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Posts posted by DarkReaper

  1. Why are they always on their tip-toes in those gerwalk pics. Just lazy transformation or are they trying to hide the poor angle in gerwalk.

    Also there aren't any pics with their gunpod attached so I guess displaying a parked VF-25G with Gunpod is impossible.

    What were they thinking when they designed those landing gears? It not only looks bad but also prevents a major feature of the plane itself.

  2. The movie version will have changes, maybe some visual changes, perhaps the clothes. We are considering some little changes for the Valkyries too. I want their appearance (in screen) to be spectacular.

    Looks like there will be some visual redesigns coming. Maybe Bandai will update their toy lines to reflect those and maybe even use the opportunity to improve the sculpt of the DX. Don't know if I should hold back on the toys until the movie comes out.

  3. Huh, seeing it next to that 1/60 VF-1 it looks smaller than I expected.

    If it had the hips in the right place it would tower over the VF-1, but the way bandai built it it's 2 cm or so short of its real height.

    Are the back of the legs supposed to be so round? In the model they are more angular. Poor show Bandai, poor show.

    I seriously don't know if I still want it. There is just so much wrong with it. Damn Bandai monopoly.

  4. Yeah poseability is good and the joints are very tight. I am just frustrated about all those decals I painstakingly applied getting destroyed after transforming it. I think I will only use the stickers on my VF-25F and see how they hold up.

    While the far better proportions compared to the DX are sweet, the time needed to make them look good is just way too much and then you can never ever transform them or you will get depressed.

    In essence I will just keep my models in Battroid and get the toys for everything else. That way I don't have to look at the attrocious dwarfism of the DX.

  5. After a good week worth of arduous work i have finally finished the VF-25S and I can tell you, if you ever plan to transform the thing don't use decals because some will get damaged after the first transformation and you will shed tears because of it (not really but you will be sort of pissed off). Oh yeah and clear coating doesn't help.

    Anyway here are some pics of it on the battlefield seconds after completion and in it's desperately overcrowded natural habitat.


    [Edit]Just noticed that I switched the rear landing gears. Ah well who cares.

  6. After just having finished my VF-25S after 5 days of continuous work (which got partly ruined after the first transformation) I can safely say that I will be getting those toys. The lack of durability and stability on the model coupled with unwillingness to see all those hard painstaking hours spent getting everything right go to waste with every second of handling keeps me from actually playing with it.

    Guess I will get Alto, Ozma, and Michael in 1/60 and maybe Luca in 1/100.

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