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Everything posted by Jung

  1. Cute . Thunder hammer? where's the SD GP1s, ostrich, elint? A few ppl were working on those...
  2. I voted for all of the above , but my preference in order would be: 1)superostrich 2)elintseeker 3)stampede 4)vf-1d 5)thunder hammer 6)hi detail
  3. Jung

    custom joke machine

    oh an interesting note: The jokemachines have a major error, Inside the cockpit, the control panel and "back of the seat" are reversed. They even molded the flightstick on the back seat...heh
  4. Jung

    custom joke machine

    it's an actual joke machine, I did use Rohby's pilot, clear canopy and gunpod though
  5. Jung

    custom joke machine

    Here's my first custom joke machine, transformation is basically the same as the 1/55 so it has all same problems when customizing/painting. The person who commissioned this, wanted the superostrich trimming on a vf1s strike. I screwed up the paint mix, I wanted an orangy-red similar to the box art of the bandai 1/55 superostrich, but it turned out a lot redder. heh, ohwell it still turned out nice, I think. decals and Strike barrel were from an arii 1/100 kit. Fighter: Gerwalk:
  6. These are the only other zoids I painted up, did these awhile ago, the small guys are recasts:
  7. Here's the ogininal, not the best colour combination imo:
  8. Big thanks to Global for hooking me up with this American version of Iron Kong! Reason why I wanted the American version of Iron Kong is that it came with the big beam gun and wrist guns that were only available for the 80s limited version of Iron Kong. Basically I painted the guy red, similar to the limited version Iron Kong. Not sure if I'm gonna decal it, zoids stickers are really thick. Click for larger pics, enjoy
  9. very sad, my condolences
  10. Since the camo is 3 colours (khaki, grey and sand(main colour). I first painted the pieces completely with khaki. Than I mask off the areas where I want to preserve the khaki colour. Than I paint grey, and than masking the areas where I want to preserve the grey colour. Than finllay the sand colour. Check this thread to see how I did the hex stickers: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ic=7037&hl=blue the pattern is not perfect, since I wasn't using a grid, so some areas had to be "fixed" when two colours meet.
  11. lol, no not in the near future, I'm so sick of masking the hex camo...ugh
  12. your decals are perfect! and big thanks for the extra help this time around!
  13. this took a while , here's Blue Roses desert camo to go along with the blue camo I did a wihle ago.
  14. fullsized pics here: http://www.thekeltonzoo.com/images/other/alpha1.jpeg through http://www.thekeltonzoo.com/images/other/alpha8.jpeg The Cyclone will be http://www.thekeltonzoo.com/images/other/cyclone1.jpeg through http://www.thekeltonzoo.com/images/other/cyclone6.jpeg thanks to fearyaks for hosting them!
  15. I did shrink them by 50% to save shawn some bandwidth, if someone wants to host the 1024x768 pics than drop me a msg
  16. Both kits are sold! Thank you to those who showed interest
  17. thanks noel, I skipped the ball joints for the ankle and heal this time, other than that I did the same mods as badandy detailed in his excellent Desert Custom build here: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/aw_leg.htm I also engraved some panels on the feet and forearms. Added some internal details for the eye and covered it with a clear piece. Replaced the hands with 1/100 gundam hands, they can't retract into the arms like the originals so you'll have to pop them off when transforming. There's a significant gap between the canopy and the nosecone which I puttied. I also thickened the heal piece with some thick styrene sheets and replaced the exhaut.
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