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Posts posted by Bowen

  1. My first mental image is of a P-40 pilot baling out and firing at the A6M2 on his six with twin revolvers before he even yanks the chute....

    That's not necessarily a bad thing...

    Especially if said pilot would be played by Liam Neeson

    I mean, if you can get away with flying a tank, you can get away with that

    Oh god, nerdgasm-levels are rising...

  2. July 29.

    I know what you mean about this being the first US animation (US produced and directed, but I'm sure the animation itself was contracted out to some Korean or Japanese studio) since Avatar worth looking forward to; heck, the animation's style, detail, and fluidity even seem on par with that of Avatar's... I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same studio that did the work on that is also doing this new series. Now here's hoping that CN will do for Thundercats the same that Nickelodeon did for The Last Air Bender and not cancell it midstream. This show seems so well developed and fresh that it deserves a full run.

    That first footage actually reminded me of Avatar for some reason, not sure why or if it's the same animation studio though

  3. They never really had a snout

    I know, which is why I think it's silly that for some reason it only bothers me (a little bit) with the new designs, while it never did for the old ones

    Should've clarified a bit perhaps

    And that looks quite interesting, might have to set aside some money...

  4. Anyways, with the Libyan no-fly-zone+ imposed, just some interesting facts:

    You need SEAD, and lots of it--not necessarily top-of-the-line fighters for CAP. F-22 not really the best here (and it's a waste to send them against MiG-23's). Can't deny airspace unless you control it first and can fly around without fearing SAMs. Tornado GR4 and F-16 Block 50/52 are among the very best at this.

    Tank plinking would actually be quite useful, but could be a while before any A-10's get in-theater. I don't think Bentwater has had any for many years. Will probably fall to the Tornado and F-16 again. I'm not up on the Rafale or Typhoon's anti-tank weaponry.

    IMHO the most-likely "early situation" is Su-24 vs Shornet or Rafale. I won't be surprised if something's been shot down when I check the news in the morning. Here's what's currently in the area, US Navy-wise:

    Closest, on the Enterprise:

    VFA-11 Red Rippers F-18F

    VFA-136 Knighthawks F-18E

    VFA-211 Checkmates F-18F

    VMFA-251 Rhunderbolts F-18C

    Next closest, on the Carl Vinson:

    VFA-22 Redcocks F-18F

    VFA-25 Fist of the Fleet F-18C

    VFA-81 Sunliners F-18E

    VFA-113 Stingers F-18C

    Notably, the Sunliners got the Hornet's first kills in Desert Storm and they've been in combat in Libya before. Certainly "the squadron to watch".

    For the USAF, Aviano's F-16s would be the main, probably followed by Spangdahlem's. Both could do SEAD and CAP. Strike Eagles from RAF Lakenheath likely IMHO for non-SEAD strikes if needed.

    ::edit:: Ah, forgot, Spangdahlem has A-10's now too. Good, because it's a LONG way to Libya from Arizona...

    Is the Brimstone operational yet?

    IIRC the Typhoon should be compatible with that, just like the Tornado (GR.4, not F3 obviously)

    That should provide plenty of anti-tank capability

  5. Wasn't that the thing they were going to use to rescue the hostages in Iran from are embassy they were going to land in a Soccer field in Tehran and leave in that, but after the accident they went with the Helicopter insertion which failed also?

    Jup, Operation Credible Sport

    Here's some Fat Albert:

  6. He wrote a lot of my favorite old shows, and I got a kick out of him opposite Nathan Fillion in an extra on the "Castle" DVD my sister has. He will be missed.

    Yeah, it was fun seeing him in Castle's poker game every once in a while :)

    A really nice touch, all those writers in a game together

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