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Everything posted by Mechwolf

  1. Invasion Of The Neptune Men was MUCH worse than Prince Of Space. I'm not saying that Prince Of Space wasn't terrible, it was. It's just that Invasion Of The Neptune Men was that much more terrible. It amazes me what some of you guys & gals think are the worst movies ever made. Sure Starship Troopers had a bad story line that reflected very little on the novel it is supposed to be based on. But the SFX were enjoyable. Some people claim to not like it because of the obvious lack of any ground combat tatics or equipment, like APCs, Tanks, and such. I can understand, & for the most part, agree with this. However, it cofuses me when these same people applaud Star Trek so much despite the fact it to suffers from the same lack of ground army understanding. At least Starship Troopers are outfitted with assault rifles. I guess what i'm saying about Starship Troopers is that it was a bad movie, but it was ok for mindless entertainment. What I don't understand so much dislike for Wing Commander. Was it a great movie? Hell no. But it certainly wasn't the worst either. It wasn't as good as any of the Star Wars movies, but it was better than all the Star Trek movies with exception to ST2:Wrath Of Kahn & ST6:Undiscovered Country. I guess what I'm trying to say is this; To those of you who think Starship Troopers is the worst ever, sit down & watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000. With movies like The Horrors Of Spider Island, Boggy Creek 2, Space Mutiny, Danger Diabolic, & Track Of The Moon Beast, you will truly know what terrible & perhaps what the worst movies are.
  2. Yamato Lover said... Are you for sure about this? Is Bandai REALLY considering releasing the FIX FIGURATION series in the N.A. market? Great Maker I hope so. With the recent rise in shipping costs, I have been reluctant to purchase another FIX FIG.
  3. I think that the VF-0 is a predecessor, but not a prototype of the VF-1. Despite their similarities, The VF-0 is too different from the VF-1 to be a true prototype of the VF-1. Prototypes are usually about 99% the same as their 1st run mass-production siblings. The VF-0 is more like an older cousin to the VF-1, rather than a sibling.
  4. Standard releases in no particular order I'd like to see are... VF-1D VF-1J Max VF-1J Miria VF-1A Tan Cannon Fodder Limited releases in no particular order I'd like to see are... VF-1J Tan Cannon Fodder VF-1S Tan Cannon Fodder VF-1D Low Visibility VF-1J Low Visibility VF-1A Max TV VF-1A Angelbirds VF-1S Blue Roses VF-1S Black w/ Playboy Bunny icon on tailfins I think they should (hypothetically of course) space these releases between other NON-VF-1 releases so that Yamato always has somthing new to sell without killing interest in the VF-1.
  5. Cool news. Now if someone would reissue & finish the Area88 manga for N.A. audiences, I'd be happy.
  6. Babylon 5 "Sleeping In Light". Sheridan-"Can I go back?" Lorien-"No. This journey is over. Another begins. Time to rest." Sheridan-"Well, look at that. The sun is coming up."
  7. On my copy it simply isn't there. Maybe on the eng dub AnimeVillage forgot to put it in? No matter how bad Gundam continuity is, it is only a fraction of the convulted nightmare that is Star Trek.
  8. In my copy of 0083 released by AnimeVillage(Bandai), thay don't mention his execution. They only mention Kou's sentence & the deletion of the GP development project. However, according to the 0083 comic adaption from VIZ, he was executed.
  9. B5 also had/has a healthy run on Sci-Fi Channel. As others have pointed out, B5 was intended to be a 5 year story arc from the begining. If B5 was such a "trek clone" then why did Trek rip it off by making DS9? The point is Trek is DEAD. It shouldn't be, but because of poor/lazy writers, that is what has happened. ST II & VI is what Trek as a whole should have & could have been. And it would have been if Trek producers & writers knew a damn thing about good story telling. The only good thing Trek has going for it now are the nice starship toys ArtAsylum has been releasing & the Bandai models. Oh well. I have Gundam, Macross, Babylon5, Farscape, & StarWars to entertain me.
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