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MY PG Strike! ^_^


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I met half my goal this afternoon. I completed the chest plating and finished the right shoulder. Shoulder armor doesn't stick to place very nicely in my opinion...but its probably not suppose.

Also the armor plating that shifts down, located on top of the chest near the canopy hatch, it uses two small hooks to connect to the mechanical frame pieces...well I snapped 1 hook off which hasn't hurt it at all, but I stressed the other side a bit to much to where I'm a bit afraid of trying to fix it. But if I did I'd have too take it apart along with the right side of the chest plating to fix it.

All in all, color looks great, its a lil bright but it works rather well with its anime counterparts colorization. Pictures when I get home and complete an arm.

Afterwork, I'll stop by the nearest radio shack and see if they got the battery, if they do, score, I'll complete the kit tonight, decals might be tomorrow at work.

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haha, don't bother with the battery. Sebastian and I walked around shops for ages finding the right type. I get it in the head, turn it on and....!

lame-ass weak eye glow you can hardly see. <_<

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I did find the battery, within 10 seconds at Radio Shack, cost me 3.20 for it.

I was only able to take 1 picture and my batteries on my camera "died" so its being a bit evil.....but here.

And you took it almost a decade ago.

I didn't think SEED was even out in '95.


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Yeah I didn't wanna mention this but I let the cat outta the bag......I created SEED....not only that, but I'm really the evil mastermind which you all hate in Bandai for not releasing anymore UC stuff.......Pl-l34R DAH 3V1L!

I tried out that lil crouching pose just now, sort neat having a Gundam which can actually do it.

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Thanks, sorta surprised more ppl haven't commented on it, I think its one of my best jobs ever...certainly took a while to finish it in my opinion.

My biggest gripes are few

1) The shoulder plating on the front and back, when you try to unlock them and flip them up, they tend too just snap off the hinges that hold them in place.

2) You gotta line up the fingers correctly when you put on the armor plating on the fists...I ruined one of them cause I didn't do it right, so I had to fix one.

3) Becareful when your playing with the pieces that can be removed. I broke a piece sadly, and it will never be fixed, but I'm not saying which one :p cause you'll never find it.

4) There's this lil crotch piece which you flip down to unlock the hip joints. It tends to seperate from its PC host when you pull it out all the way. So you gotta take out all the armor pieces and get a lil object to set the PC part back into place.

I compared the color choices I made with the PG Strike versus that of the 1/60 RD Strike I worked on last weekend. The PG Strike has a more correct color base then that of the RD Strike. Colors were too dark and heavy for the RD espically Red, while the PG Strike had more of the anime feel with the brilliant Blue and Bright red which just came out great. It looked more lively and vibrant.

I originally thought I'd have more problems with this being my first PG Kit and having so many damn pieces. But really once you looked it over and carefully started doing your thing, it does seem a bit simpler.

Now I can't say the other PG kits would be the same, but one day I'd like to atleast get 1 more PG Kit before I say that's all.

Course, what kit, I'm not sure. I'd REALLY like to get the MK.II, but I'd also like to give the Wing Zero a shot....though I'm not a large Wing fan.

Is it worth the money? if you can find it for 150 dollars or under, its a steal deal...most places are almost 170+, I passed it once at the Con cause they wanted 230 dollars, I said "NO chance in hell." Next booth over, 150 :p you bet. Nearly 100 dollars cheaper, OF COURSE I would take that price.

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