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Posts posted by DarkReaper

  1. So Battle Frontier masses twice as much as Battle 7's obviously arbitrary value of 7,777,777 tons.

    If I assume height to be maybe a bit more than half the width (I chose 300m) it comes out to a volume of roughly 262740000m^3.

    So with that enclosed volume and the given mass I calculate an average density of 63kg/m^3. USS Nimitz has an average density of about 111kg/m^3.

    Battle Frontier must have quite a lot of empty space in it.

  2. Oops. I only check it when someone posts something interesting into this thread :p Mostly due to the long loading time due to the massive number of pictures. Nice to see the clear (?) eye sensor, and the sniper rifle being able to mount underneath in fighter mode unlike the DX. Time to mod a VF-25F so that it can accept both the gunpod and the sniper rifle! Are there any places selling cheap VF-25Fs now?

    I don't see the Gunpod attached in that picture. The one in Fighter with gear extended doesn't have it mounted.

  3. I hope that it is in GNU size. Ichiban size would make it larger than a MacQuarter.

    Good choice by Bandai though, now they can make an Alto, Michel, Luca, Gilliam, Sheryl, and random infantry Ex-Gear.

    Were Ozma and Canaria in Ex-Gear aswell?

  4. I can recognize features of the coloring and shading (as well as mistakes I've made) that are unique to my coloring work. That poster is definitely using most of my colored work, though I'd need a clearer version of it to be certain in some cases.

    They seem to have made some tweaks to them though. Notice that their YF-19 has some of the dark grey panels under the nose replaced with the sand color

  5. Maybe the porous nature of bare plastic isn't suited to promodeler wash. Maybe it's pigments are too small and get soaked up.

    So I guess clear coating is a necessity if you want to use that wash. My acrylic wash worked fine on bare plastic though, there was a bit of discoloration in the plastic but nothing major. Most of it can be attributed to my bad swiping technique, those q-tips I used simply got soaked with color after the first cm or so and then started smudging.

  6. Just noticed that HLJ put a "Macross campaign decal" from Bandai on my order list for free. Anyone know what that is?

    Order nr. is BANOP-18

    Btw the only MacF item on that order are 2 VF stands.

  7. Something from the translated liner notes of ep. 13.

    - The Macross which appears in the finale of this episode is a part of five replicas produced for the exploration fleets, as mentioned in the first cronology.

    So there are five SDFs out there. SDFN-1 to 5.

    I don't know what chronology they mean though.

    Btw there is some more really juicy trivia in that thread: http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php...779&page=85

    I never knew Millia's nickname was "Witch craft" in Macross M3 for example.

    Also the dimension eater is recovered protoculture tech.

    [edit]Does anyone know if those Macross novels by Ohnogi were ever translated? A lot of storyline clues were taken from his books and they sound really interesting. They paint a more grim light on Macross.

  8. It does because 27.5g is how many G the pilot can endure in the VF-25. We don't know how many G the airframe itself can endure.

    So a VF-19 retrofitted with ICS can still not outmaneuver a VF-25 because it's engines are only half as strong as those in the VF-25. And in space engines are everything.

    It's got a better chance in atmosphere because of the canards though. Also it's larger internal missile payload would give it the upper hand as long as the VF-25 doesn't get it's super pack.

  9. I know that the Global was in Frontier. What I don't know however is that it was the last SDF to be built.

    Is it confirmed that it is the last model or are you just guessing that it was the last model because it's the first and only one we saw.

    Maybe the SDFs were used as interim battleships for (small) scale strike groups while the NMCs got priority assignments to colonisation fleets.

    The SDFN designation could mean that they built simplified SDFs in serial production.

    I mean after SWI the only serious battleship was the SDF-1. The Oberth carriers were completely outdated, the destroyers completely useless and basically the only capital ships around were zentradi.

    The only new Spacy vessel I know of that was built shortly after the war is the Algenix from M3.

    Basically we need a new OVA set in the mid-late 2020s.

  10. That's assuming the movie versions are going to be any different at all.

    The movie version will at minimum cause every MacF model to be reissued. Most likely with super packs for the VF-25F and S as standard.

    Armored will still likely be sold as addon-pack for maybe 3/4 the price of the base VF.

    That's why I am waiting until after the movie for the DXs. I want that Alto to have super packs without having to spend double the normal amount.

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