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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. How much better would the Fast Pack look I wonder? Or would they be the same sculpts from the old 1/60 line.... Questions.. Questions..
  2. Ummm........ isn't the W.H.A.M series by Wave?
  3. Black Selena. Used by the main character Akito Tenkawa in the movie Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness. So I would say it's fairly important. Not too sure where it came from though. But it's supposed to be more advanced than the regular Aestavalis.
  4. A thought occurs. When they release the supers, will they come with all the missiles etc like the 1/48s or will it just be the reaction missiles?
  5. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...837&hl=1144 Here.
  6. Just got the email to! &%*&^%$^&%!!!
  7. Not sure if this question has been psoted yet. But will the new 1/60s be Fast Pack compatible from the get go?
  8. Thanks for the link. Tha pain! Tha pain!
  9. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN951626 SPEC EVA 02!! GO SAM GO!!
  10. Black Serena up for early bird at HLJ! Closes tommorow! GO GO GO GO GO!
  11. Hobbysearch is sold out. So I guess they must be really limited after all.
  12. IT"S DISCONTINUED NOW! SO QUICK?!! HLJ canceled my order.....
  13. And Speed Racer saying... We need cars... lots of cars..
  14. And unfortunately. Apparently that's not the monster. It's supposed to be an entry for a fan art contest.
  15. I'm just curious to see what Chun Li looks like.
  16. Wouldn't XS-06 be the Tv Ver of Dragonnar? Since XS-05 is the opening Silouette Ver? Then XS-07 would be Black Salena? I'm just guessing here.
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