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Posts posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. 56 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Seeing that Bandai is notorious on not finishing a line. Assuming that Arad’s 31AX will get released, what do you guys think the chances that its Armor Set will also get made even though it wasn’t featured in the last movie? Zero? I mean Bandai didn’t made his 31 Supers even though it was in the series. So I’m just curious with his color coordinated Delta Movie Armor. Hehehe. :lol: 

    Yeah, I would say zero chance. They don't even bother making the stuff that does show up, much less things that never do 😛

    Also, there's not even any art of it in the booklet that came with the Zettai Live blu-ray. It shows all 5 with supers on, but only Hayate, Mirage, Chuck, and Bogue 31's have armors in the booklet. So maybe with the supers, but no armor for Arad. Would have to get one of the other 31AX armor sets and paint the accent color to match his supers if an Arad version is desired.

  2. 5 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    I've often wondered the same thing. My best guess is that there's an assumption on the part of the manufacturer as to what the consumer will want to work with. Toys, theoretically, should be ready to interact with right out of the box. Stickers are easy to apply, and historically decals have not been included with toys, so it might be that simple.

    I'm sure it's mostly this. At the very least, Yamato had shown they were capable of of making waterslide decals. They included them with the kit versions of the VF-1 and SDF-1 which had to be essentially built like a model which is for a more specific subset of the fanbase. Also decals are more delicate than stickers.

    That said, the stickers look like crap, especially if you just peel them off as is and apply them without trimming the clear parts away. It wouldn't kill them to include both stickers and decals so people at least have the option. OR just sell them separately if they want to be greedy about it and let them be available through online stores like HLJ, Anime-Export, etc.

    I'm already paying $12-20 for 3rd party decals sheets when available, but that's just it... "when available" and they often aren't for most things.

    Give us the frickin' option, Arcadia! I like your stuff, but knowing there's no waterslide decal alternative to those crappy stickers makes it harder to want to buy your non-premium finish editions (if there is even a premium finish version available).

  3. 39 minutes ago, MKT said:

    Great observation! Not sure how I feel it being a 100% downscaled copy of Yamcadia's. Perhaps it is a good thing. I do hope the Chogokin version will bring some new innovation though.

    The DX version does look like it has the mechanisms of the DX YF-19 from what little I can see of it. It doesn't have the chunky wing hinge and has similar folds and flaps on the top as the DX YF-19 has. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Reïvaj said:


    The HMR definitely has the YamArcadia gap.

    It also has the fatter intake lip that the YamArcadia VF/YF-19 have as well as the groove in the gullet below the cockpit for you to wedge a fingernail into which is not present on the Bandai VF/YF-19's. Hmm, the hinge connecting the wing to the leg is also identical to the YamArcadia implementations compared to the Bandai VF/YF-19. 

    The HMR really does seem like a downscaled Yamato VF-19 Kai after looking at it more closely.

  5. I like both the Arcadia and Bandai YF-19. However, I do feel the Bandai one edges out the Arcadia one, because of the tampo printing (although a bit too much. Two steps forward, one step back...), the lack of a deep groove in the inner thigh (I hated how the Arcadia version required separate pieces to cover that groove), how the space on the inner side of the legs for the arms to fit into the leg is covered up nicely, lack of gap in fighter mode at the knees, integrated neck cover built into the shield (makes it actually perfect transformation), and included heavy weapons attachment which was a nice extra. Also the ankles were not floppy like the Arcadia. 

    The Arcadia wins with regard to how the wings fit better with the FAST packs on and doesn't have that stupid tab sticking out like on the Bandai. The official photos with the supers on were basically false advertising.

    IMO, the Bandai one was executed better overall.


    However, based on what we were shown of the Bandai YF-21 so far, I have to say that the over-14-years-old toy from Yamato is superior to what Bandai was able to come up with. If we can't have something that's great in fighter and battroid modes, I'd prefer something that at least excels in one mode instead of something that compromises greatly on and looks mediocre/bad in both (yes, I've left out GERWALK simply because it's a mix of the other two modes. If it's bad in the other two modes, worrying about GERWALK is a moot point). It's sad since I've been wanting a new YF-21 made to modern standards. My hopes were high after what they were able to pull off with the VF-19 Adv/YF-19... 

    Here's to hoping that Arcadia can pull off a great revision to the YF-21... and put out a premium finish for it because I'm so done with stickers and having no perfect waterslide decal alternatives.

  6. 2 minutes ago, wm cheng said:

    Yes, shipping has really gotten out of hand, I can easily drop $40-50cdn FedEx/DHL shipping on a new Valk and another $40-$50cdn on Brokerage, Customs & Duties - it can be 50% the cost of the toy nowadays!  Just crazy, I think this Pandemic/Supplychain issues have just let the corporations the perfect excuse to pump up their profits horrendously in all facets of life.  Toys are going to be my number one area to cut back on when a bag of 10kg rice was $16.99cdn last year and now its 7kg (in the same 10kg bag!) for $29.99cdn!!!

    Sorry I digress, but yes, the shipping is REALLY painful nowadays.

    That's plain awful. I moan about the shipping costs being up to $60, but I'm thankful I don't have to deal with customs and duties on top of that. 

    Rising fuel costs and high inflation really sucks.

  7. 4 hours ago, twich said:

    I too would love a redo VF-27 in either color with matte finish!


    I would love if they actually improved the mold a bit too. The super and green one was basically a v1.5 with an improved hip/crotch, using the renewal VF-25 mechanism. But it still lacked the detail and refinement that the renewals had like panel lines and such, which they tried to compensate for by way overdoing the tampo printing, plastering random markings and stuff everywhere.

