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Everything posted by Vifam7

  1. It's exactly the same as what I posted a few pages back.
  2. Just a note on Gundam markers. If you're using the super thin hardtip pen, the ink inside is lacquer based. However, if you're using Sumiire (panel-lining) Gray #21 with the soft-tip, the ink inside is acrylic based. All of the regular Gundam markers and weathering type markers are also acrylic based.
  3. Just a word of note. If you can, try to acquire copies that contain the original mono audio track. This probably means you need to find the ancient VHS release by Anime Village (which later became Bandia Entertainment USA) or the recent Region 2 Japanese Memorial Box. Or a torrent mentioning that the show has the "original mono audio". The US DVD release contains the re-edited 5.1 sound track which almost every Gundam fan despises. You see, a couple of years ago someone fooled Tomino (or Tomino fooled himself) into thinking that it'll be a good idea to change the sound effects and music placement, as well as re-voice the whole thing by bringing back most (but not all since some were already dead) of the original seiyuu cast. All for releasing the movies on the new media - DVD. The DVDs were released as "Special Edition". Think of it in the same way as George Lucas and his Star Wars Episode 4,5,6 "Special Edition". Yeah, fans did not like (to put it mildly). Like the Star Wars movies, the Gundam movies had to be re-released as "Memorial Box" with the original audio track.
  4. The canopy color should change as the product comes closer to release. It ought to be clear or transparent purple. I'm getting 2 as well. One for battroid mode and one for fighter mode. This way, I won't have to bother with constant parts-forming.
  5. Absolutely. It is one of the most important anime to watch - especially if you like "robot anime" because it influenced a lot of creators (including those of Macross as Focker mentions above). The 3 "First Gundam" movies (also sometimes called the 'Gundam movies trilogy') will do just fine. It's quicker to watch than the TV series, better composed, better animated, and considered more canon. Not to mention that they are very enjoyable. Personally, the movies are my 2nd favorite anime of all time. Just below Macross DYRL.
  6. Just to remind - the poster for the DX Quarter mentions that there is a reason why they chose 20cm for the height. That reason will be revealed in the future. It's a bit cryptic and it tells us they have something else up their sleeves. Perhaps they want to also make a Battle Frontier in the same scale? That would indeed be sweet wouldn't it?
  7. Some kits only come this way. Apparently some people actually like it. These special chrome plate kits have been around for some time.
  8. Looks fantastic in fighter mode. Real good looking landing gears and tires.
  9. It's CONFIRMED guys. Chogoukin Macross Quarter coming our way. Proof is in the poster photo I attached below (found it on the 2-chan board). It was supposedly announced at the Budoukan Macross Frontier Live concert. What's said on the poster: DX Chogoukin Macross Quarter development confirmed! Will be perfect transformation between carrier mode and attack mode. Will also be able to have it in mid-transformation mode. 20cm+ height. Big scale (as in big sized). Reasons as to why in this size will be forthcoming in the future. My comment - 20cm height? Not "big scale" if that's the height in attack mode. However, if that's the height in carrier mode from bottom of the hull to top of the island, then this thing is gonna be HUGE (like maybe 1 meter across?)
  10. I don't know. They're still making GFFs and what's the new Robot Spirit figures made of? Anyone have a Robot Spirit 00 Gundam? This is a partsformer so Bandai may opt to use PVC in certain areas that need strength. Like the crotch and shoulder areas. As for the price, if it is indeed 4800 yen, it's pretty much what I expected. GFF level pricing. We shall see if this will be a parts falling off mess or a nice solid toy. The reviews on the recent GFF Alex with Chobham armor gives me hope.
  11. Probably more accurate this way - head, right/left shoulder, nose, crotch, tail fins, and a special joint for gerwalk mode. I'm guessing that these are the areas that are too fragile to work in PT at 1/100 scale.
