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WraithVerge in Orbit

Aurelin Hawk

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This is a painting that I did a couple of months ago of a Valkyrie I designed, called WraithVerge. (If the name sounds familliar, it's the name of a weapon from the game Hexen.) I built a transformable model of this fighter, which I hope to post here soon. The painting was scanned into photoshop for effects that I couldn't easilly do with a brush.

Hope you guys like it! More art coming soon!

I'd like to see the model.

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Looks pretty sweet. My only qualms are that it's a bit too curvy and short. Looks cool, but... Beyond that, I just wish the model wasn't so gloss-painted. Shiny, aside from making it look less professional, detracts from the stealth aspect. Overall, I say 3.721/5 for creativity clashing with paint and design flaws. Keep up the good work, and with practice, you'll be making things that'll impress Shoji Kawamori, himself.

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well, the shiny aspect is only until I can find a decent dull-cote. As for being curvy, it's an attempt to balance out the stealth aspects with aerodynamics.

I'll keep at it.

But it's TOO curvy for aerodynamics. Learn about the science. It's pretty dull at first, but later... Anyway, keep working for the paint.

Also, I think the Yammie 1/48 VF-1J did a good job for a stealth paintjob, and that's all that's stealthy about the design. Those curves, if anything, will reflect an even bigger radar signature back to the enemies... Stealth is a no...

Finally, bit of a personal note, the name is too... too... Too Gundam. Wraith Verge sounds like some sort of insane enemy Gundam, not a Variable Fighter. Think about it like this: would you call an F-14 a Wraith Verge? No? There you go... Anyway, for added points, give it a German name. (For even more, add "Feurens" to the beginning. For example, VF-113 "Feurensjager". It means "Fire Hunter" or "Hunter of Fire". )

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Wow....after that, I wonder if there's anything LEFT of the fighter to MODIFY?

Don't like the name, design, paint job....

Tell you what: I'll burn the model, scrap the design, and start over. VF-? BRICK. That has a nice ring to it.

At first you like it and say that the paint needs to be dull, THEN you load all of this? Starting to wonder who i offended in a previous life...

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my attempt at a custom valk. I listened very carefully to the critiques of the WraithVerge and, well, I'll let the design speak for itself...

(note: not too curvy -- stealth! low-viz matte paint scheme! German name! Who could ask for more?)


Edited by chillyche
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honestly I didn't see anything wrong with what you had up there, you're an artist and doing what you want to do. Think I quit when I had ppl knock down my work? No, told 'em to piss off and I made my improvements as I went along.

You honestly can't let critiques get ya upset and wanna just stop let it improve you and move on...and don't let what Schizo say get ya upset, the dude dogged on the DYRL dub and later wrote me an apology for it which I accepted. Sometimes, one must know the right words to say without stepping on toes.

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See, the problem is the fact that it's all in text. I can't say something that all will accept in text. As I always say, if you were here, listening to me SAY it, it'd come out a lot better. I'm not ripping on it. In fact, I'd have to say it's damn good. I'm just pointing out some points that can be worked on. The curves are too sharp, the paint is too shiny, etcetera. I don't mean to be offensive, it just seems that text is not sensitive to that, and displays it in ways that seem so. I had a problem with my Grandpa this summer about that. I called him, told him what I meant by what I had mailed him, and all was good. I come off as offensive, but I never mean it. I only mean it when I'm talking to someone who's been a dick to me first.

The name thing is just a personal thing, as I stated, Hawk. I just don't like the whole "Gundam Name" thing. I mean, to me, it sounds like an awesome name, but isn't really suited to a Variable Fighter. (Wraithverge rolls off the tongue in a pretty cool way, man.) Also, the German thing is actually me making fun of the Japanese for using German in a lot of their things. Kinda subtle, and few people get it, but... Again, it's a personal thing.

As for the stealth aspect, one can't say they're going for passive stealth with a curved body. It doesn't work, scientifically. Active stealth is a bit different. Moving on, I like the paintjob, I just think the shiny doesn't work. If the colors were matte, as one would expect on a fighter, or indeed, any mecha, it would look awesome. I like the painting man, but the model needs some paintwork.

I'm sorry if I came off as a prick, dude. It happens. I've had to accept people doing that to me, Hikuro had to. (Again, Hik, sorry, man.) It's a critique. One can't expect people to only point out what's good. I have to admit that when people rip on my stuff, it pisses me off, but I learn from it. That's all I wanted. For you to gain something from my review. I like it, and all, but I pointed out the negative to show what can be made better.

My sincerest apologies,

Kris "Schizo" Mitchell

(And come on, Che, I thought we could agree to disagree, especially after DYRL?)

Edited by SchizophrenicMC
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Oi! I hate it when kids get pissed off and storm off because of goddamned misunderstandings. Jesus. You know, I'm gonna hunt that kid down, slap him proper and explain the whole matter of this thing. It's life, for God's sake, and he's got to deal with it. I don't care if I did come off as an apeface. If you don't know how to take it with a grain of salt, I dunno what to say except he's not gonna make it in this life. :angry:

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(And come on, Che, I thought we could agree to disagree, especially after DYRL?)

Kris -- just poking fun, not dissing hard. It took me a surprising amount of time to throw together that cube of mine. I'd be a loser if went through all that work just to pick another fight with you. We're good. I looked up how to say cube in German! For you, man, I did it for you! (And actually, I kinda laughed at the german name thing -- I have a friend and we always joke about how for a while every anime german was named Faust) But I think homeboy with the WraithVerge is never coming back. Oh well. I think he(?) put together a cool model. I woulda named it maybe just the Wraith.

