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Posts posted by Bowen

  1. Perhaps the need to detect/transmit signals to co-ordinate between Skull and the other squadrons etc outweighs the reduction in maneuverability. For that matter, we've never seen the RVF-25 operate in atmosphere, and in space, the aerodynamic drawbacks of the fins are nil-- and depending on the mass of the fin, the limitations on maneuverability might not be significant as well.

    Besides, it's not like Luca does any real dogfighting (and if he tries, he sucks :p).

  2. It's a little loose because it's removable and the mechanism it uses. It does not fall out on mine but it's a little tricky to get it in a position that I like in fighter mode.

    Sorry, but what exactly do you mean with that last part? A position in which it stays mostly in place?

  3. Is it safe to assume that this toy will use mostly the same mold/parts as the YF-21?

    The reason I ask is because I might order it without waiting for any reviews and from what I understand the YF-21 was pretty much flawless and one of the best Yamato valks so far...

  4. So, with only a limited (initial?) run of 1000 models, do you guys think I'd still be able to get one if I wait with my order until after the first reviews? I'm seriously contemplating getting either this one or the VF-11B.


  5. So, I'm thinking about getting this one assuming I can scrape together the funds. What exactly is the deal with the coclpit? I've read a few posts about it being somewhat loose...

    How loose is 'loose'? Does everyone have this issue or only a few of you guys who've already gotten it?


    Bowen :)

  6. Anybody hear if Hobby Search is going to be getting ahold of these? I would order with Overdrive but I don't want to pay for the preorder right now.

    Same here, blew too much on Warhammer last month...:(

  7. Graham do you know anything about how the bellyplates on the VF-22 will store the gunpods ?

    Will they be accurately stored internally ?

    ^This^ , and, any idea whether Yamato tackled the QC issues of the previous 1/60 YF-19?

    I love the YF-19, but I don't want to spend that much money if part of it is going to snap on the first or second transformation.

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