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1 VF-1 2NV

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Everything posted by 1 VF-1 2NV

  1. Yep. Tell me about it. I have mostly everything you listed on pre-order. The space under my Christmas tree will be pretty impressive.
  2. 1 VF-1 2NV


    Can someone who has the computer skills/program/software please do a recolor of the Hikaru vf-1j that Graham recently scanned so I can get an idea how Max & Milla wolud look like . Thanks!
  3. 1 VF-1 2NV


    That isn't Minmay .
  4. Yep, I do agree... some ppl have a somehow 'strange' concept of modesty... My collection is modest (only 4 1/60's, 4 1/72's). But I will get my 1/48!!! mcpaz Yeah I call it modest. I'm certain many MW members have large collections but do not want to show it off, do not want to display it because of "MISB" syndrome , do not have a display case or do not have any room to display, and other personal reasons.
  5. I got it at a local consignment center. Retail about $1000. My wife purchased it for $350 . To answer your question(s), I don't know.
  6. WOW A 1/48 custom VF-1S Max And below that appears to be a custom 1/60 Kakizaki VF-1A Custom Kakizaki 1/60 created by MW member rick vocals !
  7. WOW A 1/48 custom VF-1S Max No custom. I just swapped heads with the roy on the far right. I've got no customizing skills and no time.
  8. and 1/48's currently on display (btw thats alternators smokescreen)
  9. I'd go for the optimus prime.
  10. 1 VF-1 2NV


    I saw one on e-bay go for $180 last week (armor only)!
  11. I was at my local toys-r-us and guess what I saw. A freakin large @$$ radio- controlled subaru wrx that looks exactly like alternators smokescreen. I was about to buy it but found out it cost $99.99. . Is there anyone else out there that saw this thing?
  12. Thanks Dangard. It's about time I get rid of this 3 year old low end computer. . It was only $400 at the time and included a printer and 3 years of free dial-up internet service.
  13. I'm still not getting it. I scanned and tried editing on Presto Pagemanager and Adobe photodeluxe. I can't seem to find the CROP function anywhere. Help !
  14. Sorry Mods, I just realized my pix are taking way too much empty space in the "for sale" section. So how do I get rid of all the extra space? The pictures that I posted are film photographs that I scanned on my scanner and uploaded to the hard drive of my computer. I just scanned and saved. Am I missing a step or two that I could possibly use here on my computer or the boards to adjust size. Anybody ? Please help . Thanks!
  15. Seems like they raised their prices <_< !
  16. Well she gets a kick (and a laugh) out of how I behave when I "play & transform" my valks. She says I act like a kid. Imagine a young man playing with his toys and listening to the beginning track of robotech. Oops?! Did I just say the "R" word ! I better go hide !
  17. I was browsing the forums at VE and came across this SHMOGUN'S SKULL GROUND CREW. Credit goes to SHMOGUN on the forums at VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE
  18. Thanks for the compliment . But don't be fooled. I'm 28 going on to 29 in December. My wife is 24 years old. It's the clothes that make us look young. BTW that pic was taken last New Years Eve. We still look the same though.
  19. That's me on the left. Boy, am I glad I have an understanding wife collecting all these toys. I mean "articulated, precise, transformable, and collectable figures" !
  20. 1 VF-1 2NV

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    You have a valid point there.
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