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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. I did not think they could start to yellow so soon...guess sunlight gets everything! https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/c1054021074 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s1054025788
  2. Got mine yesterday from Amazon Japan Its a good magazine-but I think they might have held some stuff back for a future issue, there is no Nichimo (the original description a few months ago mentioned it) About 15 pages covers the differences between an Arii 1/100, does a real nice 2 page on the 1/100 variable, then the Zentradi fleet and some Atalia Island stuff(the big kit) Then another 20 or so pages on Orguss stuff, which seems a bit complete than the Macross stuff Then about 10p of Southern Cross, then a couple 1/100 arii builds(real nice) And a couple interviews with Arii and Imai employees...google translate on the phone works well enough on these. Its a good issue for $25...suspect their will be a Nichimo continuation next round! Looking forward to that next
  3. I like it! It looks a little less like light playing on the surface than a camo scheme (the legs), but another incredible project, thanks for sharing! I think us old timers we all have that dark blue GBP armor color scheme burned into our synapses for almost 40 years, so anything outside those parameters seems a little different. I want to see Bandai do this in Blue next and another LEK version on that S
  4. some more pics...come already get here 😛 https://www.dreamnews.jp/press/0000259457/
  5. Just got notification it is shipping...so confirmed it was finally release..nice! S
  6. Some other pics of the display from various sources
  7. I ran across this Nichimo ad tonight..one I've not seen before. It actually shows their Store Display in the corner! They started out with the Black display at first (kits #1 to #17), then later did the Blue display (later kits) Just find it amazing to actually see one in 'display mode'...after all these years I've never been able to actually get one! (If you have one let me know LOL!) btw for the art fans...those are all exclusively Yoshiyuki Takani pics...he did 100% of the Nichimo kits! S
  8. Those are (I assume since there are 2...otherwise that is one heck of an expensive build!!) recasts, using the ultra-rare 1/72 Club-M Queadluun_Rau kit from 25 years ago https://macrossworld.com/macross/models/club_m/172_quead.htm
  9. How long did it take to make one of those? Have any additional build pics you might share?
  10. Amazing amount of effort, with incredible results. You nailed the Meltradi vibe 100%, and your photo collage choice is top notch. wow!
  11. Don't forget on many youtube videos you can enable closed captioning auto-translate for getting the gist of it
  12. Here is the English subtitled manual...nice! https://tamashii.jp/images/item/item_0000013806_8Ndu16PA_300.pdf
  13. Finally a cover pic...just a few more days until release.
  14. Don't miss the Wave VF-171 kit too...sweet! Wonder if that will be World Wide
  15. Agree the picture was a blast...the models just made it perfect. I've seen this move countless times on bluray/OLED TV, but damn...seeing these blown up on the large screen was just amazing. If you have a chance to see it on the large screen you won't be disappointed, just amazing. S
  16. I will be watching this weekend! Always had a warm spot for this one https://www.fathomevents.com/events/Star-Trek-TMP-Directors-Cut My local theater only shows 4 seats filled so far
  17. 700mm sdf-1 is about 28 inches right? I looked up the v-sido https://www.asratec.co.jp/products/v-sido-os/ and a literal transforming car...big and slow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m88jybFSp7M Can't wait to see it!
  18. Nice Zero diormama, thanks for sharing!! Woah!
  19. I missed something...when did Max become 6'2 and 25 years old again..wouldn't he be something like 60 or 70 something years old? I don't track the timelines that close past Macross Plus LOL
  20. yeah..will work on the email notifictions again this week-ish S
  21. I get serious F14 vibes at the size of wheels on the rear landing gear First thing I noticed..but I like the proportions...a bit beefier than the hasas.
  22. Pinning this because we are still having infrequent older members having problems finding out how to. Older in the sense that they registered in 2003...not AGE...but I guess they now go hand in hand 😛 Maybe I'll call them 'Legacy' members S
  23. Remember, we now LOGIN with email addresses, not your usernames!! If having problems-please do this 1. create a new mwf account with the email you want to use...add a '-2' or something to the end of the user name..e.g. Shawn is now Shawn-2 2. login to mwf with that new email version account, and send me a message with what your old email address was 3. i will verify the current IP you are using matches the logged history 4. i will update your old account with the new email, and you'll watch for a new password reset at that new email address 5. i will delete your '-2' account Shawn
  24. Looking forward to it...one of the descriptions is about how fast you can assemble it...at explosive speed! Maybe at the next SDCon instead of a 1/55 transformation contest, everyone has to assemble one of these 😛
  25. ok speed is working again, please confirm
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