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Posts posted by myk

  1. Yeah, the new movie will probably suck, so we should just sit in our homes and play with our AVP figures, imagining some fantastic story that will have us up 'till dawn. Heck, I'll even throw in my G-Taste figures to add a little spice.

    A bad movie is better than no movie at all. Who cares if it doesn't shatter our expectations of what an AVP/character franchise movie should be? It's a chance to see two of some of the coolest characters in 'sci-fi do what they do best-kill, kill, kill....

  2. If "all Macross series" includes DYRL, then I would say that Fokker's death was the most "f-ed" up; considering that Hikaru could have saved him but instead chose to save himself and chase after his girlfriend, an act which of course he ultimately screwed up anyways....

    Fokker could have lived! :rolleyes:

  3. Unfortunately, there are a number of programs that have problems with the mobile versions of current video cards, such as the "go". Usually, games/programs will state this incompatibility on the box.

    I would love nothing more than to go outside somewhere, plop down and play a few rounds of DOOM or Black Hawk Down, but it looks like the desktop is where those things will be had...

  4. I'm overjoyed that my lowly, Athlon 2400/FX 5700 Ultra setup is running the game with no glitches at all. Actually, I was hoping that it wouldn't be able to do so as I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade.

    AvP2 meets Resident Evil is my preliminary take on the game, although I'm still trying to decide which game has frightened me the most (Avp or Doom). After all, the fright factor is the only thing that could put an FPS title above the rest. As others in this thread have mentioned, there is nothing new or revoloutionary in the game.

    On another note, I love how the guys at EB ranted about how the game was sold out EVERYWHERE and that fools such as myself who neglected to pre-order were going to have to be left out. I had agreed with them until I walked into Wal-Mart and found their own DOOM3 display with about 50 copies in it....

    I'm enjoying DOOM, but I still find myself reaching for Black Hawk Down in its place sometimes... :rolleyes:

  5. I didn't seem to notice this issue anywhere else in the thread, but did anyone see that Mickey Simon reads Playgirl magazine on his spare time?

    Anyways, I loved the new series although the original OVA ending would have suited this tragic story much better...

  6. Hmph...As long as the money is rightfully yours then spend it as you see fit-who cares what your parents think. As for your girlfriend, she needs to get down on her.......nevermind.

  7. I was flying my '48 Hikaru 1A through my living room, when I just suddenly dropped it. Luckily, even in fighter mode, the only thing that happened was that missiles were all over my floor for about an hour or so.

    As for non-Macross toys, I remember the day that I bought my GI Joe Defiant, I was driving it home in my convertible and a few parts flew off of it on the freeway-luckily I was able to pull off and retrieve them...

  8. The VF-1 Valkyrie. As far back as I can recall, I have always had dreams of being able to just look up into the sky and take off like a bird, then return to the mundane later. When I first saw the multi-mode Valkyrie, I was in complete rapture.

    -Oh, and the stories are good also...

  9. If it wasn't for the fact that modern T-Formers had detachable parts to prevent breakage, my 'Prime never would've made it out of the box alive. I am starting to wish however, that I had bought the Japanese version instead. I didn't think that the short stacks would bother me, but they just look so wrong.

    -Question: In truck mode, is the second grill underneath 'Prime supposed to just barely clear the ground?

  10. I'd have to go with the current and only toy-incarnation of the YF-21 from Yamato. I wish they could've modeled the toy in the same manner as the D'Stance YF-21, as that design was true to the sleekest and, in my opinion, the most beautiful Valkyrie ever. Yamato's version redefines the Chunky Monkey moniker.

    As for the 'Chevy bashing, I hate to agree but I must-my '97 Z28 convertible has been nothing but trouble since I brought it home. I hope that GM's American "REvoloution" promotion means that they've revoloutionized their quality control also.......

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