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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. So true! If the villian fails in any hero story, then the whole film fails. These days it feel producers are purposely making villains lamer just to pump out more of the hero's brand.
  2. Started with Guilty Crown. Lovely animation, but the story feels it's borrowed bits and pieces from other Anime formulas. Also into Fate Zero. And Loving it. Rider and Archer are such intriguingly refreshing characters.
  3. Though lets be honest here. Who here would like to see a new Batman trilogy, but done identically to the Arkham game franchise? I would.
  4. That I fully concur with you. Another quick question to the Marvel fans. Any theories on that?
  5. +1, Though I enjoyed the second Hulk film back then which up for the horrible first film, but really couldn't get into the second Ironman.
  6. Came across not to long ago, can't remember the damn link, but mentioned if the reboot happens, it will be a comic book approuch. Which might mean Batman will don grey and alongside him will be... Robin.
  7. Great, then at least act the 21 years. Then it will be so much easier to see each other's diverse point of views, or agree to disagree without lowering the field with your emotional inner child. (Must still be having a tuff childhood?) And yes, mine got killed a minutes ago when it crash landed one of my Yamato's into a x-wing. The tragedy.
  8. Really now... Are you 12 years old?
  9. Well that's a real tragedy and a waste of potentially great stories with such unexplored characters. What I meany by harsh reality is that the good guys are not invicible, and not all of them survive war. Example, have one of the major heroes taken out by half through the film. Well there's so much more I can add, but I'm tired talking about this film for this week.
  10. Actually the bad guy didn't win. That was more like a draw. Still, that film moved me.
  11. When did this happened, and was explained and shown? Criticms unfounded? So the movie wasn't predictable every five minutes? And yes, it started like just about every other superhero film, where a villain presents a threat for vague reasons, and ends with saving the city from a nuke at the last second while nearly dying. Rather say you're Marvel fan, and you're happy with the film. Nothing wrong with that. Though defending its flaws, causes the talent from the writers and etc of such a film to not improve on their project. You recognized what it's worth, unlike the millions out there hailing it as the greatest action film ever. +1 I know you didn't mean any disrespect. All good. I was actually a bit too hard with my reply, and didn't mean it directly at you. Now please hear me out on the following. I lecture 3D animation, concept design and storytelling. I promote inspiration, borrowing, as means to learn and evolve. Though the moment published work in the entertainment field resembles too much what's been done a hundred times, you cap your creativity. That's a sin for any artist in any field. Also I promote that to really reach people, and give them something memorable out of your work that lives more than just a movie season, there needs be a bit of harsh realism. Avengers had zero of that. It was a great comedy, yes, great wanking visuals, but it wasn't anything... new or wow. And again, it's sad, they missed a opportunity to take a cheesy franchise, and turn it into something cinematically iconic for the comic book industry, which without the films is dying, because they keep rewriting the same stories over and over again. Now onto the flaws with the film. I've already spent hours dissecting this film with friends and my students, and the list of errors discussed is too long for me to type here. so I typed the first ones to mind. As a epic action film, it didn't succeed as it will be easily forgotten by the next popcorn film. As a comedy, it wins. Anyway, got work to do on this Saturday night. Chat later. Whoops, apologies. Corrected. Sorry for that.
  12. I stated something similar in my previous posts. But Ivanov's and co's tactics were like those of bastards, especially harming a bunch of people that only fish and dance all day.
  13. The more people think like this, the less our creative potential brittles away to corporate formulas. Thank you, and nice! I for once want to see a superhero movie where the bad guy wins. He/sge kill millions of people at the end of the film, and even wins the hot girl. The end. I want to see superheroes with real problems, like addictions, drugs, affairs, not given a hell about the world but just wearing a cape cause they're paid. It is so endless to create something new, refreshing, and our reality closer to these films, and give them a longer lifespan than just a summer fever. Nope, what we get, another identical script of every superhero film. I'm sick of it. This is the reason dropped comics when I was kid, and moved into Anime. And the script was messy and loopy. Like how the Hulk attacks anyone in the first half, and suddenly for the final battle he's a super best friend.
