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Daedalus & Prometheus during "Spacefold"


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Moderators, meant to post in Newbies section, please move.

A bit confused during this episode. Before Global sent the SDF-1 back to earth and before folding, the SDF-1 was in the process of linking up with ARMD-1 and ARMD-2 (you could see Daedalus and Prometheus floating in space during the attempted linkup). Of course, ARMD-1 gets wasted by Breetai. Is is assumed that D & P relinked with SDF-1 prior to folding? Didn't look like they were linked prior to re-entering the atmosphere. I remember seeing 2 ships in the water that were accidently transported during the fold, but assumed these were other UN ships.

Edited by ghostryder
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Animation error, they are not supposed to be in that shot in space pre-fold. Daedalus and Prometheus are caught in the fold on Earth and linked up with the Macross near Pluto.

I Believe they link up in Episode 4.

Edited by valk1j
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A bit confused during this episode. Before Global sent the SDF-1 back to earth and before folding, the SDF-1 was in the process of linking up with ARMD-1 and ARMD-2 (you could see Daedalus and Prometheus floating in space during the attempted linkup).

As stated, that was an error.

Is is assumed that D & P relinked with SDF-1 prior to folding?

Nope. They were down on Earth, and not really capable of docking with the Macross anyways.

The attachment of the 2 boats was a jury-rig to increase the amount of resources available to the crew of the Macross. Mainly mecha, as the SDF had very few onboard, and even fewer launch facilities(much of it's weaponry was intended to come from the ARMD-1 and AMRD-2 that it never had a chance to mate with).

I remember seeing 2 ships in the water that were accidently transported during the fold, but assumed these were other UN ships.

The boats in question were indeed our favorite mythological greek naval vessels.

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