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Everything posted by DARKWIND

  1. I'll keep an eye out for you also. . . But since it a yellow reorder at HLJ you might want to give it a try. . . They have been really good at moving their orders as of late. . . I finished out my collection through them, and it was worth it. . .
  2. Sure they have issues (1st gen moto-bisars), but order the white one. The bugs have been worked out of it. . . Also there is a mod you can do using parts from another AMDriver fig, I just can't remember which one right now. . . Gotta do a search over at ToyboxDX's BBS for that info. . . They have a pretty long thread on those toys, problems and fixes for most. . . All good info too. . . Also, I suggest if you order from HLJ pay for express shipping. . . The tracking on it alone is worth it
  3. Welcome to the great American Yacht Club Shipmate!!!! Choose wisely and live well Choose poorly and spend your days swabing the decks . . . Aw Hell, just be ready for fun and get to Japan first. . . DC1 (sw) Darkwind
  4. I totally agree !!!! And Pro5, like you said They just need to back off the kiddieness just a little not alot. . . Ah well, That's what we have Binaltech for I guess. . .
  5. I am kind of on the fence with this one. . . I loved Car Robots with the exception of the Destronger Animals (IMHO not cool) With that line I collected everything but those. . . Armada, I almost skipped but I actually liked the small Convoy they released. . . Energon, I felt was crap. . . I only bought the special set with Convoy and chrome Kicker. . . I was hoping that someday they would breathe some new/old life in to the line. . . GF Convoy looks solid but, Master Megatron looks like he belongs back in Energon. . . So I guess I will be sticking to my trend of only buying the "Convoy" for each series.
  6. "Murph" or Murphy Canyon yup still the place just bigger. . .
  7. I'm out near the Qualcom Stadium, But I work at 32nd st. So anywhere in between is good I'll just use mapquest to find it anyway. . .
  8. Anybody got an idea where I can find one in here San Diego? ? ? Still kind of new here and looking to get one. . . I have the blue one but want the red also, trying to get them all. . .

    Question. . .

    Cool!! Now I just need to find a few 1/60 deck crews and and weapons. Im leaning more towards the Asuka II. .

    Question. . .

    You know I thought about that too but I just want keep my 1/48's in a nice case. . . The 1/60's can go in the garage in a ( my hands only ) diorama to make space in my room. . . My overall toy collection is getting huge First things first, the carrier. . . Then the 1/48 Air/Space museum. . .

    Question. . .

    How long would a 1/60 scale carrier deck be, and how tall would the super structure need to be? Need MW support with my new dream project. . . Any ideas and suggestions would be great! ! Gotta place I can make it happen and free time.
  12. True that and how the original MEGAS head looked like Optimus Prime. Cool homage. . .
  13. Finally I think I've got the hang of this Maybe not, Pic too big, must, resize
  14. Yeah some cats out there are getting really hard up. . . Or just down right sh*tty. That is a whole new low. . . But not really a new trick. . . Tough luck man
  15. I agree very good show, one of my favorites. . .
  16. The way I look at it most of the action oriented shows were ok. But, then when it came to the majority they sucked. . . And the sad thing about it all, the list is still not finished . . . Here's my list. . . Smurfs Snorks Biscuts (Tiny dogs like "Smurfs") Gummi Bears Gilligan's Planet Denver The last Dinosaur Dinosausers Captain Planet Bigfoot Goof Troop Rescue Rangers Just a few. . . . .
  17. Yeah you're right RADD. . . But, wouldn't it be nice to see an Alt/Blt Aerialbots set? That forms Superion!!!!

    Scale Pref.

    Hey don't forget about us working stiffs who joined the service went to Japan, and buy them at TRU Japan the day they release!!!! But seriously folks, I too am a completest. . . So I have about one of everything and multiples of the CF VF-1A's & Low Viz 1/60- 5 CF 1/48- 2 Low Vis 1/48 Fast Packs- 9 sets Yeah about $4000 easy so far in both scales. What can I say I love the Valk's design in both scales . . . To me Yamato got it right. . . . My Valk addiction? Paid for, but not sonsored by the U.S. Navy
  19. Let's just say that wars cannot be won by just singing a few songs. . . If they could this would all be a moot point. . . (And I would be in a different line of work. . . ) Now let it be known that this is not exactly "goofy" in a sense. (Face facts, it made an interresting way to look at fighting a war) But in our society, if it didn't happen yet it probably won't. . . Even in the anime there were "show me" people who just didn't believe. . . So even after seeing it with their own eyes they still were ready to "duke it out". . . And weapons were the only way to do that. . .
  20. The one true "Supes". . . Not many could really takes his place. . . Not sure if any could. . . He will be missed. . .
  21. Ok. . . First, let's look all Transformers ever made. . . (click over to your favorite TF site for a reminder). . . Now let's compare them to the BT/ALT of now. . . I see a huge simalarity. . . . They are ALL "Robots in a shell", hence the phrase "Robots In Disguise" If they weren't "robots in a shell" then they would be just "Robots, . . with lame toy cars, and etc. . ." I suppose you could redesign them with removeable outer "shells" but, then you would have these crappy cars/car parts laying around and we know the "fans", just think of the reply. . . "Prime never shed his skin like a snake how dare they make this crap and call it Optimus Prime! ! !" I don't know about anyone else here, but so what if the toy has a roof for a chest. . . Or the front end of an 88' Caprice Classic for it's asscheeks . . . The draw to these toys is that they are different from other toys and more like two toys in one. . . Name one Transformer (new or old) that completely hides it's alternate mode to the point that if you saw it as a robot, you could not tell what it would be at all. . . I mean every last one of them has either a wheel, wing, an engine, an exhaust, a tooth, tusk, claw, paw, fin, tire, tank treads, cockpit, or something hanging off, protruding from, blatantly oozing out of it. . . Only it the cartoons was it ever really a mistery who formed what or what type of car did this guy become. . . Second, it's just the way toy technology is right now . . . And yes, it is better than 20 years ago. . . 'Cause back in the day, there was little to no real articulation in any of them. . .
  22. I too hope that the Garland is variable and, the rider can still fit inside. . . 'Cause I think that if you mod it just right a Microman figure might be able to fit just fine. . . Any idea when it will hit the streets????
  23. Hey Q, Relax, It isn't your site I'm talking about bro'!! There was another one mentioned here and it's got me bummed (not P.O.ed mind you). . . Both are good, but. . . Your site is cool straight forward and to the point. . . A + B =C no confusion. . . K.I.S.S.= Keep It Simple Stupid Something anime moguls sometimes forget to do. . .
  24. Ok at a risk of sounding dumb. . . When I start the demo disk it says "view movie", hit start and boom nothing but the movie comes. . . Now two questions: One, is this the same demo that comes with the "DEF Jam 40 covers" OCT mag? Two, is there a special section I should be looking in to start this demo??? A friend of mine and I both got this mag for this reason and neither disk shows the demo, jujst "play movie" for Ace Combat 5. . .
  25. OK, OK now you guys have me looking for anything Dunbine!!! Still reading at a site for Ideon and so far the story is a little confusing. . . Guess I have to actually see the show first. . . Or it could be the guy who's telling it (website owner), isn't that great a story teller. . . That, and already seeing the ending have me a little bummed on it. . . But thanks for the info. . . Keep it comming. . . Now to research Dunbine. . .
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