  12. November 25th was the original release date. It has since been pushed back to December 25th (that's the date at AmazonJP - some sites has it as "sometime in December"). With the holidays in full gear during that period, I wouldn't be surprised if most stores didn't have stock until early mid January. Not to mention shipping delays.
  13. That's the first time I've ever had someone comment that Dragonar was better than Gundam. Personally I like it too (though admittedly not as memorable as Gundam). Then again I'm an 80's robot anime otaku. I have the Dragonar series as a LD set and DVD set... Btw the SPEC Dragonar from Opening Animation is not exactly an Okawara design. It's more of Okawara design revamped/deformed by Masami Obari (the same guy who did the Mac2 OP animation). Since the opening animation was handled by Obari, he took some liberties with the look. The OP animation Dragonar is thus sometimes called "Bari"gnar by Japanese fans.
  14. Yeah, I think we're getting to that point. The arguments are starting to go around in circles.
  15. To enjoy and appreciate the SPEC Dragonar you only need to watch the Opening animation. The series itself is pretty much forgettable. But the OP rocks! And the toy is of the Dragonar mecha in the opening animation. The Dragonar mecha in the series itself is of a different design. The OP animation Dragonar is much cooler looking (IMHO) The toy itself is superb. Not a thing I can find wrong with it.
  16. The Tamashii website diary says that an all new original model/mold will be revealed on November 5th. No telling what it is though. It could be Macross Quarter. It could be VF-27. It could be VF-171. Just 2 more days and we'll know.
  17. How could the DX VF-25 possibly be on dispay in Akiha when the thing isn't even out yet? Not sure if Bandai is already distributing store samples but with the official release still 2 months maybe 3 months away, the most recent magazine articles still reviewing test shot #1, and the most recent event showing only a painted up test shot #1, it just seems odd. You sure you saw the DX toys?
  18. I don't know if this was ever mentioned here but check out this awesome fan edited video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qWxzmR6vok Watch Kamille give Gyunei, Quess, and Hathaway the smackdown with a little help from Amuro. Do not watch if you haven't yet seen Char's Counterattack.
  19. I'd like to think that Bandai uses the time wisely/carefully to create a quality product instead of releasing a rushed out piece of junk that needs a recall, DIY repairs, or apologies.
  20. Thanks guys for the advice. I know I should strip the chrome plating but this time around I want to keep the sparkling shiny coating on. It's a HG Oowashi Akatsuki Gundam ^^; I generally hate "special coating" kits too. But this one I thought looked quite nice in sparkly gold. Probably because it's a Seed mecha and not something from UC. Thank goodness the MG Hyakushiki is not gold chrome plated.
  21. I would greatly appreciate if some one could give me some tips on how to build those "metallic plate" kits. Such as the 1/144 Imai 4-type "special coating" Valk kits and certain Gunplas like the Hyaku-shiki and Akatsuki. Specifically I'd like to know whether I can panel-line/paint over the coating and how safe it is to use thinner on top of the coating (to remove paint that went outside the lines). Thanks.
  22. Thanks! Much appreciated. I couldn't find a decent pic of the logo in my google searches.
  23. I know what the SMS logo looks like. Does anyone have a good pic of the New UN Spacy logo?
  24. I don't really buy the CG argument. Mainly because I think sometimes CG art can not define the realities of converting it to an actual toy with all the gimmicks and engineering required. Then there's the fact that this is not a frail plastic model. I think that when you ask for use of diecast metal and sturdy construction, it becomes much more difficult to stick slavishly to the CG/line art. Now maybe I'm wrong. But I'm not an expert toy engineer to be certain. I'll give Bandai the benefit of doubt and believe they did they best they could right now. Perhaps in the future they'll have better ideas, revise it, and bring out a Version 2.0 that'll satisfy those who are not happy today.
  25. Thanks polidread! I like this pic. Hikaru in the background is crying over the limited edition Valkyrie model that his daughter just broke. Hikaru: "M..my treasured limited edition Valkyrie model." (SOB)
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