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Everything posted by Jung

  1. Jung

    Custom 1/48 CF

    My first custom 1/48. Originally a hikaru vf-1a. Surprisingly, the 1/48s are pretty ideal to customize, considering how tightly the pieces fit. The biggest problem were the knee caps, that piece rubs very tightly. Had to sand that piece down significantly. my method: -took the whole thing apart -washed the pieces in dish detergent -primed all the pieces -rebuild -check for problem areas with respect to paint rubbing/chipping off -took apart -strip off the primer -fix the problem areas (ex. sanding down areas) and some modifications -preshade with black -paint (enamels mainly, acrylics chip easily) -Future clear acrylic coat -black enamel wash -decals -future again to protect the decals -and finally a semi-gloss laquer finish I think it turned out pretty nicely Fighter:
  2. The knee caps were a major problem with paint rubbing off, just sand it down and problem solved. However don't sand the ring area of the knee caps, I think those are what keeps it stiff. The back piece that holds the wings should be sanded down a bit so it doesn't grind so much on the wings. Either than that, it held up very well during transformation, surprisingly very minor paint chipping. forgot to mention, the "hip lights" rubs against the outer thigh, so sand that down a bit aswell.
  3. Here's a custom 1/48 brown vf1a that I've been working on..almost finished!
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