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Maybe. Wraith woulda sounded... Better.. Not so... Gundam-y? Anyway, I'm gonna find that kid and beat some sense into him, if it's the last, goddamned thing I do..

Anyway, to those who don't understand the German name thing, in Japanese Anime (Some people think Americanime is anime, so bear with me here.) many German names are used for things. In Macross, for example:

VB-6 Koenig Monster

VF-22 Sturmvogel 2

A more subtle one: VF-1 Valkyrie (Valkyrie is, in fact German. Little known fact there. Not commonly used, and it refers to a bit of Norse mythology, but it has roots in German.)

In some other things,

Liger Zero Jager, Schneider, and Panzer

Gundam Seed's Strike Gundam: Aile Striker, Midas Messer, Armor Schneider, etc

I can even translate those into some things that make sense, others that don't. (Scheider means Tailor...)

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my attempt at a custom valk. I listened very carefully to the critiques of the WraithVerge and, well, I'll let the design speak for itself...

(note: not too curvy -- stealth! low-viz matte paint scheme! German name! Who could ask for more?)

you call that stealth?!? look at those 90 degree angles, so not stealthy! and where are the chines? you can't have stealth with out chines!

seriously though, not to sound rude or cold, but I honestly think Aurelin Hawk needs to grow up. what schizo said and the way he said it came off as rude, sure. but reacting to such critiques by becoming indignant and equally rude, then throwing the internet of equivalent of a hissy fit (deleting all one's post then storming off and swearing to never come back) just because someone voiced there opinions in a lest than tactful way shows a level of immaturity that (if he has any plans of pursuing art seriously or at least making it anything other than a private hobby anyways) he really needs to get past.

I'm an artist, I'm studying to become a commercial artist in college right now, and I can say from experience that if you have any plans of showing you're work to other people you have to be able to take harsh criticism. when you put your work out there people are going to tell you what they think and there not always going to be nice about it.

you have to learn to take criticism and make something constructive out of it, and you need to learn be the bigger person, and not let someone who's being rude get to you.

I'm saying all this not to be mean, I'm saying it because it's a truth I learned the hard way and because I see this kind of stuff all too often. this isn't the first time I've told someone this, and the wurst part is that most people don't listen. the kind of people who need to here this tend to think that I'm just being a jerk like everyone else.

hmm... well I'm going to get off my soapbox now and let you all get back to your normal activities.

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Anyway, anime's right. TOO MANY 90 DEGREE ANGLES! :p

Wha?! I'm deleting my posts!

Seriously, though.

On the one hand, I actually agree with the both of you. When you put your art out there, not everybody is going to be nice to you about it. Sure, there are ways to critique somebody's work that encourage them, and that's what a good teacher or mentor can do -- challenge you without crushing your ambition. A good student has to be able to take these critiques, and understand they're not personal attacks. A professional has to be able to take all sorts of name calling and sh*t-slinging. And, for crying out loud, posting this on the internet has got to be the easiest way to open yourself up to name-calling. Anybody ever read youtube comments? If Hawk runs for cover when somebody says, "eh, I didn't like it," then that's going to be a short-lived art career. If it's just a hobby, then Hawk might want to think about who the work is shared with. Whether or not I feel like this is a community where we should all try to be nice and foster each other's creativity, it's still an open, public community where people are free to disagree with me on that, and say whatever the frak they want.

That said, I also realize that MW is a kind of community, and we don't have to enable or coddle people who can't take criticism, but at the same time, perhaps we should think about how we approach that criticism. Sometimes people just want to show their work, and they're not looking for somebody to tell them everything they did wrong. Or sometimes people want a critique, and we can come across as know-it-alls, or holier-than-thous, or whatever. I mean, at the end of the day, we're talking about transforming planes and galactic fairies and things, so it's all make-believe, and if somebody gets something wrong, it's really our opinion if it's wrong. I mean, science might have something to say, but it's fantasy, and people can choose to throw science out the door if they want. So, I dunno, I guess what I'm saying is that this is a community, and we can be nicer -- I'm not asking us to put on kid gloves, but I don't want to ask everybody to grow leather skin, either, if you know what I'm saying. I work as, amongst other things, a youth media mentor, and I constantly have to find creative and effective ways of motivating the youth to improve upon their work, without crushing their spirits, to critique it without criticizing it. Sometimes, I have a kid who takes the world so personally that nothing I say or do won't be seen as an attack. That, at the end of the day is THEIR problem, and I'm not responsible for it, but as a part of the community, I do try to recognize that and take it into account. I take that same mentality to the community here, which is that, if I can't figure out how to say it in a positive way (even if I think the work could use improvement), I tend to just shut up about it. Because, honestly, I don't need to offer my opinion on everything.

And for the record, I think Hawk over-reacted. But I also think that Kris was a bit harsh, but I know that that's Kris's steez and there's no harm intended. So, let's all "let bygones be bygones and let the good times roll."


Also, the Blitzwurfel is so stealthy... it takes a cue from Solid Snake's ultimate stealth design -- the cardboard box. 90 degree angles or not, suckas!!!!!!

LOLZ !!!!!eleven!!!!!!!


You know what I'm saying?

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..."I need scissors! SIXTY-ONE!"

You know, the content of this discussion should be a rule or something: "If someone says that they don't like it, ask why. If they continue to rip, the others will take care of him. Either way, take it with a grain of salt and take what you can learn from it."

Seems pretty reasonable to me.

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