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Posts posted by Godzilla

  1. I dunno about you all but too many snake-eyes and stormie is getting tiresome. I want to see other characters like Sgt Slaughter, Slaughter's Renegades, Dr. Mindbender, Cover Girl, Eels, Deep-Six (Sharc driver) Vipers, AVACS, Falcon, Wet suit, Alpine, Grunt (v1), Steeler, Cutter (Whale driver), Blowtorch, Mutt & Junkyard, Thunder (slugger driver)Lift-Ticket (tomahawk pilot), Lifeline, etc. One thing I hated the comic was it was mostly centered on SE and SS. Stalker and Scarlett were in on it. One thing I liked about the cartoon was that they went to different stories like Dusty was a triple agent, weather dominator, earthquakes in Japan, etc.

    Now from the comic it would be great to see Scarface, Qwinn and Dr. Venom.

  2. Toynamis are just crap. I am sorry I bought a set of veritechs and alphas. I went back and got the gakken ones and man they are rock solid. The toynami alphas wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt fragile and if the chest could clear the ground when in fighter. the big feet are major complaint when it is in Battloid mode. I avoid toynami from now on. The only thing good from them was Voltron.

  3. How could Aoshima let this happen? How in the world did they turn a blind eye and let this slip by them. They should have had their own QC on hand for it. IMHO, the Aoshimas are worse than the toynamis from what I just thumbed thru. Good lord. Still I am not too keen on the $300 price tag on a CM's Legioss and Tread. Well, I am pretty sure the Beta is dead. Aoshima needs to get it rep back and it is to run as far aay as possible from Toynami for starters.

  4. Damn, I was gone for a week and I missed this? As much I am happy for the revamped 1/60 coming for the VF-1, part of me seems really irked by this new 1/60. I like it to be the same scale as the other 1/60s but good lord, I have over 140 1/48s. Sure I wont sell em but man why regress? Now it means I have to remove the 1/48s to place the 1/60s so everything is to scale? Or buy new display case. :) Seriously, I am irritated by this announcement. Why didnt they do that in the first place? Piss poor marketing and execution IMO. On the flip side, I can see Yamato making the 1/60 destroids, finally the 2 seater VF-1. and enemy mecha... so I cannot be too upset with all the macross goodies coming then. I am on the wall on this...

    My questions:

    1. Will they have the nice gummy complete pilots that can fit into the cockpit not the stupid half-@$$ed figs I saw with the VT-1 Super Ostrich?

    2. How about yellowing? My VF-1A Hikaru DYRL 1/60 is yellowing. Even the missiles are yellowing. My 1/48s have not yellowed at all.

    3. Will the macross stands work with it?

  5. Are you joking? $329? Um, no way I will buy it. As much as I love to have a link up, that is the straw that broke the camel's back. I have too much stuff I am buying and this will not be cheap. Now if they make the fixes meaning shift the alpha up and have the feet not dangling from the legioss, I may get it. Also the back of the head of the Legioss seems to be dangling too. The fighter mode doesnt look too bad though.

    As for the toynamis, I love them in fighter mode but the chest is way too thick ot the landing gear is not high enough. Dont get me wrong but I like the fighter mode of the toynami alpha but the battroid mode needs help. Looks like he got over grown feet. If the CMs is a proto, I hope they make fixes. If not, it will be a bad time to be mospeada fan. :(

    For now, I am gonna have to have faith since CMs did a good job on the Patlabors. Crossing my fingers on this.

  6. I got extra joes of all waves if anybody wants them (no flint though). I have been seeing Joes on the store shelves here and there especially after they restock them. I got their restocking days for Target and Walmart to fine art. My god, I have 8 Red ninjas and 4 cobra officers. Anyways, always willing to trade or sell them at cost. My collection is complete now thru Wave 3. I even got the variants.

    I like the Ace figure though I rather have Ace in a real fighter flight suit instead of the SR-71 type flight suit. Would be really nice if he did get a good proportional F-14 Tomcat. I really hope they go thru all the figures from 1983 to 1987. Would be cool to see a Falcon fig. Are they gonna release any vehicles?

  7. It would be nice if CMs would release the rest of the Bridge Bunny crew, Claudi, Gloval, and DYRL Haiyo Kakazaki to complete the DYRL figure set. It would be nice to have a Bridge setup as well. For the M+, we can get Sharon Apple, Yang, Myung, Lucy, and Millard Johnson as well but those are a pipe dream I guess.

  8. woot, give me times when you're doing Legendary, I need to finish it, and it's easier with more people :)

    i'm only half way though legendary.

    I am game! I beat Legendary 4 times myself and 1 multiplayer with my friend. Let me know when you want to play.