  14. All good. Sure, but he's not the monster the West is painting him as. Let give you an example of the media distort events through the course of time. I grew up, and lived most of my life South Africa. Still love this country. However during the dark ages, Nelson M@ndela did commit terrorist acts. Bombs and etc. And now, he's a saint. All the bad he did is red taped in the archive rooms. He actually didn't even save this country and it's people, cause he was in prison all the time. What saved this country was when TV footage started reaching the rest of the world about the crimes of the aparthied. Which resulted in international pressure. But M@ndela... Well he was transformed to look like a Martin Luthar King (Now he was a hero), a symbol for the people to follow while international banks sponsored him to get into the countries resources. But really, when you ask people here what did Nelson do? They say he saved the country and lead the people to freedom. And when you ask how, they say he never gave up. That is all they can come with. No, he didn't save the country... TV and international pressure did. He's just a poster man. And this technique is also used when a person needs to be re-invented as the bad guy. Time can hide things. So who's side can we really pick, when it's all a creation of someone else idealogies for personal gain?
  15. Point proven. See, the West, USA, NATO, the Queen, all say he's a bad guy, and what happens, that seed is stuck in us, because surely the good guys cannot lie on TV? Right?
  16. You're right. But I did somewhat already point this out. Which brings me another draw back from our real world. The situation in Darfur. The country has no resources that gets interest from the West, and the world isn't saving them. So pretty much everyone is a terrorist when politics and profit are involved. We can also bring into this how the West is trying re-invent Chavez as a "bad guy", simply because he gave the middle finger to Western corporations that wanted to dry up Venezuela's resources. From that we can argue that Macross UN has also committed a similar act that forced the creation of the Anti-UN.
  17. LOL. I got done. Well played. But Clerks is a film I've well forgotten.
  18. Agree with you Keith. And very tragic story he have to carry with there everyday. Sorry for your friend. Back on topic, sometimes the situation defers with the endless possible circumstances, like perhaps those working for the UN, really needed a job to feed the family. Still if anyone goes to work for a military operation, regardless as a carpenter or a nurse, you do allow yourself to be a military target, and lose your status a innocent and unaware civilian.
  19. Watched it last week Thursday. Yeah, for whatever reason South Africa gets US films before they're shown in the US. Anyway, straight to the point. I really didn't enjoy it. Found it too predictable. Also the script was messy, the back and forth unexplained and suddenly coincidental settings showed rushed writing in the script. As for the villains, was very disappointed with the Transformers identical feel, to the point where I could make out what they were. Guess I'm totally out of these formulated type of films where the villain appears, heroes appear, villain reveals himself to be a moron, and heroes save city at the very last moment. Also the whole overly superhuman factor in battle also disappointed me. Like when Scarlet just off Cap's shield to tag one of the hover chariots, and neither of them once looked up to time the jump. So the got internal sensors built in their heads now? Also the whole Ironman and Potts relationship has too softened the ego of Tony Stark. I fully understand this film has fulfilled many childhood dreams, but in this age I feel they wasted the opportunity for a darker story, with a more realistic outcome away from the heroes save the day cliché. The humour though was spot on.
  20. I hear you, killing innocent civilians is wrong, and is a terrorist act. You are right. Though since that's the actual case, then both sides in a war are terrorists, as they take innocent life that hasn't provoked anyone. Thus the USA and Europe are as guilty when we invade other countries. Civilians are harmed there. Civilians are forced to flee in terror from their homes. That's terrorism. The moment you lift a weapon at someone that isn't for self defense, you're invoking terror in that person to manipulate whatever outcome against that person's present state. Then you're a terrorist. Regardless of whatever political cause or situation, if someone is frightened with a weapon, is an act of terrorism. At the end the Anti-UN are bastards. Their actions not justifiable. But in war there's always two sides, and whatever lead them to be being such bastards, could have been provoked by previous wrong doings of the UN? (And please don't think this a personal attack at you. Sometimes reading forums can misinterpret the tone of voices we hear along with the words. Not the case here, just chatting. I think you're awesome member and enjoy reading your posts. )
  21. Mighty thanks! Exclusive footage works. But I still get it's a Private video for Creations Featurette.
  22. Any chance of anyone reuploading the last two videos please?
  23. Then the USA and Nato are terrorists considering the amount of civilian targets and political assassinations they've done since WW2? Regardless if "accident", they "terrorized" innocent people with bombing raids and etc.
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