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Posts posted by logos

  1. Yeah I suppose that's the biggest insult to injury isn't it? How does someone from outside of Japan order one of these even if they have to cash to fork over for it? Oh well Macross Quarter here I come! :p

  2. I work at an R&D department and believe me prototypes get shown off all the time at trade fairs and shows (how else do you build interest in an upcoming product?). Lots of stuff gets made in every R&D department that never sees the light of day. That's the point of R&D to come up with new ideas and to try them out. It's just to bad that someone dropped the ball somewhere. Then again maybe they didn't. This could have been Yamato's plan all along, who knows?

    That Yamato appears to have made a marketing error here there is no question but at least they made the attempt. They could have just killed the project and washed their hands of it or never had made the attempt to bring it out at all. I imagine that the mass produced item came in as to expensive for the current economy and they decided not to go through with it (IMO). At the current cost it probably covers to cost of running the mold machines for 1 toy/fig, some packaging and some R&D............At least some fortunate smucks are going to have the cash and buy this thing.

    But then this is all just speculation......which we love to do here! :lol:

    PS if anyone here does buy it....I HATE YOU......Please post pics! :lol:

  3. The belly plates on mine connect as much as the first pictures logos posted, I'm going to try later on to see if I can get them as the second set. Didn't know that the fingers grasping the ankles in "stoaway" mode made that much a difference...

    They help the end plates/cabs close correctly so they are in far enough to give the nubs on the belly plates the purchase they need. My first pics I didn't align the legs properly. After getting the knees parallel to the fuselage I then adjust them so that I got that "slight" gap between the knees. I then put the belly plates back and started fiddling a bit till I got the gap to pretty much close.

  4. There is an exact positioning of the legs where the knees don't touch each other. There's a hole on the grey piece from the back of the knees that becomes visible with an extra click.

    This extended position causes the legs to be completely straight when tucked in, to avoid rubbing against each other and putting pressure on the belly plates.

    There was a paper insert on my manual showing this. Hope my poor english clarifies it :lol:

    I can take pictures when I get home.

    Yep it works. Fiddled with the legs so that the sat a little more straight and Viola...>post-9075-1256934434_thumb.jpg

  5. I find that if you can't get the belly plates to close the gap enough, you need to play with the positioning of the arms and legs. There is a sweet spot they should be in so pay particular attention to the pictures on how the arms and legs are placed in fighter mode in the manuals. Note on included pic that I have the arms extended. The hands grabbing the ankles/soles of the feet and the ever important shoulder placement. Also make sure that you have the feet as symmetrical to each other as possible.


    Note that it will never be "perfect" but usually I don't get much closer than this.

    post-9075-1256931907_thumb.jpg post-9075-1256931954_thumb.jpg

    All the tabs are holding and while there is a little bit of a gap there has to be for all the tabs to stay in place properly as far as I am concerned. Note that while I can get the plates to join perfectly here the second I move the toy the tabs that hold the plates in at the rear will pop loose. Remember that shoulder placement is just as critical as the leg placement here.

    PS sorry about the pics being a little over exposed I was trying to do this quickly during my coffee break and I just threw the camera into auto to save time.

  6. Well here they are. These are full Macro sized images (you can compare and judge for yourselves) so sorry to all of you guys who have slower connections. :(....Ahem...now...tried to keep the settings the same for every shot:

    Iso: 200

    Exposure: -1

    Aperture: 2.8

    Shutter speed: (above 1/2, I don't have a tripod or anything yet so I don't go below 1/2 if I can)

    File size is around 1.5-2.2 MB per jpeg. There is no super fine option on the Canon anymore so this is the best they get in jpeg mode. Have yet to try RAW.

    - If you have any specific scene or setting you would like to see done for comparison let me know. FYI I don't have a light box yet. Been meaning to build one so maybe I will get off my ass and build one now.





    FYI the bayonet was touching the lens on this one.....






  7. Yeah I only wish it had an F 2.0 instead of an F2.8 lens. Oh well it's not the end of the world. What I really love is that you can go to full manual mode and adjust all the settings easily. ISO and Exposure have dedicated knobs and the shutter and Aperture are quickly set through the menu.

    Edit: I will post full sized pics here and resize some of them for the "strike a pose thread".

  8. I went and bought a Powershot G11 on the weekend and I have to say that I am fairly impressed with it. I bought it mainly for portability (fits perfectly in a pouch on the interior of my backpack) and I am rather enjoying it so far. It's no DSLR I know but when you combine the portability with the decent low light and ease of use I rather love the little thing. Here are some quick shots. I will try to provide some better ones latter on today.

    Note that I did look at an EP-1 and the Pansonic GR-1 but the price was just to high. I could have got a Canon Rebel for less than the $600 Can I paid for the G11 but I just love the performance combined with the small package of this camera. Note that I did not use a flash on any of these pictures and all the none Macross ones are taken at ISO 400 or 800. The Macross ones are set to ISO200 as I wanted to take some quick picks before posting and I wasn't paying attention.









  9. Yeah it seems if you don't live in the same province as the point of entry you get crazy shipping times. I don't know why it has to stop twice in BC and once in Alberta before it lands in Regina but it does. Oh well anything beats UPS! <_<

  10. Well I got this package from Overdrive finally, despite taking 2 weeks to ship I'm still pretty happy. Big thing I'm impressed with is they had the wherewithal to mark it at a low value ($40) and breezed through Canada customs. Will definitely try these guys again, hopefully the long delay in shipping was an isolated incident.

    Hey Soundwave, Overdrive is usually pretty prompt with their orders (like within a week of the release) IMO. My only problem is shipping is 2-3 days from Japan to Canada and 1-2 weeks from Vancouver to Saskatchewan :blink: .......I've never paid duty on an Overdrive order but no matter who I order through it usually takes forever for it to get to where I live once it gets inside the country.

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