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zeus the zentran

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Everything posted by zeus the zentran

  1. You don't happen to have a torrent with a pulse for that 397792[/snapback] Try it again as it is working. 397808[/snapback] 398032[/snapback] Sadly I'm using a library computer I'll have to do when I go to Delaware for a couple days.Thanx guys.
  2. You don't happen to have a torrent with a pulse for that 397792[/snapback] Try it again as it is working. 397808[/snapback]
  3. I think it would be wonderful if the Tezuka Museum sent a touring exhibit to the U.S.It's sad when most main stream bookshops don't carry his stuff but have tons of copies of Fruits Baskets.I guess the almighty dollar dictates that but if wasn't for Tezuka there would be no anime or manga.
  4. I was wondering when the new Phoenix will coming to the U.S.?Because I know they played at the Museum of Modern Art's anime exhibition last year in N.Y.C. and where can I get a good fan sub of Phoenix 2772?I have the Austrailian dub on VHS and it's okay I guess for an unedited dub done 20 years ago.
  5. I'm sure as hell glad Disney didn't do it.How would the copyright struggle between Nizaki and Matsumoto affect this project I wonder?I guess people are trying to fill the void left by Star Trek and Star Wars now.I thibk it would rock if they adapted the Lensman books in 1930's future vision style in live-action though.The producer who's doing this what else did he do?
  6. Yes it's defintely worth it.I played the bonus features at Fancy Pants Cinema this apst Tuesday in Philadelphia and the host of that was in it too Scott Johnston who also hosts the burlesque show Peek-a-Boo review.
  7. Retrocamel productions would like footage and stories of the convention experience from all angles for a feature documentary.Be it anime,sci-fi and so forth.Call 1-215-423-4765 or e-mail retrocamel@yahoo.com
  8. On April 8th,2006 11am-4:30PM at the Central Free Library of Philadelphia 1901 Vine st.Phila.Pa.19103 Retrocamel productions will show Marine Boy,Prince Planet,Forbidden Planet,and the Mysterians on the big screen and it's free!!!!!Visit http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/RETRO...SANDPRODUCTIONS or call 1-215-423-4765 for more info.
  9. On March 16th 2006 5-10pm in the Fishtown area of Philly,Pa. at the Coral Street Arts house Retrocamel Movie night will start it's monthly run on every third Thursday of the month.Our first features will be the Giorgio Moroder version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Rock n' Rule.Befor every feature each month we will play an episode of Marine Boy.We will dedicate ourselves to play the best in cult cinema,anime,sci-fi and horror. The address is 2446 Coral Street,Phila.Pa.19125 and call 1-215-423-4765 for more info. Thanx!
  10. Hello brothers and sisters, Otaku Unite!!!!!the documentary on anime fandom is now on dvd through Central Park Media.This documentay toured the convention circuit before finally being released.I'm dressed as Harlock in the extras section under the footage marked premiere coverage that was shot at the Philly Film fest two years ago.Now as new Philly resident it makes me even prouder.so run out and get Otaku Unite and support filmaker Eric Bressler who's one heck of a guy.
  11. Thanx guys.Can you recomend any good sites?I like to put them as links on the Zentrancon site and 1st State A.C.M.E. sites.
  12. I just finished the Tetsujin 28 anime remake.Whean was that made?Was that the Gigantor remake that broadcasted on sci-fi channel?And when is the live-action movie coming out?Sadly I missed it at Otakon.And any background info on the creator Yokohama and his influence on anime and such.I know he also created Giant Robo which was the basis for Johnny Socko and the recent anime.
  13. I have to say I do agree with Keanu Reeves because other than playing surfer driftwood dumbasses he sucks.I feel Matrix is souless garbage that tries to be like Megazone 23 and fails badly.I love Bram Stoker's Dracula all except for Keanu.What da fart was Coppola thinking?Cary Elwes wouldn't been a better Jonathan Harker.I do disagree strongly with the Wilson brothers and Kirsten Dunst. The Wilson brothers I like them in the Wes Anderson movies in which Owen co-wrote most of them.There is some talent there.It shows he's probably different in reality than his characters and that he can help turn out intelligent scripts and I thought his character from Life Aquatic was a step in the right direction being most of his characters were very self-absorbed and very flawed.I felt he brought a sincere approach to the that role.As for Ms.Dunst.I feel she is good actress especially if you look at her early movies like Interview with a Vampire and Mother Night.She has survived better than a lot of child actors.Yes she is beautiful girl,however she needs meatier roles like she did as a child if she wants staying power.
  14. I'm a big of the DIC show Ulysees 31.Can anyone give any links to good websites?I'd be thankfull.
  15. Philadelphia City Paper has just released an article on us check it out http://www.citypaper.net/articles/2005-10-13/mixpicks3.shtml
  16. August 27th at the Central Free library Philadelphia,Pennsylvania 1901 Vine Street Zentrancon Anime Matinee will occur from 11am-4:30 pm with special guest Eric Bressler director of Otaku Unite.He will screen his film along with classic anime and live-action Japenese sci-fi. Call 1-215-423-4765 or visit http://www.geocities.com/zentrancon for more info.
  17. Corrine Orr voice of Trixie from Speed Racer and Marine Boy will be a guest at Zentrancon October 16th at the Rotunda 40th and Walnut Street in Philadelphia,Pensylvania. http://www.geocities.com/zentrancon
  18. Personally I hope it's not a remake.I hope they tell about the events before PT.3 I hope they get the original voice actress that played Eve back.I keep frogetting her name but she blows Mara Ijima out of the water in my view.I'm glad Mikimoto's back doing animation too.The anime community needs him back because lately character designs for a lot of anime has been dull to me.
  19. We just tweeked the message board and also we have a web site now http://www.geocities.com/zentrancon We also are holding an art contest fro artists for artists to come up with different outfits for our mascot Fuko.See web page for details.
  20. Hello Macross World, I'm writing this to announce that Delaware Anime Society and Zentrancon Entertainment is proud to present Zentrancon at the Rotunda 40th and Walnut Streets in the University City Area of Philadelphia October 16th from 12-10pm we will have showings of classic anime/sci-fi shows and features,costume contest,post-apocalyptic fashion show,dealers,and artists.Special guests will include Eric Bressler director of the documentary Otaku Unite and more to be announced.If any dealers are interested e-mail at zentrancon@yahoo.com or call Chuck Andrews at 1-215-423-4765.Tables will be 30.00 each.Do it soon because space is limited and will go quickly.Also on August 27th,we wil have the Zentrancon Anime Movie matinee including a screening of Otaku Unite with Eric Bressler doing a Q and A session at the Philadelphia Free Library Main Branch on Benjamin Franklin Parkway across the street from the Franklin Institute science museum and the Academy of Natural Sciences.Also check out the photo section of the site with pics from Space Giants,Star Blazers,Ultraman,etc. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zentranconphiladelphia
  21. sorry screwed again. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zentranconphiladelphia
  22. Oh and the message board address is http://groups.yahoo.com/zentranconphiladelphia e-mail: zentrancon@yahoo.com phone: 1-215-423-4765
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