  8. 2 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Do you think the thrusters might light up, or is that just some weird coloring?


    It kind of looks like it will. The dark shapes behind the clear pieces look like they could be LEDs. Even if they aren't lights, I hope they leave it easy to disassemble to allow for modding.

    Is it me or do the side panels on the leg in that pic look removable? Like... say... for a city?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Robin-11 said:

    I thought so too but i had to change my mind. I did buy some WD for the VF-1 but first it's really hard to find white decals, most of them are red or black and they don't go will with the blue chassis of the YF-21 in my opinion. Second a YF-21 in a 1/60 scale is much bigger than a VF-1 in the same scale. Probably i should go with a 1/48 scale(which are not so easy to find). At this point i should just try my luck with the ones included in the Hasegawa kit but i heard they are terrible.

    I just edited my post. Check the first link.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Robin-11 said:

    O my...they look really good! Such a huge improvement from the stickers from Yamato! Great work on the weathering too...subtle but really well done. Who needs a Bandai DX when you have a YF-21 like yours. 

    Amyway, are those stickers still available somewhere?

    They're from many years ago, so I doubt it. However, you have better options now as you can go to ebay or other places and get some 1/60 waterslide decals for the VF-1 and they should work just fine. 


    Something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/392912244406?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JBPAMr0eQYi&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


    Avoid this though. https://www.ebay.com/itm/132263930355?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eQq8BKGURZ2&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

    The No Step actually say "NO STLP"

  11. 4 hours ago, Chunky001 said:

    Yeah, those stickers suck. Mine are all still on their sheets in the boxes for this reason. I hope you're able to find waterslides.:good:


    Yeah, I hated those stickers from Yamato back in the day. They continued using those double or triple layer sandwich monstrosities until the VF-11 or VF-1 v2. I forget exactly. The corners on the top layer would also start peeling.  Even the later ones were still kind of thick, but still not nearly as bad. 


    I had used stickers meant for the VF-1 from @takatoys back then for most of the markings. They weren't waterslides, but they were a huge improvement over what came with the YF-21. Trimmed properly, they looked pretty decent.



  12. 2 hours ago, MKT said:

    Hope the intake details will be painted, otherwise they shouldn't bother with them at all.. I hardly display Bandai valks with intake covers off for those with unpainted intake details as they will look cheap (although it can be an easy DIY job).

    Even if painted, they'd still look cheap. The VF-25 and YF-29 fans in the primary intakes were especially egregious. At least the DX VF-1 fans have sharper, more defined details. 

    In my opinion, Yamato/Arcadia generally did better in that area. That and painting the landing gear. It's funny that Bandai and can cover their valks in tampo to the point of overkill (see VF-27 super, DX VF-1, YF-19, YF-21 prototype), but can't be bothered with painting basic things like the intakes and landing gear.

  13. 3 hours ago, Chunky001 said:

    Come on Bandai. WE WANT CLEAR STAND ADAPTERS! Sheesh.<_<

    That said, this has got to be the most flattering angle I have seen of the Bandai in Fighter.


    The profile from that shot looks slimmer than I thought they'd be able to manage.

    2 hours ago, Ignacio Ocamica said:


    That gives some hope that some revisions may be made, but only a glimmer of it.

  14. At this point, I don't care if the cannons are a little too long or a little too short.

    If this doesn't become vaporware, we're finally getting a detailed large scale transforming (I assume?) TV SDF-1.

    That fact in itself seems like a miracle considering how no one wants to make any cap ships from Macross despite the plethora of cool designs.

  15. I might be in the minority on this, but I feel like aside from the strange blocky heel, the Bandai YF-19 was pretty good proportionally in all modes. Like the VB-6 Konig Monster, it was reworked to be able to be used as a proportionally consistent CG model and I feel that both the VB-6 in Frontier and the VF-19 Advance (more or less the same as the YF-19 aside from the canopy and heel) did a good job translating the original line art forms to a 3D model. Meanwhile, Arcadia was going for the anime look succeeded there as well.

    I don't feel that level of effort in this Bandai YF-21 though. Like comparing the half assed effort in the VF-25 v1 to the renewal versions.

  16. 21 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ok, honestly, this shot would look great.. with ONE change.


    Cut off the badonk, Bandai.  It doesn't belong.  Either cut it off, or extend the wings, tails, and arms so it isn't so redonkulous.

    I know why they did it this way, but a reason does not equal an excuse.  I get it, they had to make room for the legs.  If you make the legs bigger without making the rest of the plane bigger to match, you screw up the proportions, and the overall result is ugly.  That doesn't have to happen, because the wings and tails are completely inconsequential to the transformation, and could be changed to make the fighter mode not suck a lot easier than the legs can be shrunk without making battroid suck.

    Extend the arms, and enlarge the wings.  Or even just stretch the arms so the tails aren't jammed into the midsection.  The arms are already too short anyway.

    The fuselage feels too short as well.

    Even if we ignore the issues with fighter mode, saying it's for the sake of battroid mode, I'm still not very keen on the stubby bay doors and the weird cheap looking double jointed skinny upper arms.

    That said, I'll still get one if it gets released, but I was hoping that they used the time since the first time it was shown a few years ago to make improvements. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be the case. 

  17. 7 hours ago, Shawn said:

    Was googling for Tenjin's Tamashi Nations artwork, and this popped up

    That's pretty cool. I didn't know prototypes like that existed. 



    I'd love to see an entire Macross Minus line that was nothing but prototype figures...like those first versions of the valkyries

    Do you mean when they were initially called "breast fighters"?

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