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Posts posted by Einherjar

  1. Let's be honest here, all things considered the Macross and Robotech universes are full of weird, ridiculous secondary material that shatter any idea that either are gritty, super serious stuff.  The difference is that HG is so insecure about it they have a hard time moving past episode 85, or 36,  and rather not talk about their adventures with space bears, space amazons, rock people, Jean Grey imitators, Cylon rejects, not-spice, 90's 3D, space school, J-pop idols as written by Americans, and time parodox shenanigans unless the franchise was in real dire straits.

  2. Some creators are secure about themselves and their universe to include space whales, space vampires and space sloths without any regrets whatsoever (7). They’re even okay with salvaging ideas that really didn’t make the cut, like mind controlling singers (II) and songstress controlled doomsday weapons (zero) and make them work, even if it takes years of development to payoff.

  3. 15 hours ago, jeniusornome said:

    Trying to tie them together was a neat idea, and the whole time loop thing was ambitious and one of those "if done right would be awesome" ideas, but there was no follow-through. At least, none worth speaking of. There still hasn't been. :(

    I stand by what I said months ago - forget this garbage and watch Orguss instead.

  4. On 9/13/2019 at 7:38 AM, Solid Hayate said:

    Robotech has always been in dire straights for almost 3 decades. There's just absolutely no way anyone worth their salt is seriously going to work with them, as their notoriety, infamy and hate make associating with them a reputational death sentence.


    I take it you have no idea what a Transformers alumni just did with the franchise.

  5. 3 hours ago, Dynaman said:

    She is not exactly dead, just went away somewhere.  I agree, even dead is better then the evil villain castoff tramp she ends up in the older stuff.

    That ending has a "we ran out of money and wrapped up 36 episodes in 24" vibe going.  Granted I'm not reading anything but the preview pages but things sure seemed rushed.

    To me, this whole venture started out as a reboot, then drifted into an attempt to do metaphysical reboot with the universe, then got all the window dressing you would see from an anniversary show, and ended in the most half assed, self serving way possible.  Think Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse, or even Macross 30, except that trip down memory lane (anything made after episode 85 of the show) is filled with material of questionable quality and merit in the real world yet presented in a positive light.  Oh, and toss in the virgin (?) blood sacrifice of a Japanese idol as an egregious way to fix everything.

    And to top it off, Brian Wood, I think he was the main guy in charge of this series at one point, couldn't even stay to see this to the end.  The Transformers guy has top billing for it.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bolt said:

    Along the lines of "bad publicity is better than no publicity " , hg is probably very happy with MW forums.  I'm sure KM would spin this into something positive for his pals. "See, even Macross fans who hate  us cant stop talking about rt!"


    I may have cost them a Kickstarter, and everything done since (like this comic book) is just fallout from it. ^_^

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