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Posts posted by myk

  1. That Jihad you are talking about is like the killer bees, it's a fake scare. Iraq is the weakest country of middle-east, and now it would just want to lick its wounds for decades.

    So Jihad's a fake war, eh? Tell that to the 2 or 3 thousand innocent people that died during the attack on the World Trade Center, or maybe even the ones in the Oklahoma city bombing before that, or maybe even the civilian contractors who have been beheaded; or if not then try telling their family and friends that Jihad is just some government scare tactic to keep us "unaware," as you put it.

    I hate to go off topic guys, but I could NOT let that one go...

    It's attitudes like this that make me wonder why I'm trying to enlist in the Army-so I can get cut to bloody shreds, defending the right for people to think and act like an ass...Where is the logic in that, guys?

    Moderator time!

  2. What really sucked about that toy was the landing gear. Just retracting the rears would often result in broken landing gear...It was pretty heartbreaking for me back then, as that abomination was the closest thing to a Valkyrie I could have...

  3. i always enjoyed capcom's game engine since it was always easy to pick up basic combos, throws, and other things...in snk i feel like the characters are sorta "stiff" so at times some of the moves look a little awkward to say the least.

    That nails it exactly.

    -Besides, no one does Mai Shiranui and all of her bounciness better than Capcom....Why else would anyone play these games? :p

  4. 10.)Punky Brewster(Animated): I dunno why NBC and RUby-Spears thought it was a good idea. All they did was animate the TV characters and throw in a cute fuzzy creature in it just for the sake of ratings. The result, a really bad saturday morning cartoon...

    Punky Brewster animated?! Man, yet another reason to be ashamed for being a part of the 80's....

    I believe that the reason Punky was animated because they secretly knew that Soleil Moonfrye would grow up to be a smoking hot piece of a@@....

    Oh, top 10 least favorite.

    1. Captain Planet

    2. Captain Planet

    3. Captain Planet

    4. Captain Planet

    5. Captain Planet

    6. Capain Planet

    7. Captain Planet

    8. Captain Planet

    9. Captain Planet

    10. Initial D

  5. So some of us have a problem with capitalism now? First off, it's not the fault of the vendor for the lack of initiative that those collector's showed in buying their 1S's. You snooze, you lose. Secondly, what's wrong with making a profit? A low supply creating a high demand and then finally an opportunity to make a good profit (for both Tisinc AND Yamato) is what modern economics is all about folks...

    Jesus, this ain't a charity drive. Should these 1S's be given away then?

  6. I personally felt more inclined to care about the story and characters in the first MGS, but as far as my opinion goes #2 just gave us the same end-of-the-world-story that was made more "complex" to keep pace with the obvious technological advancement in gameplay, graphics, etc.

  7. I don't think its the best game in the world but it's a hell of alot better in my opinion than BC. But they sure do tease you alot and lovin it about not being able to pilot an Alpha....:(

    What? You can't pilot an Alpha? Oh no.

    One of the main attractions in the Macross-Mospeada/Robotech worlds is the fantasy of taking flight in a fully transformable Valkyrie/Veritech. To be stuck on the ground in a Cyclone for the duration of the game is, to put it lightly, one of the most droll and ridiculous ideas I have ever heard of. Say what you will about Battlecry, but being able to buzz around and shift on the fly while duking it out with other mecha with missiles flying everywhere is more fun than anyone here is willing to admit that they had...

  8. Environment? Considering that none of us from today will be around to see the results of our self indulgent natures on the environment, I have to wonder why anyone cares?

    Let's face it-the majority of us do not care about the environment, it's the high cost of gasoline that everyone is so fired up about. But is that the fault of SUV/gas guzzling operators such as myself? Yes, but not entirely. It's the oil companies that are to be blamed here. Everyone on this planet could drive a Suburban and the subsequent demand wouldn't automatically require a ridiculously high cost of gasoline; that high cost is the decision of the people in control of the oil.

    Cut the demand for oil and switch to hybrids, or some other form of transportation you say? Yeah right. No one will ever embrace that idea, and the gas guzzling vehicle makers and expensive gasoline supplying oil companies are only too happy to oblige us...

  9. I guess I prove to be the freak of the bunch again, as I prefer CSI Miami over the original, and I'm certain the same will prove true with the new CSI starring "Lt. Dan". I don't see what the problem with Caruso is-I enjoy the cool, calculating manner of his, not to mention the gorgeous Emily Procter and the cute southern girl she plays. I really do wish they hadn't killed Speed though, as he was the character I felt I could relate to...

    I am still saddened at the loss of the Practice, and I am truly afraid of the the Melrose Place styled Boston Legal that is being spun off of it.

    Any other shows this season to me are irrelevant. Why? Because my rabbit ears can't pick up any other stations...

  10. Giggle Giggle. I love Boba's new voice.

    Anyways, with as much as 'Lucas has accomplished with his "Empire" it is obvious that he caters to no one other than his own whims. As for regarding him as an artist or a whore, he could be either one or a combination of both, but he is neither. He does what he does, simply because he is earned the right and the position/power to do so. Purist fans don't like the new editions-who cares. Other fans love the new editions-doesn't matter. Critics harp on his new editions-so what. This is Lucas' vision and direction and that is all there is to it. Anything else that is said or done regarding this issue is irrelevant.

    PS: We should be happy for him, in that he has come to the point that he can do what he wishes with his story, which is a far cry from the days when the movie studios were pressuring him to change this, that and the other thing. If the studios and other pressures of giving birth to STAR WARS (funds, limited technology) had had their way, NONE of this may have ever happened.

    Be glad for his freedom and respect his decisions...

  11. Sigh....Here we go again with the needless bashing of Clash of the Bionoids, a work that I insist to be the greatest version of the seminal DYRL movie, complete with Kung-Fu movie style English accented dubbing.

    Finally, I'm amazed that people have to be polarized when it comes to Macross or "that other series". It MUST come down to a choice of liking one, or the other, lest your soul be damned for eternity. The possibility of liking both series escapes the mind, I guess...

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