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The Fwoshcast

Scream Man

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So today I got a parcel from a Fwooshcast listener, which has me incredibly humbled! It went to my old work address, and it came from an online store, so I dont even know the name.The note just said: "Love the Fwooshcast, and your Rider stuff! Enjoy the figure!" Whoever you are: Thank you!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its an (Admittedly late) new Episode of Fwooshcast! But as well as Episode 27 of the regular show where we count down to San Diego, we also have Part 3 of the Special with Shane Kelly from CGS!

I can also say the next special episodes will be a look at the G.I. Joe Sigma 6 line with Generals Joes Site runner and all round Joe expert Justin bell stepping in to assist!

Enjoy all!

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Skystriker Starscream,Lion-O, and Young justice Superboy. I think all will be available through retail except starscream so I'm not too worried. So I'll just have to wait. My old boss lives in San Diego and told me I could stay at his place for the Cons, but my new job has me traveling quite a bit so I can't make it.

You have a really cool toy collection. Currently, what is your favorite line outside of Macross?

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Superboy will probably go up on matty Collector, and a non metal Lion-O will get released mass retail, but otherwise they might hit entertainment earth afterwards. The Skystriker is gonna be a REALLY Pricey buy, I don't think any will b left after SDCC. Sorry there wont be a cheap way or I'd be surprised if there is anyway.

My favorite toy line? God, I dunno...

I get in moods for toys, where I'm REALLY into something one minute, then into something else the next. Right now it's S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider line, but it could change just as easily tomorrow. I know that's a cop out answer man, sorry! :)

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I saw Matty is having a sale this Friday. I really wish they would put more DCUC up for sale. The last three waves have been really hard to find in my area. I finally saw the Robin from the Bane wave at TRU, and it looked like Heath Ledger Joker took a scapel to his face. The retailers in my area are getting restocks of the older Marvel universe figs.

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I went by Target today and they had loads of new stuff. I saw the new GI Joe skystriker,

Ulitmate Optimus Prime, New Star Wars collection Packs, Assassins Creed Fgures, and the new Young Justice Figures 4 inch and 6 inch.

Matty Collector is having a sale on Monday for their exclusives figures.

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I know, I wish I could afford it :/ I'm hoping to sign up for the Matty club this week, so i dont have a lot of spare $$.

In this extra length special 30th episode we take a look at ALL of the stuff from SDCC. At least all that we noticed or could think off! Hasbro, Mattel, Three A, Diamond, NECA, Hot Toys, Bandai, DC Direct and Square Enix and even Biff Bang Pow! all get a mention.

Also: Don’t forget you can email us at fwooshcast@gmail.com AND/OR leave us a review on itunes! or here! The more the merrier, it would help us a lot and make us feel loved.

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Yeah I feel you on that. I did pickup the SDCC Thor from the hasbro toyshop. I'd like to get the DCU and voltron subs. I'd also like to pick up the toys r us exclusive rodimus prime. But I may have to limit myself to only one.

Edited by Golden Arms
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Try to contain the joy folks, it's a New Fwooshcast, as Episode 32 Hits the interwebs! This week we talk quite a bit about Star Wars answering an email we recieved!

(Please email us at fwooshcast@gmail.com)

AND, there is a new HJU Radio/Fwooshcast Tokusatsu 101! Where me and a team of crack reporters (Re: Fans) get together and start our look at Kamen Rider!

And in the final act of whoring ourselves: Like us on Facebook! We'll be yer best friends! We promise!

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First off is Episode 33 of Fwooshcast with all its usual action figurey goodness!

So much Goodness you will want to email us (fwooshcast@gmail.com) and Like us on Facebook!

Then, in case that isn't enough for you, I appeared on the last couple of episodes GI Joe Podcast, What's on Joe Mind? and may appear on more (Unless they're sick of me talking to much. Entirely possible. But listen anyway, they're awesome!)

And Lastly if you are sick of me talking toys, but not sick of me talking, you can hear my new podcast Let's Get Ready To Pod! Where me and my best mate Nik chat about the week in geek and all things nerdy.

(Oh hey, you can Like that on Facebook as well. )

OK, I think I'm done

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Another updatetastic week, with Part 3 of Tokusatsu 101 which you can chat about here with experts.

