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Posts posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. So, I wonder, is the fourth time going to be the charm or just more of the same QC issues?

    They can't possibly have ignored glaring issues for the 4th time in a row. Right guys?



    *grabs tank of copium and starts inhaling*

  2. Who wants to bet that they haven't done a thing to fix the warped/bent sniper rifle?


    Anyway, I see the fact that they're showing the 25G and RVF-25 with supers as a good sign towards getting the armored 25F rather than the super 25F being a one off release.

  3. 2 hours ago, Angesdad said:

    AX version of Arad is..kinda drab with no accent color eh. show me the insignia on the back instead.😁

    To me, it looks more like Messer's color scheme. Maybe Arad decided to steal the color scheme since Messer wasn't using it anymore 😁

  4. 4 hours ago, treatment said:


    Tomahawk-thread here:

    per that video, the new Tommy seems to have clicky/detented waist now...



    4 hours ago, MKT said:



    Other than the waist, it appears the joints in hips, ankles and feet have been tightened considerably. Pose-ability now greatly improved now without risk of toppling over like Yamato's.

    One of the chest cannons now have proper hole at the tip, matching the rest of them. 

    Thanks for the summaries, guys!

    Oddly enough, it seems that mine is still pretty tight and can be put into awkward positions on one foot. I'm a little tempted to get another one now that I think about it.

    The one I have was one of my starting weathering attempts and I'd like to see how much better I could do now. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lolicon said:

    Kinda sorta spoilers for the 2nd Delta movie, but not really. You can't spoil something that's already rancid to begin with. :p

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    Considering how quickly and unceremoniously all the aerial knights were disposed of at the start of the 2nd Delta movie, Bandai probably has the 262 at the very bottom of their to-do list. :lol:


    Might be an unpopular opinion, but I find the SV-262 is at least way better looking than the 303 in all modes. I personally think the SV-303 is pretty ugly with its multicolored neon tron lines and odd looking battroid. The design might grow on me, but currently I'm not a fan. If they try to make a toy out of that, I fear those neon lines are not going to translate well in toy form (not that they translate well in any other form of media either). 

    But yeah... I fear the 262 has probably not only fallen to the bottom of their to-do list, but impacted and broke through the bottom and fell into the abyss, taking the Arad and Chuck supers with it among other things.

  6. Given that it's Bandai, I'm surprised they didn't at least try to milk the molds a little with the other variants. It really is such a great looking design and they had unique looking knightly/royal paint schemes.

  7. On 11/1/2022 at 12:50 AM, dtwn said:

    Oof, I would have bought it panel lined if I hadn't just bought one 20 days ago.

    How much were you looking at letting it go for?

    I hadn't put much thought into it. Less than what I had paid for it for sure.


    14 hours ago, David Hingtgen said:

    A small preview/update.  The panel lines are basically done, a few spots need redoing/tweaking.  

    Lines are not quite as "crisp" as I'd like, but I'd rather have too soft than too stark.  


    Looks good. Did you use a mix of a wash and pencil?


    7 hours ago, arbit said:

    Another accessory for our VF-4. 

    Free Download here https://www.patreon.com/arbitscalemodels

    More stuff to come...



    That's a great looking FB 2012 Minmay!

  8. 40 minutes ago, Mommar said:

    Not quite true.  They only claimed to put that out to contrast the old weathering version and "gauge interest."

    Ah. then that's too bad. It looks way better than the old weathering version. Especially if it comes with all that tampo on it which the old one didn't and one would have had to put the stickers over the weathering which would have looked odd.

  9. 21 minutes ago, EastwindS2k said:

    I got it from Taobao.com (Chinese Ebay). Maybe you can ask one of the Macross decal sellers from China (on our Ebay) and see if they have it.  


    Too late for me, as I've stickered and weathered my 19P many years ago, but I really appreciate knowing that there are other decals sets out there beyond what's available on eBay.

  10. Ah, dangit... I gave in and decided to get the premium finish version from HLJ. It was one of two remaining in their inventory.

    My eyesight isn't as good as it used to be and I don't want to strain them while cutting stickers or decals to apply on the regular one I have.

    Not sure what I'll do with the regular one. Either sell it, give it to a friend, or repaint it with a different scheme. I've already panel lined it, so selling is probably out.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Angesdad said:

    Yup I used a pin vise with the smallest drill bit I could find and carefully drilled out just enough material for black wash to set in. The red stripes at the tip I attempted to paint at first but it didn’t look straight thus went with a decal instead. 😉 Wish I could cram in more details as you suggested but it is just too small that you can only do key details to make it pop.

    Yeah, I was mostly kidding when I suggested that and would have been very surprised if you actually tried. 😄

    The red stripes look good regardless of how you accomplished it. It definitely would have been difficult to paint it, especially on something that small of a scale.

  12. 8 hours ago, Angesdad said:

    So I’ve decided a little bit of detail up work on my copy. I don’t usually bother with panel washing but the HMR 0S was screaming for one. Much less tolling to mess up a HMR than a DX anyway.😆




    Starting with the head cannon details drilled holes and red stripes added.☺️

    Did you use a pin vice to drill the holes? The red stripes look pretty clean and uniformly done. Looks good overall!

    If you want to add a little a little more detail, you could also add the arrows that should be on the circular part of the head laser.



  13. On 9/23/2022 at 11:27 PM, EastwindS2k said:

    Hi friends :)


    Looks great with the stickers trimmed and applied and the added panel lining. Good job 👍


    1 hour ago, treatment said:



    Fiddly as heck either way, but still much prefer it with the SAP on instead of without...


    Yeah, I have three HMR's. The Monster, Spartan, and the VF-2SS. The first two were pretty good. The latter was trash, imo.

    It felt so cheap and disappointing. I really regretted getting it. Even the SAP didn't save it for me.

  14. 6 hours ago, Special Sauce said:

    It seems like they save their Premium Finish versions for the more popular hero Valks, like Roy's, Hikaru, Isamu etc.  Though the did do the Elintskeer so I suppose there's a possibility they'd do a PF for this one.

    They're also doing a premium finish Tomahawk destroid with weathering.



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