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Master Blasters!

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Though I don't see his picture posted on the site yet, the president of our rocketry group here in Nebraska (along with being the treasurer for the Tripoli Rocketry Association), Bruce Lee, was involved in the making of Master Blasters. If you see him on one of the episodes, you will see him wearing a red cast on his right hand... his radial artery was severed in a freak accident on the first day of the two week shoot back in June!

Make sure to watch the Sci Fi channel next week! :)


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Because of the high ratings, episode 2 will now be shown at 8:00 Eastern/7:00 Central tomorrow night then reair two hours later.

Instead of the lawn dart episode that was promoed at the end of last Wednesday's episode, it's going to be the Mini Cooper episode instead... they are going to fly Mini Coopers with two of the same booster motors used to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles! :o Most of the members on the "Rocketman" team I have personally known for a decade... of course this includes the president of our club here in Nebraska, Bruce W. Lee. :) It is on this same episode where Bruce's artery in his hand is cut in an accident on launch day. He ended up missing the launch of his team's Mini Coop because he was in the hospital. :(


Edited by Apollo Leader
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I saw it. it was a pretty fun show. any chance you'll be on it AL? some of your stuff has looked really nice in the past.


There is going to be 9 episodes with a best of episode. What we were told by Bruce last night is that there will be a season 2 and that they are looking for some younger rocketeers to be in those episodes so, hey, it's possible. :D Bruce will probably be in another episode and there are a number of guys in our group who would probably work great on front of the camera.

I am starting work on my Level 3 rocket right now (Super Dimension Rocket Macross - yes, it will have a Macross inspired finish and I will be posting pictures soon!) so I should hopefully get my L3 in a few months and be worthy of flying with the likes of the Master Blasters and those other maniacs! ;)

Edited by Apollo Leader
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