Then of course we have the one and only Fwooshcast, episode 34 which has a couple of issues early on, but quickly becomes it's usual level of AWESOME! So awesome in fact that you want to Friend it on Facebook. Or email us at fwooshcast@gmail.com

And lastly, I appear once again on What's on Joe Mind? talking to some guys in Chicago about....GI Joe the Musical? Strange but true!

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Updates ahoy!

First and Foremost, it was a very special episode this week, as Paul "Pablolobo" Wolf joined us from the great land of Denamrk On Episode 35 of The Fwooshcast! Also a big thanks to Justin and Chuck from Whats on Joe Mind for the drop in segment about the Joe Club Subscription. You'll have so much fun you'll want to Friend it on Facebook. Or email us at fwooshcast@gmail.com

And Speaking of What's on Joe Mind? I make my last regular appearance on the show for awhile (I got a job) as the boys join a podcasting network.

And lastly, but not leastly, the second episode of my Detective Comedy

Is now up and able t be watched. PLEASE leave us feedback, we need the attention!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Last week I wasn't there to record. So Sam and Stu recorded Fwooshcast 37 without me. So...well, frankly we'll be listening together. I haven't heard it yet. But apparently Stuart is telling us about the Australian Toy Wars. Sounds fun to me! Hey, afterwards tell us what u think on Facebook! Also listen to me on Let's get ready to Pod! my other show about all manner of nerdy things. games, toys, movies etc etc.

Anyway that's it for this week. Enjoy folks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

I know there has been a delay in fwooshcasts....and unfortunately thats going to continue! We had 2 episodes recorded and ready to be edited and put up....except they wernt recorded. I cant find them on my drive anywhere. Which means i can't put them up. So sadly, No fwooshcast another week, and then we'll be back. I will summerise some of the key points:

*The He-Man Con was greatly enjoyed by Sam, and he is psyched for the new toys coming, especially the women.

*Stu and I discussed GI Joe and why it misnt succeeding. Our theory is a lack of marketing, and an aversion to army toys. However we both agree (And you can quote us) "This is the best 3 3/4' toyline currently on the market.. If you're a toy fan you need to try it!"

* We will have big news about our Anniversary for you THIS WEEK! As a hint: Keep Friday Night the 28th of October free!

That's it folks, see you next week, I promise!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 39 is up! we have a pretty cruisey show easing intp The Big Live Show! Should be a blast!

Assuming I can get the damned thing to work, it will be on uStream, i will have the data available shortly.

The Schedule:


06:00/09:00pm: Start show. Me, Sam and Stu and Nikki “Lacrox” Stoupe (Let’s Get Ready to Pod).

06:30/09:30pm: Keith Hayward and Chris ‘Vangelus’ Ho (Henshin Justice Unlimited)

07:00/10:00pm: Shane Kelly (Comic Geek Speak/World of Toys)

07:30/10:30pm: Prodigy and Hagop (The Fwoosh)

08:00/11:00pm: Justin Bell (Generals Joes/Whats on Joe Mind?)

08:30/11:30pm: Gene (Macross World)

09:00/12:00pm: Paul “Pablolobo” Wolf and Nic “VeeBee” Wood (The Fwoosh)

09:30/12:30pm: Pre-recorded Interview with Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich (Mattel)

10:15/01:15pm: Wrap up.

I also appeared this week on HJU Radio which is a LONG show, but we talk toys, comics and then a big Spoilery review of the live action SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO!

See you all Friday (I hope)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fwooshcast 41 is up, and everyone please welcome out fourth Co-host! Also here is Fwoshcast Live Part 2 is also up, featuring the awesome Shane Kelly from Comic Geek Speak and Justin, Chuck and Gary from What's on Joe Mind?!

You can also catch me on Let's Get Ready to Pod! which is all manner of geekery and like both shows on Facebook!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well folks here's Episode 44 for your listenijng pleasure as well as Let's get ready to Pod Ep17!

I’m not gonna lie. There’s a lot of Kamen Rider talk this week. We started with new stuff, which has a variety of topics, then we did news, and then we talked about the Tamashi winter show, where Bandai showed off a whole stack of stuff. I put a note in there for those not into that stuff (You’re mad, it’s awesome) and then that part begins.

Also I forgot to copy down the show notes this week (And Stu wasn’t on, who usually does it) but the if u head to facebook and look at ‘Bluefin Tamashii Nations USA’ they have great pics from the event showing a lot of what we discussed.

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