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Posts posted by Hiriyu

  1. ...From the show, we really only see two TREADs, or three if you count the blue TREAD twice:

    Blue = "21" in the first episode. This would be the TREAD that Stick is attached to at the beginning. His squadron is 21, so the TREAD would be "21". On a side note, I’ve always assumed that Stick’s Legioss was “21” during the entire series, but the idea that Stick happened to find another Legioss from the 21st doesn’t really make sense. Did they repaint “21” on the Legioss that Jim has? Do we even see the squadron markings in the show anyway? Are the markings only really seen on the toys and models? Does anyone have any insights into what the number on the Legioss should be?

    I would love to hear everyone's insight into this.


    I have no insight on this subject, but I had always kind of idly wondered about the numbering of Stick's Legioss. As I recall, we do see the "21" markings on Stick's Legioss(s) throughout the series, but sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not in the actual animation. I think that it can be rationalized in-story as the crew having painted Stick's numbers on the Legioss that Jim had been restoring/maintaining. Maybe a viewing of that particular episode where they meet Jim will show something... I think it was the third or episode but may be wrong there.

  2. I find it hilarious Jobs is touting it as some ideal way to browse the web yet it doesn't support FLASH. Nearly all the streaming servies out there like Hulu and Youtube use flash as does almost nearly every web game out there.

    On top of the numerous other bone head decisions, no USB port, no memory card slot, not even a built in way to just view the stupid thing without holding it... just an easy easy pass for me.

    +1 on this post. For a scant moment (once I had heard of the fairly inxepensive [for Apple] price point), I was mildly intrigued by the idea of the iPad. I caught myself thinking that so long as it had USB, it may actually work well. Three seconds later, as I came to my senses, I realized that software incompatibility for what I would want to use it for would be a deal-breaker anyway. Then, Eugimon mentions that there is not actually even any USB support. Brick.

  3. Oh dear lord rofl, I hate retards who do that - I meet one of these idiots on the expressway almost every single day. I'm part of the elite 1% of the Michigan population that believes in following the law and try to obey the speed limit, which for the expressway is 70mph... quite generous compared to other places....

    Anyways, I sometimes very very gently tap once on the brake (not hard enough to slow the vehicle down) so that they can see my damm brake-light as communicating to the car behind you is what I guess it was originally designed for - but they never get the idea or understand what I mean. Eventually, just like you describe, like 10 minutes later they pass.

    I've noticed lately that most people who do this are also yapping away on the cell phone, hence probably too distracted to figure out that there is less than 1m clearance between his front bumper and the rear of my vehicle and that we're both doing 70 mph.

    A good rule of thumb is to merge into the next lane to the right when faster traffic approaches from the rear. Let the faster traffic by, do not play vigilante traffic cop by trying to slow the flow of traffic. If you regularly brake-check people while slowing the flow of traffic as you describe above, you should be prepared to be the subject of road rage.

  4. Stick's invasion group is the Third Earth Reclamation Group. The second invasion group brought Yellow and Jim to Earth, along with their mecha and Houquet's mospeada. I believe the time period between the two invasions was something like 3-5 years... someone remind me.

    Oh, and the Inbit? The Ibit themselves are purely biological, not cybernetic. Their mechs are bio-mechanical, and are controlled by "lifeforce".

  5. Yeah that's it. I have it set on 1920 x 1080 or something like that. I think it's better, but letters look...I dunno, smaller and not as sharp or something. I'm reading about something callled "clear-type" in xp but I just realized how amazing Call of Duty 4 looks so I've been playing instead of tuning lol...

    You absolutely need to set your LCD monitor to display its native resolution (1600x900), else your image will be stretched or distorted. You may be able to get away with a lower resolution which preserves the same aspect ratio, but why would you want to? All lowering the resolution to the next matching aspect ratio serves to do is to give you less screen real-estate (less viewable onscreen), defeating the purpose of having a widescreen in the first place. 20" widescreens are on the very small end of the scale anyway, so you really don't want to lower the resolution in any case.

    Given the screen resolution you have, you have no reason whatsoever to upgrade your video card unless you're using Vista or Win7 and want to take advantage of DX11, which isn't a big deal as of yet. If for whatever reaon you do want to go DX11, then the ATI 5000 series is the only game in town. Your current 8800GT is more than capable of whatever you throw at it with that monitor under DX9/10/.

  6. Why is it that concept sketches don't always translate well to prototypes or actual production units? Case in point: this 2010 Zagato Perana Z-One. The sketch looks beautiful, but the car itself looks bland in comparison.

    There are limitations in production tool design wrt draft and compound curves which cannot be easily translated from drawing to tool; also, sketches can imply shapes and proportions which are not actually present. Just look at some of the Macross perspective lineart for examples of this. Also, a design artist has a lot more leeway in terms of glossing over details that engineers cannot - window and door seals, functional door handles, mirrors, etc.

    ** Edit: The biggest difference in the example provided is the cove in the front bodywork, around the wheelwells (though there are a lot of other details like the mounting of the mirros, rear haunches/wheelarches, etc, etc). Notice that on the "production" model the front fenders and valance appear to be one piece. If you used the more heavily coved design from the sketch, I'm guessing that you would have a very loosey-goosey non-rigid body panel there. Notice the flattened "lip" around the wheelarch? That kind of feature gives a panel much higher strength as a unit. I don't know what the body is made of, or if this is a unibody design in the first place, but manufacturers generally don't want to sell a car with body panels that flap around as the car moves through the wind.

