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Tabloid Chatter Thread


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So - I suddenly had the urge to discuss the future of Jennifer Aniston with people here, since she is turning 40 soon. But then I thought it might be kind of lame to just open a "Jennifer Aniston" thread, so I opted for a general Tabloid Chatter Thread.

Feel free to change the particular subject of the thread every once in a while - but let's try to keep all the talk about smut, celebrities and super-natural occurances in this thread - or at least - that was the idea.

I'll start with Jennifer Aniston. Now - I never found her particularly attractive - although upon closer inspection it turns out that she is very attractive, but more so as she gets older - at least in my book. If there is any woman (physicaly existing in the real world) who I would compare my girlfriend with - it is Jennifer Aniston. Same build, same height, same proportions, same hair color and hair length - SLIGHTLY different face - but lots of similarities as well. This could also be interpretted as an "I think Jennifer Aniston would make a good live-action Misa/Cathy" since those are the Macross girls who I compare my girlfriend with.

Also - my girlfriend is 40, and now - so is Jennifer Aniston. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,503648,00.html

All the more reason why I find her an intereseting subject, because she's a beautiful woman with a stressful job who is 40 and therefore goes through a lot of what my girlfriend probably goes through. This is why it's probably a good idea for me to keep up with Jennifer Aniston from now on.

I never saw any of her movies. Obviously I saw her in friends, but I always liked the character of Monica better.

Anyways - all I really know about Jennifer Aniston's acting career is that she keeps appearing in films where she dates guys OTHER than Brad Pitt and therefore suggests that she too can find a good looking guy? Or something like that...

I can't remember the title of any of her movies, but the posters I see are always the same - her and some guy - and it's a romantic comedy.

Then I read in the tabloids that that guy is her new boyfriend.

Then I never hear of the guy again :o

And it's on to the next one.

Do you think it's possible she and Brad Pitt will get back together? She says in the above linked article (if you can call the two sentences and article) that she wants to be a Bond Girl - or ...is that just the title of the article (looks) - ok - she firmly says she wants to be a Bond girl.

I haven't seen any non-photoshopped pictures of her recently (well - ever I think) - but - she could quite possibly be a good candidate for a hot Bond girl.

I think that's a good ambition to have.

Anyways - happy birthday Jennifer Aniston.

What do people think?


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Hollywood in general, is trash in my opinion. It's 1% talent, 50% fake books, and 49% "a kick in the groin is the highest expression of comedy" <_< ... Though I'd say that at one point in time I did find Brittney Spear's pre-rehab antics quite entertaining, especially the part about jousting in a SUV.

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Ah Britney Spears. Man - I remember when I worked in a grocery store and she was the up and coming next big thing. Oops I did it again was topping the charts, and there was a picture of her on a locker in the store smoking room where I had my lunch. All of us guys would have dreamed of having her as a girlfriend...

Now she's got a baby, a beer belly, a shaved head and an ex-husband named Ferdinand.

Well -or at least she did.

I saw her 'come back' performance - the train wreck one - and man...yeah... dag...it was like a cosplayer or something - a really bad cose-player.

But see - this just makes me respect Jennifer Aniston even more. Technically, she could be shaving her head and all that stuff too. But instead she stays ambitious and keeps working on being good looking and still has hopes of getting better acting roles.

Heck - and she's 40. Britney Spears basically turned 25 and decided to "make over" herself to look like Gomer Pile.

You go Jen!


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