  9. Shoulda talked to me because I saw leader class Prime at my costco and would have gotten it to you at cost.

    Damn eBay whores. This guy is going to go list them on eBay now or in a year and make what.....$20 on them. That crap drives me nuts. The same guys are responsible for me having to buy my Leader Class Prime on eBay because I can't buy a Transformer off of a shelf anywhere near where I live.

    Rant over....and out. :huh:

  10. That's the thing, the "people who download/steal stuff" don't care about anyone else but themselves. How do you fix that?

    I never said the system is perfect. Read thru my entire post. Someone makes a better mouse trap all the time and someone is surely devise a way to defeat it. How do we fix those company price gouge the hell out of us? Remember when CDs are $20 a pop? There is no real easy solution. Of course lawyers are the real winners. They sue ppl left and right for digital media copyright. As I said look how the Gaming industry handle it. Then again, I have been to Shanghai and pirating DVDs to Xbox 360 games to GBA to PSP games. How the hell you stop them? Again this is all evolution. There is no such thing as an end all be all. This will constantly evolve. The anime industry is slow to evolve.

  11. This reminds me of the issue that ppl were copying video games in the early days. (to most here, I am prolly perceived as old as dirt :lol: ) I remember when games came out on 5 1/4" and 3.5 " floppys. (God, I feel like my father saying, "when I was young, I had to walk to school in 6 ft of snow and it was 10 miles to school...") It was easy to copy and distribute. I remembered I got X-Wing which was 5x 3.5" floppys, from BBS sites from Europe (in 5 zip files) since they got the game first. Someone in Europe cracked it and boom everyone that had access to FTP server or BBS site got the game the day before it was actually released. As a poor college student it seemed it was the right thing to do because we couldnt afford it. It wasn't right or was it? I mean we were paying for $2-3K for PCs at the time and why should we buy a $50-$70 game if we didnt have 2 dimes torub against. Regardless, games soon went to CD-ROMs but you couldnt copy the game on another CD-ROM. Someone got the idea to copy it to floppys. Good lord I remembered that I got Dark Forces from the BBS site and it was parted out on 25 disks. I got tired of unzipping it and copying it to the HDD. Then came the CD burner gaming industry. Anyone can now copy a CD-ROM but the technology was initially expensive. The nightmare for the media entertainment to the software began when prices came down where everyone can afford the CD burner,so they introduced a new copyright technology on the Discs. Someone later on made the crack the copyright so then you can copy stuff from the CD. But low and behold, DVDs where making its introduction since the games were getting more sophisticated, graphically stunning, and more space consuming. And then people copied games on many CDs. Then the DVD burner came out. Then the copy protection on the DVDs came out but with the internet, we saw many cracks available to copy DVDs. See the pattern? The gaming industry went back to having the product activation code. If you bought the game, the game came with product code to activate the game when you installed it. Still people made their code available or someone made a code generator because the algorithm was too easy. Sure algorithms got more complicated but there was always someone out there to crack it and then distribute it on the internet. But the internet became a double edge sword: if you wanted to play with other ppl on the internet, you had to use their servers to play. In using their servers, the game companies monitor the users if they had legimate codes. If they see users with the same code, any user using that particular code is banned. Now if you didnt play with others on the internet, no problem, right? Sure if your computer wasnt connected to the internet. Tell me which home computer is not connected to internet. Games got smarter in which you need to get the update if it was available from the company website. To get the update you need to have the uniquie code. If it see you have a cracked copy, too bad you are not getting the update. You need the update to fix bugs, right? The point? The video game industry adapted. They started placing measures and used the internet to help regulate copyrgh material. So does the anime industry have to follow this concept? I dunno. This way maybe good for one industry but not for another. Now I am not saying that the above is foolproof. Sure ppl will find a way to go around it. It is the nature of the beast. Someone is building a better mousetrap as well as someone will always get around the mousetrap. It's progress whether we like it or not. If there is money still to be made, then they will adapt to it.

    Now for me, I understand it cost money to make the money hence I feel we are stealing if we are downloading music, software, etc. So if I like it, I buy. I know nothing comes free. In the end, ppl who steal, are they really saving money? Sure. But on the flipside, you are screwing the honest ppl who buy it and the ppl who makes these wonderful things. When more and more ppl begin to download because they get sick of paying while others brag they are getting it for free and want to get in on the free action. At that point, it is worth making it, why continue? Companies close and layoff happen and ppl loses their jobs. Of course this is not to say that companies are gouging prices to the point where ppl will rebel by using the internet to download because they hate being ripped off. In this society we go from one extreme to another and never the middle ground which is why IMHO we keep repeating history. In the end everyone loses... except the lawyers.

    Damn this is going too deep here. I feel like I am on the debate team. Anyways, this reflection was based on my opinion. Bash away. :p

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