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Posts posted by DarkReaper

  1. Well how many brits and americans survived space war 1? There certainly were only a miniscule amount on the SDF-1 and most of Earths survivors were sheltered in the Grand Cannons in Brazil, Africa and Alaska. Alaska was completely destroyed so Earths post-war population is likely made up mostly of Brazilians, Africans and Asians.

    I don't expect a lot of diversity in the all-english Macross 11.

  2. Anything outside of Japan, though I head it's now outside of Asia, due to some legal issues a few years back. I think anywhere you could get your hands on Robotech without importing it (IE: UK, US, Australia, etc) is under HG.

    Honestly, legalities haven't much slowed us Americans down, anyway. I just wish HG would give it up, though.

    Robotech was never shown here and you have to import all the DVDs from the UK.

  3. It clearly showed that the pods penetrates the cockpit and seals of it with foam. And I've never seen the bullets that bounces off and I just finished re watching the whole thing.

    Gamlin always had to use his laser pod to kill the commando valkyrie because normal bullets couldn't kill it fast enough.

    Speaker pods just penetrate with every hit right into the cockpit.

  4. I always wondered how basaras speaker pods had no problem penetrating even the hardest armored valkyrie while normal armor piercing bullets just ricocheted off. UN spacy should have just put bombs in there instead of speakers and issued them to the troops.

    Btw, was it ever revealed how lovelock could afford maintenance and repair costs on the VF-19. I mean, prior contacts in the army only get you so far.

  5. I just noticed a bug in the YF-19 or in YS flight. If you afterburn straight and then gently start a tumble movement where you move the joystick into a corner and hold it there you can reach Mach 40 in about 10 seconds or so. No idea why it does that.

  6. To be fair you can shoot down a F-22 with a Spitfire if you catch it at just the right moment.

    Anyway, the VF-0 were only rated to operate without air supply for 1 minute max, and probably at reduced power as well.

    So the whole discussion is moot anyway. Additionally we don't know how much the air turbines weigh more than the thermonukes if the SV-51 were to be refitted.

  7. A 50 cm large battle galaxy is far too tall. Especially as the transformation is too simple and there are mostly large unbroken stealthy surfaces that don't merit such a large model. Making the Model big just for the sake of being big will alienate many. Especially japan where available space for the average anime fan probably doesn't extend much further than his bedroom.

    20-25cm for the Quarter and maybe 30cm max for the Galaxy (If they ever do one, which I doubt. At most in Model or non-scale toy form. )

  8. Here's my list:

    Alto: Cut his hair and got addicted to booze. Suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome induced from the last battle.

    Ozma: Marries Cathy and gets killed the very next day in a flying accident.

    Ranka: Already seriously traumatized by past events, Alto's alcoholism and Ozma's death push her over the edge and she runs away from "home" and gets a job as a waitress in a chinese restaurant in some dump of a Colony ship and tries to rebuild her life - supressing all of the memories of her childhood.

    Sheryl: Marries Luca's dad because she is getting old, nobody likes her music anymore and she needs the money.

    Luca: Works for his dad. Traded his flight jersey for a business suit.

    Klan: Unable to let go, she hates Vajra for Mikhael's death and goes AWHOL.

    Leon: Shoot - executed for High Treason.

    Captain of the Macross Quarter: Forced into early retirement for Mutiny. Dies of lung cancer two years later.

    Cathy: After loosing Ozma, she dedicates herself fully to her military career and becomes a dry, depressed, despondant drone in the military machine, swearing off all love and emotions.

    Brera: Terminated, along with every other cybor, implant etc etc that the NUNS can find on the Frontier and anywhere else (since NUNS have started a crusade to purge AI from all colony ships given the events of first Plus then Frontier).

    Ai-Kun: Goes off to search for Ranka but faces discrimination because he looks like a slug having sex with a tick.

    Did I miss anything?


    Too much reality there.

    Do Fighter pilots really get post-traumatic stress syndrome? Air combat always seems like a quite clean affair with a lot of BVR engagement going on.

    Burning out may easily happen in a high-intensity war where they are kept in the plane or at high readiness most of the time.

    Bomber and Close-air support pilots might get it though. After all their targets are a bit less anonymous.

  9. You have to take fuel endurance into account as well. An SV-51 might have a similar max thrust rating but it's going to burn through it's fuel blindingly fast. Most modern fighter jets have an afterburner endurance of about 10min max till bingo fuel, now take that rating and cut it in half for the OT engines.

    I guess the MacZero engines are supercruise like the F22 though so they might have a combat endurance of 20 minutes or so in fighter mode.

    Less if Gerwalk or Battroid are used as they pretty much require afterburner use.

    A VF-1 on the other hand can just keep it's engine cranked up to max in an atmosphere for an indefinite time. A SV-51 might be able to keep up with a VF-1 in the first few minutes after engagement but will very quickly fall behind due to fuel restrictions.

    Btw, the verniers would have to be very, very powerful to work in an atmosphere on a plane with control surfaces. At slow speeds verniers might prove useful, sort of like ultra-vectored thrust. But at high speeds the air acting on the control surfaces might be too powerful to overcome in any meaningfull amount.

    There's a reason why vectored thrust is great for post-stall situations.

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