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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. After many months of waiting, my 25F finally arrived. I picked it up from the Post Office just a few minutes ago. In the middle of my lunch break now so have not had a chance to transform it, but just the fighter mode looks much better "in person" than on photos. On initial inspection, it feels heavy to hold and gives me good vibes about durability (though only time can really determine this). Only new complaint is the gloss finish, would have looked better with a flat imo... Can't wait to get home and transform it
  2. This is the HGUC Zaku-set. (So yep... classic Zaku, desert camo colors it seems though) It seems like the kind of stuff that would be fun to build if you like working with miniatures.
  3. lol I hate putting the Gundam-eyes sticker on HG kits. Even with tools, because of my relatively large and shaky hands it's hard because the area is so small.
  4. I bet that even 00-Raiser will not be Setsuna's final suit. There will probably be a 000-Gundam/Raiser or something to that effect.
  5. HWR, that's a beautifully detailed cockpit on the SU-27... it looks so real. Here is another update on my F-91 (the valkyrie on the background is the yammie 60 scale 1A): While applying those damm rub-on decals on the rear right binder I accidentally tore off a really nice strip of paint, oh well Still got to fix that, and start working on the weapons. My custom paint scheme didn't turn out quite the way I envisioned it, but I like it thus far!
  6. Masurao looks like a giant beetle , but the dual-wield beam katana from the intro looks promising...
  7. I can't wait for the USS George "Dubaya" Bush.
  8. Version Ka looks incredible. I'm very tempted to eventually build it (as I'm part of that group that lacks a RX-78 lol)... but due to time constraints and my current "hobby back-log" probably not going to happen anytime soon The pictures on HLJ for the version 2 MG look rather unremarkable but truer to the original series. I still prefer the Ka version, if an MG kit is not loaded with insignia decals like a NASCAR vehicle (or Formula 1 if you prefer) then it's not really a MG ^^.
  9. The Mastergrade Zaku's are really nice, and lots of flavors to choose from. This one is my favorite: Shin Matsunaga Custom Ver. 2.0 Or, have you built a RX-78-2 yet? No collection is complete without it XD.
  10. 505, it's the Master Grade kit, 100 scale (with very heretical non-canon colors).
  11. I agree with you Pete. Because they are mostly static, more often I prefer Valkyries . As of late I find myself building a gundam not so much because I like the design, but because the process of building the kits is fun. I have achieved Nirvana. Ok, jk, maybe not. But yea, it sure is a fun but time and resource consuming hobby. I tend to think of completed kits more like "really nice looking statues of robots." that sit nicely on a shelf.
  12. Yea I hear ya... EVE can be a tad time consuming though much less so than other MMO's (unless your CEO of 0.0 corp or something) mainly because it's so open ended. I've been on vacation, so am spending quite a bit of time every evening hunting pvp war targets, but when I got school/work to contend with I just log in for 30 minutes and run a few missions for isk. I can choose to do stuff that doesn't last long or can be totally hardcore and waste my time lol. Anyways, I hope you return to New Eden someday .
  13. This question is difficult to answer because the quality, detail, and durability of all kits (regardless of grade) have improved over the years. I will attempt to answer though . Because the high-grades are normally smaller (1/144 scale), they are better suited for what you define as playability and stuff like posing them for photos. They are also cheaper so the loss is less if they do get damaged. Of course, as you have already pointed out, the high grades don't have the spectacular level of detailing that MG's do, in fact most of them come without decals and are stickers only. > However, it is possible to build and paint a HG like you would a MG and make it look absolutely fabulous... but then you won't want to play with it because you might scratch all the surface detail work you put into it. > Or, you could just do a plain out of box build with no paint or other time consuming activities... but then they won't look as nice XD. So bottom line to me is that even HG's are meant to be display-onry models despite their lower cost and level of detail. If you want stuff to pla... er.. I mean engage in simulated combat physics, then buy some of the Robot Damashii figures that are coming out - they look great and are technically still toys.
  14. I'm sure there must be at least one other soul in MWF that plays EVE, in my opinion, the best MMORPG in the market (much better than World of Failcraft). My character is called "Ghost Train" and I'm for the most part Caldari specd (ECM, missiles, shields, etc). I started off just running missions but when CCP introduced Factional Warfare I joined that and have been having a blast with PvP. I'm approaching the 300 victories mark .
  15. Nooooooo lol, funny thing is my birthday was yesterday, oh well
  16. Hopefully my 25-Alto will be on its way soon, just received order confirmation from HLJ (they were low stock when I ordered) . Now um... regarding the super parts, is Overdrive still willing to take orders for them? I sent them a note, but thought I'd check here first. I'll fall back to TH if they're not. Edit: I apologize about the reputation question lol .
  17. That alleged Seravee 2nd mode is so retarded. So... it can fight... backwards ? The 2nd half can't start soon enough. I hope Bushido Bob's new suit makes its debut soon.
