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Everything posted by Jung

  1. hmm, it's a nice kit, but it suffers from a lot of looseness in the arms, I used superglue to get them tighter. Building wise, this is more difficult than the ride armour, more detailed and a lot more parts, worst part is that a lot of the halves don't fit nicely, big example are the large leg halves, big gaps between the two halves that you have to fix.
  2. battroid modes. The 1/48 imaii alpha is slightly off scale, it's a bit smaller than 1/48, when you go by the pilots, ie the alpha pilot is slightly smaller than the 1/48 yamato valkyrie. The kit itself is about 9 1/2 inches in fighter mode.
  3. comparison shots of 1/48 valkyrie and 1/48 imaii legioss/alpha
  4. Anyone who's interested, pm me!
  5. started these 2 a few months back, finally finished them. They are the imai kits and both are transformable. If anyone's interested in purchasing either or both kits, drop me a msg. green alpha:
  6. Beautiful, looking forward to a completed group shot!
  7. oh W W, 1/12 votoms!! oh yeah and that koenig thingy........
  8. Jung


    Amazing, you put a lot of work into the landing gears, and it shows, flawless! Looking forward to more progress shots and the eventual finished product
  9. Very nice! Looking forward to the finished product. I agree with bsu legato, I wouldn't "dirty" it up much more than it is.
  10. that thing looks really nice for such a large scratchbuild. It's like a dollhouse for boys...haha
  11. Excellent! looks like you decided to leave out the pink colouring from the original f-14. Nice job on the masking
  12. looking good, Mervin! JM Ostrich, been waiting for someone to do this. I've got a yellowed JM that needs to be painted aswell. I'll probably build an ostrich if and when you have the sets available.
  13. oh wow, that polka dot is just out of this world! I'm gonna put a hold on my desert camo and start on the Bozo valk right away! errr, ah, ugh maybe not...*barf* you're right, more reason NOT to watch mac7!
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