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Posts posted by Bowen

  1. Wait, does the prototype have TVC already? The way those nozzles are pointed down in that pic...

    And I seem to remember that in that vid I posted a while back they were shown moving up and down before takeoff as well.

    Anyway, I can see this thing being more maneuverable than the F-22 and having longer range, and with the AMRAAM's limited range compared to some of Russia's AAMs it could have a weapons advantage as well (assuming it can get a lock ofcourse).

    But aside from that, I found it amusing that nothing was said about the low observability/stealth characteristics of both aircraft :)

  2. Anyways, the armed T-bird was because a general asked them to "prove it" when it comes to their oft-stated explanation that a T-bird can be war-ready in 72 hours. Well, they technically didn't make it---it's supposed to include repainting into camoflage but there wasn't time.

    Aren't the Blue Angels F/A-18s supposed to be capable of being made war-ready in 72 hours as well?

    I wonder if there are any similar pics of Blue Angels birds :)

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