  7. Too bad for Warner Brothers because HG, the company whom they got the rights from to make this movie, doesn't have the rights to the anime (Macross) which this movie will be based on. That's kinda like buying a car only to be told by the guy who sold it to you that the car doesn't have an engine, so in order for it to work you have to buy the engine separately.

    You guys really need to work on your automotive analogies. A more appropriate description might be, "That's kinda like buying the rights to the name 'Corvette' for use in a movie called 'Corvette Summer', only to be told that you cannot use the likeness of a Corvette in the movie". :lol:

  8. More than stuffing it into the case, I'm looking at the slots required and that's giving me pause. When I look at a spec sheet and it says that it takes x16 PCIe 2.0 and requires 2 slots, does that mean that both slots need to be x16 or what?

    Usually, 2-slots just means that the card will take the physical space of two slots, but will only be socketed into one of them (the upper of the two).

  9. Thanks for the little tips guys. When you guys are talking about the lower torso collapsing are you talking about the part near the hips you push up and down between modes? Either way I must be transforming it right since I'm not getting too much problems with fighter mode. The problem I have is the right arm not going in straight and locking into the leg straight for fighter mode. After further fiddling with my legioss I managed to get both arms fully extended so that's a plus for soldier mode. I'm also glad on my sample (blue one) the neck area was assembled correctly so the nose section and head can lock together properly. I also noticed a few more paint chips on the arms , but there not terrible or deal breaking. As a display piece this works fine and now I'm content with having this legioss and the old 1/35 gakken.

    People usually seem to have some issues with getting the legs themselves to collapse and integrate with the main body, as the mechanism isn't very fluid. A lot of people have also missed the little slide joint you mention where the hip joints move up and down - sounds like you've figured that one out. As for the transformation of the arms, what I posted previously is pretty much all I've got. I have heard numerous reports of there being glue or paint overspray in the various arm joints, making it difficult (if not downright impossible) to get the arms extended and collapsed properly. I have been fortunate in that none of my four Legioss have had those problems.

  10. Cheap as Mospeada is, actually buying it and funneling some genuine Mospeada profit back up the chain is an option.


    As Ray says, the DVD set can be had really cheap; I think I paid about $25.00 for mine a few years ago. The booklet that comes with it IS worthwhile, containing several great interviews and recollections of the production staff.

  11. I own an Audi (A4 1.8t quattro manual), and while i agree it is slightly better, they're still a bitch to work on. It's nothing particularly difficult, but just little things that add up and make things cumbersome. For instance, yesterday i went to change the trans fluid, and it requires a twelve point security bit (the twelve points with the hole in the center) on the drain plug, and no tiny one that you could buy from home depot, the fat boy ones. I had to go to my mechanic friend to find the right size 12 point socket except his wasn't a security bit so we ended up having to grind out the security pillar in the center of the bolt. And when i did a steering fluid flush i couldn't use the BG synthetic from my buddies shop, i had to use Audi specific "synthetic mineral oil". You'd also think that since Audi's (A3/TT are exceptions) are longitudally mounted that it'd be easy to change out the belts (usually it's just pull the radiator and you're ready to get cracking) but not on the Audi, you have to remove the front bumper to get to everything. In all honesty though, i've had nearly no problems with it mechanically, while my VW was in my garage more often than on the road, so there must be better QC or manufacturing on the Audi side of things.

    I missed your reply back the first time around. Agreed with everything you mention. While the intrinsic quality of VW/Audi products is actually pretty decent, it is for the service life and basic serviceability that I describe VWs as akin to a Bic lighter. About 15 years ago, I helped a friend replace the engine in his early '90's Jetta... It kind of raised my eyebrows that the first step given in the service manual was in fact to remove the rear seat :lol: . Before that job was done, the entire front end of the vehicle (core support, lights, grilles, etc.) had to be removed and refitted. I do love German cars though; BMW, Mercedes and Porsches all seem generally to be much more service friendly and sane.

  12. I'm disappointed that the 1/55 reissues does not come with the same textured box like the 80s!

    The reissues are rerelease/reproductions of the Bandai 1/55s, which came in "plain" boxes.

    The original Takatoku 1/55s had textured boxes. Takatoku hasn't been around since late '83, so it's not likely we'll be seeing reissues of their releases.

  13. Whatever do you mean?


    Hey man, that creates what is called downforce. You have to be a pretty good driver to able to tell the difference. Back when wings first came out for cars back in 2003, I was the first one in Illinois to get a really big one. Makes a HUGE difference, especially on a FWD car. Anyone who says anything else just doesn't know.


  14. I feel like this is a Jeopardy answer waiting for someone to guess the right person... I'll continue it for the fun of the obscure reference...

    I made mountains of wealth on Italian marble which I also store in massive climate controlled warehouses located throughout Southern California. I used my incredible profits to help orchestrate an investment plan in partnership with Yamato that involves said shipments of Yamato toys directly to my warehouses which is why I can not take pictures of them... they are in shipping containers in my warehouse.

    Wasn't there something about piloting helicopters too?

    When I was 12, I would routinely walk at least 2 or 3 miles to my local model shop for Macross goods. Er, that's far, isn't it?

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