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Posts posted by Bowen

  1. That's nice, but Northrop Grumman has nothing to do with the A-12. It was a McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics project.

    That's why I asked 'Don't you mean Boeing and General Dynamics?' (seeing as Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas in 1997) :D

  2. That skull that got crushed was incinerated in a nuclear blast so I would think it's probably cracked and very brittle. Still a terminator's weight might be enough to crush a skull if it stomped on it like that. Not completely sure.

    You are probably right about a terminator being able to punch through a human, but I think that it might also have to do with leverage. You may have to hold a person from being thrown back from the force perhaps. We did see a terminator punch through a human in T3, but she made had her fingers pointed straight IIRC rather than a fist which would distribute the load preventing actual penetration perhaps.

    Maybe you saw Marcus being socked in the trailer? Marcus is a hybrid terminator.

    Didn't Ahnold actually punch through some dude when he wanted clothes in T1?

    EDIT: Just checked on Youtube, it appears he did :)

  3. I interesting, I was about to marvel at how ugly it is. I like the splayed ventral fins and the bulge that passes for an intake spike of sorts...but everything else? ugly.


    My initial thought was that from the side it kinda looked like the bastard-child of an F-16 and a Sukhoi, but without any of the good looks of its parents...

  4. Heck, I'd be happy with a reissue of the YF-19 with Fold Booster set. At least we'll know we're getting the one with fixed landing gear but without the crooked gunpod mount. Have steered clear of the YF-19 so far because of the uncertainty.

    Plus farting One!

  5. Ex-UN pilot who adopted a small child and left his girlfriend to raise her; has a male starship pilot madly in love with him and what seems a very strong friendship bond with Canaria and Captain Wilder; has a love for old rally Italian cars and most of all is a fan of Fire Bomber. Seems an interesting background to me. Too bad they decided to let us only have a glimpse at the surface of things.

    Agreed. Ozma was my favorite character, too bad he got so little screentime/character development/background exposition...

  6. Someone's already uploaded the whole Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus movie on YouTube. Don't know how long it'll be online before The Asylum will actually threaten to take it down.

    Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

    And a little plot summary from Wikipedia:

    Off the coast of Alaska, oceanographer Emma McNeil (Deborah Gibson) is aboard a submarine studying whales when, without warning, a sonic device dropped from a military helicopter awakens a Megalodon (a gigantic shark) and a Giant Octopus from their 10-million-year slumber. In no time at all, both creatures wreak havoc all over the ocean, terrorizing oil platforms and mutilating whales on their way. The Megalodon destroys the Golden Gate Bridge and even devours a 747 airliner from several thousands of feet in the sky.

    When several attempts at stopping both creatures from inflicting further damage fail, McNeil, Professor Lamar Sanders (Sean Lawlor) and Japanese scientist Dr. Seiji Shimada (Vic Chao) decide that the only way to stop the mayhem is to have the Megalodon and the Giant Octopus fight each other to the death. Allan Baxter (Lorenzo Lamas), a veteran commando, is assigned to lure both creatures out of civilization and stage their "Thrilla in Manila."

    In the end of their undersea showdown, the Giant Octopus kills the Megalodon and they both sink, never to be seen again.

    EDIT: F'ing hell that's a SPOILER! Some of us actually wanted to watch this crud you know!


  7. After practically every one in the United States and many parts of the world has watched Independence day; seeing a bunch of giant space ships hovering over the major cities. Every one would start running in the opposite direction.

    Ofcourse Independence Day wasn't the first to do that ;)

    AFAIK the original V was (one of) the first, possibly inspired by "Childhood's End" (just something I read online ofcourse :p)

    The trailer looked okay, but trailers usually do, so I'm not passing judgement yet.

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