I don't really want to buy overpriced (and possibly poor quality) e-bay bootlegs. And I'd rather not watch them on a low quality streaming site. Is there a legitimate dvd with an english dub? or a good torrent? So..if I AM stuck getting an e-bay region zero copy, is there a way to tell the quality?
  16. ...that final battle scene is pretty darn convoluted. It's pretty hard to tell who's on who's side..... And the action is quite the mess.
  17. I had always understood that DYRL was supposed to be a fictionalized film OF the events of sdf macross. Like a movie made within their world. Hence the liberties with the plot.
  18. so...my 2cents I came to this first as robotech. Then DYRL. THEN the macross series. I absolutely prefer the series. It is the story. It's what happened. And it's a long one. It's exciting, but there's some great moments for reflection. moments that really mean something. There's also a fantastic character arc. Especially for both Hikaru and Minmay. In DYRL, Hikaru met her as a superstar. That completely negates the point of their arcs. It's about his slow journey from being a civilian pacifist into his life with the military. And you can't relly see that without her arc into pop superstardom. The way I see DYRL is like the film Pearl Harbour. It's just a hollywood version of a real life situation. Sure it's condensed and great to look at. But it's those little parts of life that truly defined an event. The parts that aren't there in DYRL, because they had to do a blockbuster flick. If I could have my dream series, they would re-animate the original series and get the robotech voices to perfom the dialogue of the AVG english dub. And here's why, The voices for robotech were simply more natural. Sure, it was a garbage re-edit/dub. But the naturalism of voice acting was pretty great. I REALLY can't handle both Misa and Roy in the macross versions. The japanese portrayal of roy seems more like a parody of the drunk hot shot american stereotype. I loved those great conversations between hikaru and roy in robotech. You could tell that they had history. I know I'll be burned at the stake for my comments.
  19. I've seen that one before. But it's too much of a hybrid between the two designs.
  20. I love the valks, for sure. But even though he was never really made into a transformable toy, I loved the animated design on the G1 skyfire. Have anyone ever made a toy or model of him? Is this thread sacrilege?
  21. okay...well enterprise was a WHOLE other story. But a pretty sweet looking ship....
  22. Although I agree with you on the macross front, I disagree with the star wars prequels. The thing with the prequels is that you saw several advanced affluent civilizations become streamlined into an empire and a universe of have-nots. When the empire took over, they streamlined everything. Consolidated. They even got rid of colour. Everything was white and grey. It was a new regime. The other part of that design choice is that the prequels took place in the centre of the galaxy, Coruscant, naboo, etc... But the Original trilogy took place in the barren wastelands. There were no affluent societies. Only a small band of rebels living on ice planets and such. Heck, I imagine that even the war machines that the rebels used were quite antiquated. If you compared the looks of new york and Nigeria, they would be VERY different.
  23. does anyone here make their own stands?
  24. I wouldn't so much call this a major mistake since I didn't know that version 2.0 even existed. All I knew was what I saw in the "toys" section of macross world. I remember I ALMOST bought a toynami robotech masterpiece until I saw the yamato one..... The saddest thing is realizing how inexpensive they all were in hong kong compared to here. The same 1/48 that i got for $80 over there is $219 here. If I knew back then.......
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