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Posts posted by Godzilla

  1. There is just so much blasphemy on these pages! Not liking the Mac+ valks??? Or worse hating the VF-1!!! Okay time to call some sniper buddies of mine and take care of a few folks. LOL

    Please do. There needs to be some cleansing here. :ph34r:

  2. I like how you use a racial slur in one sentence and then call someone else a "moron" in the next. Classy.

    Good f**king lord. Dont call me a racist. I have been on the receiving end of racism as I am Chinese when I was growing up and I grew up in the South. So dont go Holier than thou BS on me. All the sudden we go PC? So should I be offended if I am called an Oriental like oriential rug. You want to talk about offensive, you calling me a racist is offensive. Jap Zero was often referred in the WW2 videos I have seen. If I was really racist, I would rant on how the Japanese killed so many Chinese and now deny it. You think the Nazis were bad...

  3. 1. This guy got passion so I have to give him that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. He is a real fan of Robotech. As much as I like Robotech, Macross is and always the greatest. Granted I was a robotech fan, Robotech did in fact paved my way to the light side...err Macross. So with that said, cut the guy some slack as he is a little misguided :rolleyes: . Remember fan is short for fanatical. I am sure we got some real fanatics about Macross.

    2. As much as I love the F-14 Tomcat, it was one of the greatest planes but give me a break. Someone always build a better mouse trap and someone will always figure out to break it. With that said, I am no where near sympathetic nor agreeing with this moron about the F-14. I mean, what happened if we were living in WW2, we would say the F4U Corsair or the P-51 Mustang is best plane and can shoot anything down? FYI, P-51s were shot down my Jap Zeros in the late stages of the war. This is where he is truly a moron and know nothing how technology will always be advancing. For its time, the F-14 was one of the greatest fighters. Looking at the next generation fighters, the F-14 would be outclassed and outdated.

  4. Cobra legions are out at walmart. Anybody need them? I can get them but I am willing to trade. Target sells joes for $5.99 where Walmart sells them for $4.88. I go to both and they all get cleaned out. I have an extra 2pack Movie Bumble bee from target I want to trade for joes. I have some extras joes.

  5. Good meeting.

    Found out lots of very interesting new stuff. Unfortunately as usually, I can't talk about 99% of it yet.

    However, I will say 2008 is going to be a fantastic, if extremely expensive year, from the sheer range of stuff planned. :D

    I'll try to address the individual questions posted in the first 9 pages of this thread later, as far as I'm able.


    This is definitely not what I want to hear... *sigh* Time to cut back my purchases...

  6. This is completely moronic. I am not getting any of them till I port over to HD-DVD ot blu-ray. Fool me once not twice. I am not getting tricked to get one dvd only to find out they re-released it. Pisses me off they do this stupid crap. I am betting some TF fans will get all 4 versions... beter them than me.

  7. Anyone happen to have a screen shot of the Chief and the Arbiter standing back to back in the Control room? I think that is one of the coolest images ever. I want it as my Desktop...

    If you goto the theater you see the videos it recorded of you playing and dying in each level. It also include the cutscenes. You can take screenshots as well.

    Anyone finished the game on Legendary? If so, what the heck was the planet that the ship was drifting to? Reach?

    I dont think Bungie will do any more Halo since they only do trilogies. And also in case you didnt know, Bungie will be spun off from Microsoft.

  8. I'm waiting for either Chekov or Kirk himself.

    And uh oh, Bennet might be dead... I wonder if this is the company screwing with him, I'm guess that the company knows what's going on with Bennet, they're trying to psyche him out. The Indian is just the conduit for now.

    As for DL, he's dead eh? What happened? Did he ask for too much money and the writers decide to kill him offscreen?

    I like the twist with Sylar.... I'm sure he'll weasel his way out.... would be fun.

    Well we werent for sure if DL was coming back. Then again we never knew Parkman would live either. Suresh is a pawn. He is always a pawn somehow. I just wish Hiro would get the hell out of 17th century Japan. After seeing another former star trekkie, I am expecting everyone to show up well with the exception of Scotty and Bones.

  9. Anybody got an extra Flint they dont want? I actually want 2 flints. I found Snake eyes and Storm Shadow at Target. I got the last set of Wave 3 and I couldnt get extras even if I begged. I have been thru 5 targets and 4 walmarts. Walmarts have the damn 5 packs. Targets were nearly cleaned out. I got extra hooded cobra commander, snake-eyes, and Storm shadow to trade.

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