  18. 1 -> Most people do a rough test fit, assemble everything but without tightening and then diassamble, sand/paint/cure/anything else, then re-assemble. Although I think that 90% of the time (at least with Bandai kits), this is really not necessary. M personal preference is to assemble sub-components (ie. arms, body, wings, etc) loosely to get an idea of how things fit, then disassemble, prime, paint, coat, decal & panel, then final coat. When I'm done, I move on to the next sub-component and start from the first step again. This system takes a bit longer but I keep better track of all my parts, and what work needs to be done on them. 2 -> Masking is to apply tape over an area of the plastic, except for thin strips left uncovered. The taped area is then sprayed with paint. The desired effect is to produce really straight lines of paints. Skewering is to attach a plastic piece onto a skewer (I use kabob skewers from the supermarket), so as to make it easier to paint and dry. I hold one end of the skewer with my hand, then spray... you get the idea. Here are 2 pics: (note that on this one, my parts have dried already, so I laid them down, when drying they should be skewered into the box ... like this: I'm not so sure about futures... I think it's a type of coat used prior to paneling so as to make the surface more receptive to the wash or marker you're using. A primer is a type of chemical sprayed onto the plastic before painting, so that when you do apply paint, the paint clings or adheres better to the plastic. Curing is when the paint has completely finished interacting chemically with the surface. Although the paint can feel/look dried often times reactions are still taking place, and it's therefore recommended that you leave your plastics undisturbed overnight. 3 -> Depends on the kit manufacturer and how thorough you want it to look. Generally, the Bandai MG kits (which is more or less the category the VF-25 falls into) are modeled in the right color out of the box, so with just panel lines & decals/stickers they look great imo... however, correct painting of the parts will make the kit look more realistic and less like a toy. 4 -> In my opinion, the one thing that hides spruce marks the best is the correct cutting off the runner in the first place. I use the Tamiya basic tool set, and the runner cutter is absolutely awesome, when done right the mark is almost invisible to the naked eye. Otherwise, a combination of painting, sanding, or putty can get rid of the mark for you. I'm a noob myself too as I have only recently started working on plamo again after a long break of many years, and document my stuff in my "burogu.": http://cynpanda.blogspot.com/. Hope this info helps.
  19. Argh.... been out of town and can't dl the episodes from here as I didn't bring my laptop. Got some catching up to do when I get back in the New Years ... must... resist... spoilers
  20. --Sheryl Nome In Distress Sold Separately--
  21. I don't see how this would be successful on the big screen. Most people not familiar with Bebop will just dismiss this as a Firefly/Serenity clone, although they're quite different. I like Bebop because it spaced those small quirky episodic vignettes with the main story of Spike's past. It was entertaining to see a comedic episode like mushroom samba followed a few episodes later by something really dark. It's really difficult to capture this rhythm in a 2 hour flick.
  22. I don't think anyone has closed the book on anything and automatically assumes that everything is known. But there is a big difference between legitimate intellectual curiosity and pseudo-science which is what a lot of the kooks are into. There is plenty of intellectual and scientific curiosity going around in the actual scientific community. The difference is that real scientific progress bases the foundations for future discovery upon stuff we know already know... that's how you understand things, We go from A to B to C... not skip a whole series of steps and jump from A to X. Plenty of creativity and ingenuity went into creating the current world we live in... and all of it was based on building upon our understanding of science and not automatically assume that something is "magical" or "alien." The problem with a lot of these UFO "I believe" people is that they often times discredit themselves, as their practices have no set standards and they don't actually posses as open of a mind you'd think they have - as they are super reluctant about other natural phenomena that could have caused something, and extremely sure that they saw something ET. This is no different than what you perceive as being a close minded person who believes that 99% of so called paranormal stuff have perfectly good scientific explanations. Regarding what I said about "Alien interventions being a racist theory": it is, there is no denying it. Maybe racist is somewhat of a strong label, and ethnocentric would be more proper. No one ever says anything like the Roman Colliseum or the Parthenon was built by aliens - but whenever someone describes a an archeological site of non Anglo/European heritage it automatically becomes the product of alien intervention, because said bigots cannot believe that other cultures could have built these things. Now that is being close-minded, and quite frankly ignorant. Honestly, I'm appalled by your comment: Lol huh... wut... truth? By any standard, the alien theory is laughable at best and suited only for fiction. There is plenty of archeological and scientific evidence explaining how ancient humans achieved great things. On the other hand, you have the racist tinfoil crowd theory that says that aliens must have built the damm things because it was too difficult. Also, no one is denying your freedom of speech, I'm just suggesting that actual science is better and has achieved better results than pseudo-science - however, sometimes an anomaly occurs where if someone says something that is obviously wrong (morally wrong) with a loud enough voice and there is no counteracting antidote for it, it becomes the truth - see 1930's Germany. Scientists don't know everything, no one ever will, but they sure as hell know A LOT more than pseudo-scientists and other kooks. If you need convincing just look at all the progress the human species has made in the 20th century, and then compare that to the achievements of kooks and tin-foil club members. The day pseudo-science starts to produce good results I will revisit my personal views, but I'm still waiting. Not really, I just troll on this board ... jk XD. I already stated a few posts ago that it's all good for fiction and literature, but applying the theory in real life is fail fail fail.
  23. No, I don't understand your logic, but supposing I do... Never said aliens don't exist, (said this repeatedly in my last few posts). It's just the idea of them having influenced us greatly genetically or socially is "kooky." Or at least I find said idea to be somewhat insulting and not particularly well backed up by science. Also, if someone does visit some distant world in the future, I'm pretty sure they would bring evidence back of some sort. Just look at those cute little Mars rover troll around on the red planet!
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