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All things Gunsmith Cats

bsu legato

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Let me start off by saying that this topic spawned from a discussion I was having with EXO where we could not definitevely decide on Rally's heritage. The manga says (somewhere) that she was "indian" on her father's side. But what kind of "Indian?" My feeling is that she's native american Indian, given the setting and the fact that it's more in tune with the "american" feel of the manga. However, EXO found evidence on the OVA that shows her nationality listed as "United Kingdom" (wtf?) which could lead credence to the East Indian theory. Any opinions?

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lol... I had this brilliant idea of googling "RAlly Vincent Indian" this is what I came up with...

The anime version is British, having come to America when she was 15; the manga version is American (both by birth and upbringing) with some American Indian ancestry (hence her skin color). Both versions are age 20. The anime version has romantically involved with Bean for a while, before settling into a strictly-business arrangement.
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The anime version is British, having come to America when she was 15;

Ok, I've seen "Bulletproof" several times, and I can't say I remember seeing that anywhere. :unsure:

Edit: besides, most of that stuff we found on google was just fanfiction, or fan RPG stats.

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How does the Riding Bean OVA Rally fit into the equation?

It doesn't really storywise... when the whole Artmic debacle happened, Sonoda was unable secure the Riding Bean license. So he took Rally and completely change her and gave her a new storyline, new partner, new background. He slowly put Bean back into the picture, and I would guess somehow was able to gain all rights to his character.

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GSC is great but the mangas are so much better. A good part of them are translated and out domestically, I highly recommend everyone checking it if: a)you like Sonoda’s character designs, b)you like very accurately drawn guns & cars, c)you like manga and especially anime that provides fan service, and d)you like strong take no crap from anyone type of women. If any of these appeal to you, then read GSC today! Btw, guns used in the manga series are awesome too. ;)

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Spoke too soon:
In Laws: No data forthcoming on Rally's mother and her East Indian father has been missing for years, so the closest you will come is her business partner and housemate May Hoskins.

I thought it was "May Hopkins".

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Yup that is one thing Sonoda really invested some serious time into. Besides as a replica gun collector (since they are illegal in JP), he has a pretty extensive collection. And being an otaku himself, he knows what the fans really want... that and fanservice!

Guns, cars, fanservice. And bullets. Lots of bullets.

What more could you ask for?

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How does the Riding Bean OVA Rally fit into the equation?

It doesn't really storywise... when the whole Artmic debacle happened, Sonoda was unable secure the Riding Bean license. So he took Rally and completely change her and gave her a new storyline, new partner, new background. He slowly put Bean back into the picture, and I would guess somehow was able to gain all rights to his character.

Pretty sure that's why he's called Bean Bandit in the manga...

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Spoke too soon:
In Laws: No data forthcoming on Rally's mother and her East Indian father has been missing for years, so the closest you will come is her business partner and housemate May Hoskins.

I thought it was "May Hopkins".

It is... the website I quoted mispelled it...

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Spoke too soon:
In Laws: No data forthcoming on Rally's mother and her East Indian father has been missing for years, so the closest you will come is her business partner and housemate May Hoskins.

I thought it was "May Hopkins".

It is... the website I quoted mispelled it...

I thought so. I like GSC. It has guns, fan service, cars, and comedy rolled into one. I think it is way better than Miami Guns. IMO, Miami Guns is a little screwed up.

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