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Posts posted by Hiriyu

  1. For Kensei, the only "problem" that I run into with Eyefinity run through displayport adapters is that gamma/color maps can tend to bounce back and forth between my Windows settings and the ATI driver settings... On my configuration (5870 with 3 dvi monitors), I'm only running one monitor via DP adapter (active), and it is that monitor that shifts gamma depending upon which profile I have selected. With enough fiddling, I'm sure I could match my Windows and Catalyst color profiles to where there would be no difference on mode shift, but I'm too lazy to do that when the profiles are just two clicks away anyhow.

    Grats on the 6990. I've been wanting to use that card in my pending upgrade/rebuild, but have been slacking on pulling the trigger. I haven't really seen much data on how well it works with Eyefinity; hopefully you can be my test-mule on that ^_^

    *edit, don't think you'll see any overall quality loss on any monitors going from displayport on the card to HDMI or DVI, just color profile differences. Or, such is my experience.

  2. No problem Peter. Sound has been working in MAME since version .57 or so iirc (several years in other words, I think we're up to version .112 about now). On review, the MAWS data is a little bit out of wack in the history and description, but we know better around here :)

    One of the local arcades I frequented here in the LA area back in the late 80s and early '90s actually had this game on location and I played the real thing quite a bit (the arcade in question was the famous Pak-Mann, down the street from Pasadena City College on Colorado Blvd - I'll bet that Gubaba among other locals can remember it fondly).

    If you need any help with it (erm, *cough*), send me a PM and I'll help get you hooked up B))

  3. I've only just now seen the movie. Long time fan of the original. Good, not great, but still enjoyable. The high points for me were the original TRON arcade game rebadged as an Encom release in the old Flynn's arcade, accompanied by Journey (very, very cool), and the rest of the audio/soundtrack as a whole... I quite liked the re-use of so many of the original's sound effects (and those from the Tron 2.0 pc game), and of course the great compositions and cameo from Daft Punk.

    I'm still struck by how much Jeff looks like Lloyd these days :)

  4. I guess there is a moderate path. There are still a lot of features which seem to be there because the manufacturers need to have some marketing gimmick and outdo each other and be the first. Cut out that fluff and you save a lot of fuel and other consumables from weight saving.

    As for safety, well, put it this way. When does it stop? A newish 3600lb Camry is a lot safer than a 1800lb Corolla from 1979 but driving in an 8000lb armored A8 is safer than the Camry and driving in an 120,000 lb Abrams is safer yet!

    I don't have the answers but really, about 100-200lbs should be easily cut from most new cars without affecting safety if the manufacturers don't push all these nanny features.

    Further to Ter Ter's comments in terms of safety, consider the physics of two sub-ton vehicles colliding at speed 'n' as compared to two 2+ ton vehicles colliding at speed 'n'. Which is safer?

    The only problem with lightweight and (by definition) more efficient smaller vehicles is that they have to share the road with vehicles which are... not.

  5. Mandatory ads, hands down. Though not a standalone technology itself, they have infiltrated many enjoyable technologies...making them less enjoyable in the process.

    Want to watch a video on any given site? First, you'll have to waste a minute of your time staring at Larry's Lumber trying to hock their assorted popsicle sticks at you. What? No, you can't skip it! Just sit there and take it like a champ. In fact, we'll even boost the volume on this gem so that A: Your eardrums will blow out and B: The vid you intended to watch will sound like a faint ringing in your ears. We'll make you yearn for the days of Viagra popups.

    Pro-tip - use Firefox and download and install the 'NoScript' and 'Adblock Plus' addons. Presto, no more unwanted ads, for real.

  6. Yeah, except that at 12" it's really pushing what you'd call a netbook (really just because you're still stuck with the painfully slow Atom processor), and at that price you could have bought a 14" or 15" laptop with a better processor, more RAM, and a DVD drive.

    Unless you're not using it for your main computer. If you've already got a computer, and you were just looking for something small and light to play some media files and surf the net... well, that's why tablets are all the rage now.

    I have an atom N450-based windows tablet and love the thing. It's got a 10" multitouch screen, accelerometer with 360 degree rotation, 2GB RAM and a 320GB HDD; it's plenty snappy running Windows 7 Ultimate, in fact surprisingly so. It has excellent connectivity (3x USB 2.0, HDMI, WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, SD media, etc.), and the ability to run any x86 32-bit software. I find the overall utility really surprisingly good. No, you're not going to run anything really computationally heavy on the thing, but it handles basic office, productivity, web and media tasks (and even some games) remarkably well. The extreme portability, combined with 100% desktop compatibility and a very inexpensive price was definitely a draw for me... I got mine for much, much, much less than the price mentioned in the link above.

    As Mike mentions, low-power netbooks and tablets are a poor substitute for a full PC, but they can make a great adjunct to an existing system IMHO.

