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Posts posted by DarkReaper

  1. It's not like you have a lot of options. The model will fall apart if you play with it too much and the 1/100 might be too small and has similar visual deficiencies as the DX. Monopolies are a bitch.

    That the VF-25S is still available and in stock at HLJ might be an indicator though that it's not as good as could be.

    Also, most who have bought the DX seem to have a love/hate relationship with it. And in contrast to Yamato it includes both QC and design issues.

    The amount of broken shoulder screws approaches the 1/60 VF-1 broken shoulder hinges.

    [edit]Right on Ghostkiller[/edit]

  2. Yeah, the extremely powerful vectored thrust wreaks havok with YSflight's lift calculation but if you are gentle with the joystick and hold the Gs below 30-35 you can do nice turns without losing too much speed. However YSflight might even be too lenient. I doubt the wings on a VF-25F can generate enough lift to sustain 40g in corners.

  3. The armored VF-25 has just been released. That guy must be working nonstop.

    And don't even think of trying to fly it in fighter. The complete lack of any lifting surfaces makes for lousy maneuvering.

    It's a bit like spacefighting only that there still is gravity. Pure engine power FTW.

  4. See the benefit of the web exclusives in that you get the super packs before everyone else.

    If the super packs get a combo pack rerelease maybe 3 months after the movie would you still bitch around?

    I mean for the target group, the japanese, it's just a forced preorder part. They don't market to non-japanese so your plight in getting them for double the mrsp from some random guy on the internet is not their concern.

    Besides web shop exclusive really is only limited in the widest definition of the word. I mean I order everything online, does that make everything exclusive?

  5. I just submitted a request for a part from Overdrive. My first one didn't go through so I contacted them and they just asked me to re-submit it. They then emailed me to tell me that they got it the second time. Great comunication and very helpful. A real class act. I just hope that Yamato will fulfill my parts request.

    Now the waiting game begins.

    Overdrive needs to get their system back in order. I made three different orders and I had to reconfirm two of them because their server was on the fritz.

    Seems like most of the time they just get the paypal notification and then have no idea what the money was for.

    I don't know about how strict customs is in Germany, so...

    Meh, you just have to pay the 19% VAT and then maybe 1% or so as import tax. But as overdrive always seem to underdeclare their packets I got them scots free. I think only products over 30€ or so have to pay VAT and Yamato always declare their toys as 25$ or 35$. At least they did with the 3 I ordered.

  6. Ok my mystake it's a tsu. They both just look the same.

    However the spelling of Focker/Fokker changes sometimes. In Dyrl when Misa sends the emergency message to Focker in the shuttle at 37 minutes it has a long o and at 57 minutes in the tent it's more of a short o.

    Furthermore I also heard it with a short o in several SDF episodes. Noticeably the preview lady always pronounces it with a short o. Maybe it's just a dialect issue.

    Maybe I just get mixed up in all the various English pronounciations of o and whether it's classified as a short o or long o. Anyway it's a short o in German.

    I am trying to find a video where you can hear the correct pronounciation of Fokker (the aircraft company) but unfortunately most of the videos on youtube are in english and spell it wrong.

    [edit]Found one: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo7IWcfK9Sg&...feature=related at 6:20 minutes in. The quick cuts in that documentary are giving me a seizure, jeez.[/edit]

    Btw, he is spelled Focker on his VF-0 in MacZero.

  7. Roy Fokker was american.

    Australia would have been a prime candidate but their grand cannon was already sabotaged by the anti-un so I don't know where else they could have sheltered. I don't think normal bomb shelters are sufficiently armored to survive an orbital bombardment of such a scale.

    Damn it, there should be some official background on post-space war 1 Earth. Do we even know if there are other cities than Macross city on earth?

    Some small settlements sure but large cities?

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