Collectors Events

FireBomber Concert and Oshare Macross 7 Goods Announced

With a new Oshare Macross 7 store and a FireBomber concert both less than a month away, it was only a matter of time until details about new merchandise dropped, and dropped they have! Organisers of both events warn that this is only the first wave of merchandise with more set to come.


There will be some awesome Tshirts and hoodies up for grabs at the concert, not to mention official Basara glasses.

Tshirts: 3500yen
Tshirts: 3500yen
Sports Towel: 1500yen
Sports Towel: 1500yen
Hoodies: 6500yen
Hoodies: 6500yen
Glow stick: 2000yen
Glow stick: 2000yen
Basara sunglasses: 6000yen
Basara sunglasses: 6000yen
Chie Kajiura new mini album 'Suimin Heaven': 2000yen
Chie Kajiura new mini album ‘Suimin Heaven’: 2000yen

…as well as assorted Yoshiki Fukuyama and Chie Kajiura merchandise.


Oshare Macross 7 Announced


The latest in the ‘Oshare’ series of stores/events will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Macross 7 and will be held at Shinjuku Marui Annex from October 17 to November 5th.

No word yet on what sort of art and merchandise will be available but the announcement of the event itself features all new Haruhiko Mikimoro Macross 7 art.

Movies and TV Series Music

OST & Blu-ray Reissues.


Flying Dog and Bandai Visual have just announced some Macross Bluray and soundtrack reissues. So, if there’s a hole in your collection this may be your chance to stock up on more Macross! (Especially for the Macross Plus boxset which had previously sold out at many online retailers).


Blu-ray Reissues:
*Macross Plus Complete Blu-ray Box (w/some English subs/dub)
*Macross 7 Complete Blu-ray Box FIRE (1)
*Macross 7 Complete Blu-ray Box FIRE (2)

Soundtrack Reissues (2500yen each + tax):
*Macross 2 OST 1
*Macross 2 OST 2
*Macross Zero OST 1
*Macross Zero OST 2

Flying Dog also added the following to their ‘HD Music’ digital distribution service (96kHz/24bit WAV/FLAC)
*Macross F OST 1
*ULTRA FIRE! – Fire Bomber

Collectors Events Toys

Summer Wonderfest 2014

The following is a gallery of some photos I took at the Arcadia and Toybox booths at Summer Wonderfest 2014.
Sorry for the iPhone quality pics ^^;

Events Macross Related

Chojiku Nyan Nyan Cafe & Bar Sneak Peek!


The Macross Frontier-themed ‘Chojiku Nyan Nyan Cafe & Bar‘ at CHARACRO in Ikebukuro is set to open this Sunday, July 27.

However, a special pre-opening event was held on July 24 for approx. 40 lucky fans. Movies were prohibited, but I managed to get a couple of pics. More detailed impressions coming soon.

Movies and TV Series

Macross 2 Blu-ray Box is out!


Well, technically it comes out tomorrow, however a few people have gotten their box sets a day early.

Unfortunately the blurays do not have any English subtitles or the infamous dub but (as discussed previously on SpeakerPODcast) the remaster looks gorgeous. Thanks to Renato for the pics!

WIN_20140724_213419 WIN_20140724_220448 WIN_20140724_213444


SpeakerPODcast Ep.16 – MACROSS 30 SPOILERCAST!


What exactly are Minmei, Hikaru and Misa doing in the year 2060? Why are Max and Milia shooting at Mylene? (well… haven’t we all wanted to at some point?). But more importantly, is all this canon?

This episode of SpeakerPODcast reaches across time and space to assemble a crack team of gaming experts to discuss the characters, story, and gameplay of MACROSS 30.

(Try taking a shot of something every time the word ‘niche’ is used. It helps everything make sense, we swear!)

Featuring special guests Andrew “Veef” Collie and Kyle ‘falconkpd” Dunn. Special thanks to new forum member Vashzaron for asset assistance.

(download – right click & ‘save as’)

Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to us on iTunes!


Timestamps, pictures and more after the JUMP!


SpeakerPODcast Ep.15 – Macross 2 REMASTERED!


Wondering what the upcoming Macross 2 Bluray remaster is like? The SpeakerPODcast Crew got a sneak peak at a theatrical screening and get together to talk all about it. It’s good, but is it good enough to entice MW members Jason and Cheryl to fly all the way to Japan to attend the event? In a word – YES!

Featuring special guests Jason & Cheryl Cline and a whole bunch of musical shenanigans.

(download – right click & ‘save as’)

Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to us on iTunes!


Timestamps and more after the JUMP!

Movies and TV Series

Macross Frontier Shudisuta Boxset Discounted!


The Macross Frontier ‘Shudisuta’ movie bluray boxset WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES has been discounted by 44% at both AmiAmi and Amazon Japan. The boxset includes both THE FALSE SONGSTRESS and THE WINGS OF FAREWELL, an extras disc, and two large art books. If you haven’t picked a copy up yet there’s no better way to support the franchise and get a great deal at the same time!

Many thanks to forum veteran UN Spacy for the heads up.


Macross SpeakerPODcast Ep. 14, Part 3 – MACROSS MYTHBUSTERS!


Tom has questions – and hopefully the SpeakerPODcast Crew has answers!

So join us, as we discuss the history and production of Macross – and bust wide open some long-held misconceptions along the way.

Macross SpeakerPODcast – now with 100% more mysterious German MC!

(download – right click & ‘save as’)

Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to us on iTunes!

Timestamps and more after the JUMP!