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Posts posted by myk

  1. Expensive Valks are like breasts - only dads get to plays with them. ;)

    LOL-That should be the case, however a trip down to any local high school will reveal that Dads aren't the only ones that are playing with Valks and Breasts....

    -Hmm...Valks and Breasts, I think that's going to be the name of my Macross themed strip joint/bar....I'll open it up right behind the Valkyrie Exchange....

  2. myk-were did you get it for $4??

    there was a review of it on the old boards. it's different than the cheapie $5 bootlegs from the old days. the plastic is better and there are actually diecast parts in it besides the screws.

    for $15 and under i think its excellent fodder for a beginning customizer.

    Oops, looks like I forgot I had ever posted in this thread. As some of us have said, 'So-cal Wal-Marters can pick up these guys for as little as 4 dollars.

  3. Bah.

    The 'Low Vis. still holds my attention as THE limited edition Valkyrie that happens to look beautiful as well. All black is a nice idea, but hardly worth the commotion especially if only 3 of them are to be produced. Also, the VF-1 does not strike me as a stealth type of vehicle; they should've done an all black '21-FP instead...

    Personally, I'd rather see an Angel Birds Valkyrie, or something along those lines...

  4. buffy tyler is an excellent call! but can she act?

    No need to worry about that mate, good acting hasn't been a requirement in movies for quite some time...

    I will have to buy that statue though, even though with all of my G-Taste statues there isn't enough room for all of this boobage...

  5. For once I find myself rooting for the "other side" to die off, lose, be defeated, etc, even though Shin disappointingly carries on the typical anime-main character stereotype of being the clueless wonder. Obviously it's the intention of the story writers, but I've always felt that Nora and her wingman are so arrogant it's annoying. DIE DIE DIE!!!

  6. [ For once, please get out of this SUKOKU mentality and acknowledge that Japan is not the center of the universe, and that the Sun rises in all parts of the world, not just Japan.[/color]

    Unfortunately, isn't that the mindest of the Japanese culture?

  7. I picked up the Galaxy Defender VF-17 today, for a mere 3.98. Considering the low price tag, it isn't a bad deal. Besides, robots that turn into jets and then back again is what got most of us here in the first place...

  8. I just saw the movie this evening as well. I don't think I've ever sunk so low in my chair as I did with this movie, as I tried to hide myself from the far too many embaressing moments in the story.

    -----------------SPOILER ALERT?---------------------------

    Generally, the glaring fault that I find with AVP is not the action or even the story if you can believe that, rather the way that they executed the story and its characters. For example, both Alien and Predator films envoked great tension and an underlying fear of some horrific event that was to come next. In this movie, the rushed pace of the story cheats the fear factor of the aliens and predators, reducing them to just two sides of creatures trying to kill one another with ignorant humans caught in the middle of the conflict. Heck, even the humans in AVP didn't seem particularly afraid of the aliens or predators. Do any of you remember the way "Dutch" and his squad initially reacted to the predator? Or the way Lambert was paralyzed with fear and reduced to tears in the garage decks of the Nostromo as the Alien cornered her?

    That of course brings me to another issue, which is the acting. Te-rri-ble. These guys must have been picked fresh out of your local high school drama club, with the exception of Tom Cruise's cousin who played one of the wimpy soldiers. 'Lex, the main human character, did NOT convince me that she was caught in the middle of a galactic war between murderous creatures bent on bloody murder. The other actors/characters were so bland and meaningless that they were literally just "hosts" to give birth to the Aliens.

    In summary, my greatest criticism is the lack of fear, suspension, tension, drama or whatever term fancies you, as Alien and Predator characters and their films relied on such things to move us and our emotions-it's what has made them so memorable over the years but it is not the case now.

    I must say that I enjoyed the fight scenes, if you want to call them that. Both Aliens and Predators took a healthy share of killing and being killed, making things a bloodfest, which is the way an encounter such as this should be. If any of you are fans of the games then this movie may at least do you justice in that way, however look for no other means of satisfaction in this motion picture...

  9. Christ. Doesn't anyone research their subject before they make a major motion picture about it anymore? If these goons had just played the AVP games and just went with any impressions received from those games, I'm sure that the movie would have been THAT much better. What were these people thinking? I wonder if any of the crew have even watched the original movies...

    -As a follow up to my post in the other AVP thread, I am gathering my AVP figures, G-Taste statues and camcorder as you read this...

  10. Problems with the 5700 Ultra? Well, earlier I had been running in Medium quality and at a low resoloution; I didn't notice anything until I put the game into High Quality mode and a higher resoloution. Even then, the only glitches I get is when I open a door/hatchway. Other than that, the game still runs smoothly for me.

    -Who here is with me when I say that the chainsaw is the best weapon in the game?

    -Is there anyone else who's having trouble maintaining their sanity in dark rooms?

  11. That's quite an ordeal. Have any of you heard about possible action against compact discs? Supposively, an individual could snap the disc into shards and use them in a "malicious" manner.

    At some point, we will all have to travel completely naked.

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