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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Yep. I want as many different valks as can be made. While I think the battroid mode is a little uninspiring, the fighter mode looks great. Would love to have one with a VF-X Ravens paint scheme or at least one of the other U.N. Spacy paint schemes rather than the Zolan one. It would be great if they made FAST packs for one also.
  2. I felt that way with the full armor 25S. That blasted thing was such a huge pain in the ass when trying to transform it with the armor on. It was less frustrating to just take it all off and put it back on again after transforming it.
  3. Even the prototype pics of the VF-19S shows a red tinted clear visor, so I wouldn't worry. The fact that the Kai's eyes were painted had to do with the swappable faceplate.
  4. The Quarter and Monster are mostly fine because they use a lot of ratcheted joints and lack any ball joints (other than the head and hands on the Quarter). The ball joints on the DX valkyries however have loosened up for a lot of people, myself included. I'm willing to bet money that the same joints will get floppy on the upcoming renewal releases of the VF-25 as well. The upside is they tampo print most of the markings visible on the cg models in the animation which themselves don't seem to have any "no step" markings aside from the VF-171's.
  5. A New Macross class carrier I mean. Examples being Battle 7 from Macross 7 and Battle Frontier and Battle Galaxy from Macross Frontier. Image Source: Macross Mecha Manual Edit: I meant Macross Frontier.
  6. That's just a painted resin prototype. You can see the white areas where the blue paint has chipped off of what would have otherwise been blue plastic. Yamato always seems to have stuff propping up their resin prototypes. Definitely not a worry.
  7. How is the YF-29 badly flawed? I'm not aware of any issues other than the joint looseness and poor paint adhesion that plagues all of Bandai's DX valkyrie releases. I suppose one other issue I have on mine is that the pink area on one of the wing mounted engines is only half painted, but that's mainly a cosmetic detail as well.
  8. There's already a thread on the first page devoted to the VF-19S, F and P >.> But thanks for the effort anyway
  9. I think the only Bandai release that included stickers was the VB-6 so people could choose their own nose art.
  10. Are people really buying it for that much? It was only just released this year. Not sure why Bandai doesn't do another batch if demand is high enough that people will pay that much for one.
  11. Some more Frontier stuff. Really wish Bandai would come out with a New Macross carrier.
  12. Just checked the link. It still shows: Stock status Now on sale Temporary sold out That seems like a good sign to me that it's selling well despite there probably being a lot of people waiting to get the full armor package. Hopefully the good sales numbers will get Bandai to release the VF-25S w/ full armor in retail. I hope the armored version will look as good as the 1/72 model with the same colors. That looked pretty badass. The armor color on the DX version was just completely wrong among other things.
  13. I agree. I think I will tint mine with a tad bit of gray to take the edge off the stark whiteness when I get it.
  14. I have, but more to keep weathering and panel lining I've applied from rubbing off the glossy plastic while transforming them than to keep the paint from coming off. Whatever is likely to scrape the paint off is just as likely to scrape the clearcoat off and it might still take the paint with it.
  15. If the feet were that big in battroid, it would be way too big in fighter mode. It wouldn't even fit back inside the leg.
  16. Well, I'm not sure about your method, but one easy way is to just pull the info right from your browser's cache Load all the pics in the viewer and then look in the cache. For Firefox, just type about:cache and view the list entries. You guys would see something like "http://www.yamato-toys.com/photo_data/viewzoom/11/1956/a/001b.jpg?1317660614858" as the URL. Then download if you want. Edit: You can also pull the file from your hard drive since it should be already there. For Firefox, clicking the cache entry will also show "file on disk:" followed by its location.
  17. Wow! That looks awesome. I'm especially liking that battroid mode pic.
  18. RAAAWR! König Monster! Pics of it seem to be rare. Not sure if it's because people don't like it, don't have it, or both.
  19. I think you meant to post this in the VF-19 Kai thread? Anyway, this review has already been lambasted and ridiculed Linky to the ridicule
  20. Ooooh, great pics from everyone. Mecha pr0n for all. Let's crank it up some more. This thread goes to 11! whew... all done. Edit: made pics links to larger versions.
  21. Nah, that's just battle damage. It's an undocumented feature!
  22. Hmmm, yep. Ozma is definitely much better sculpted and painted than the YF-29's blobble-head Alto.
  23. Alright, something a tad newer then? Edit: made pics links to larger versions.
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