  7. None taken at all.

    There are two stores where I live. One in Modesto, and one basically on the outskirts on the other side of town in a town called Riverbank. I work at the one in Riverbank and we've had to report the Modesto store more than once for bad practices to our HQ. We used to get stories all day long about how people would go in there and ask a question, then come to us and ask the same question only to be told something completely different and a lot less expensive. I stopped shopping at the Modesto store long before I ever worked at the other. I'll be one of the first to admit BBYs prices aren't all that great, but where I live they are down right cheap compared to the two computer stores we have in town.

    It all depends on who you get and what you want. Most of the time a quick diagnostic/fix won't cost anything because it'll bandaid the existing issue, we'll give suggestions and it most likely sells a new system because of the cost of parts and repairs. If they do an in-depth scan and find a bunch of stuff using our software, we won't offer the quick fix because it won't work. We give them a list of what needs to be fixed. Again, usually sells a new system because of repair costs and parts.

    I don't know that exact name of the diagnostic program we use but BBY also owns a tech firm stationed back east somewhere that remotely does a lot of our work for us to save time as well.

    Your fears aren't unwarranted, but we're not all bad and the reality is, if we don't do it, someone else will and usually not as good and without the guarantees.

    My nephew is a Geek (in the proprietary sense), and I agree with Chewie in that the service you receive is proportional to the tech and managerial talent existent at whatever location you sample. That said, and not wanting to stomp all over my nephew's profession, the Zentrans among us are really much better off in general finding their very own non-professional geek (in the non-proprietary sense) to help out with their PC maintenance and repair. Most real-life computer geeks will do basic operations at no little or no cost - maybe feed them a $20 or a 12er of beer to keep them happy. The real trick is to find a local geek willing to help. There otta be a central databse of willing computer nerds... Lord knows, I've done more than my share.

  8. That's good to know, there is not much info on eyefinity online. i just don't want to buy 2 more 28's only for gaming. got AvP with the 5850, it should be nice. then i might just suck it up when I found a right size desk, these things are getting expensive. do you use a displayport adopter or your monitors have displayport on them?

    My monitors are all DVI, and I'm using a Dell active displayport adapter for my main (center) monitor. The main problem with active adapters right now is availability - though there are several models that work, Dell is the only company that has any inventory right now. Running on Catalyst 10.4, I don't experience any of the glitches associated with Eyefinity except for a minor one which involves windows explorer needing to restart when switching back to extended desktop mode. I understand that this was not a problem in 10.3, so this will likely be fixed with 10.5.

  9. Hey Vince,

    You don't need any special versions of games for it to work, it just works, albeit with varying degrees of success from title to title. It's not really hardware-related, but has to do with how various games cope with ultra-high resolution and FOV settings. Mine is 5760x1080 (3x 1920x1080).

    I've got a largish pile of games that I still need to install, I haven't tried any FPS games with it yet. I've also got a ton of flight sims that are waiting in the wings for installation. So freakin time consuming ;)

    Some games that I've played with and work well so far:

    X3: Reunion

    Sins of a Solar Empire






    NFS Shift

    Test Drive Unlimited


    I haven't taken any actual pictures of the setup (it's just three monitors on a desk, heh), but here's a quick screenie:


  10. Just got my Eyefinity rig up and running over the weekend. It involved a migration to Windows 7 64bit from XP, an upgrade to an HD5870 from my HD4890, and the addition of 2 more 24" LCD panels, but all I can say is its uber gaming bliss.

    Mini-Rant: I will say for the record that Windows 7's startup recovery software is a retarded throwback in that it is truly retarded. I installed 7 on a fresh HDD, but have my previous XP drive installed in the system as well, dual-bootable. W7 found a file that it did not like (a "corrupted" device driver) on my XP drive, and refused to boot because of it. Nevermind that the file in question resides on a completely different physical drive than the W7 OS resides on, and nevermind that the file in question was a driver for a completely different operating system, with the driver not even installed on the W7 installation; 7 just did not like it, and refused to boot due to its presence. Instead, Win7s response was to automatically backdate my install to a previous restore point, disregarding that the "corrupted" file in question was present during the initial install and susbsequent 8-10 boot cycles. In general, I have a problem with software that thinks it knows more about what I want to do than I do, and when it is demonstrably wrong.

    /Mini-Rant Over

    Aside from that, Win 7 actually seems pretty nice :)

  11. Cool pickup YLM. You must be back in the states now?

    What did you end up paying for the Corolla? I'm led to believe that these are starting to get difficult to find in decent condition... The vast majority that I see have been riced out and thrashed. A friend of mine had a GTS hatch, and it was a great car - simple, lightweight, RWD, and damn-near indestructable.

    Y'know, Lone Pine is coming up soon!

  12. ...Aside from MAME (which doesn't count, and still has no sound emulation anyway) I've only ever played it in an Akihabara game centre once in 2001, and it's long gone now.:(

    Au contrere, mon frere! Sound in SDF Macross has been supported in MAME for years now.

    Sorry for the OT.

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