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Posts posted by Einherjar


    I'm not sure how PB could be considered experts in RPG making. They made one game system in the '90s and have milked that format since. I personally consider their system utterly outdated and unplayable. I only used their books as tech manuals, and even for that they were inadequate. They are also clearly not experts in wargame making - in that case they would have been able to actually make a complete wargame.

    Honestly, I don’t know much about that industry.  But I do know you and a lot whole lot of other people collectively gave PB so much support over the years, and over a million dollars just in the last decade, despite their flaws, got burned, and now hoping people are willing to do it again for other companies that might do it better.


    Well, the board games are and have always been on a seperate license. So they are unrelated. SMG's first game was announced on SDCC 2017 (or earlier), meaning at least in July 2017. Palladium announced the loss of their license on February 28, 2018, and it took affect some time in April or May. Of course, HG probably knew that they would need to find a new RPG/wargame maker earlier than that, but they would of course not be able to breach a contract.

    It rubs me the wrong way that this is essentially jumping ship from one long term investment project once helmed by experts in the RPG/ war game/miniature industries that didn’t work out to a whole bunch of them at the same time and hoping against hope that some of them will pan out.

  3. 3 hours ago, JB0 said:

    No one has anything to say about letting the micronians "reap the whirlwind"? We've got a much-requested furmanism!

    Ugh, so there are possibly 23 other stock quotes of his in this comic.  Any involving a knife is probably a given.

    Looking at the wiki page again.  ”Worst case of indigestion (x) ever had.”  Seriously? :blink:

  4. 13 hours ago, RavenHawk said:

    What kind of a sadist are you, expecting us to read these a second time to look for Furmanisms?

    (and no, I didn't notice any the first time through, but I wasn't really looking; I was too caught up in how far his writing has fallen)

    Shouldn’t the fact that Furmanisms are a thing be a clue about the quality of a guy’s writing, even if fans are kind of crazy over there?  But to be fair, I looked into it to get an idea what kind of people would come up with my memorable quote from the comic so far.  It was probably, hopefully, not him.

  5. So anyway, congratulations Nova’s mom, you are the latest token shoutout to Southern Cross since that new animation from Love Live Alive.  Hope you get more development beyond being name dropped as Nova’s mom as this comic’s storyline continues to spiral out of control.

    Wait a minute.  That means Nova’s future dad will take HER last name.

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