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Posts posted by pud333

  1. Hello all, I have been a lurker for a while and just had to post the strange luck I think I may have had this evening. This is my first post on MW, btw.

    I was looking for a chance to get the YF-29. I recently was able to procure the VF-25F renewal for a decent price and was hoping I might get a chance to luck into a decent price or, if things worked out right, I might stumble on a pre-order that opened up for the YF-29. While looking at the sites that offered pre-orders in case they show a little stock after the release, I stumbled on a pre-order available on BigBadToyStore for 259. Needless to say, I jumped on it as it is significantly less expensive than eBay or elsewhere. After I got the confirmation e-mail, I went to my account on BBTS and had to verify that I successfully made the order. I was not imagining it. However, I have since checked BBTS again and they are now marked as sold out again. Is there a likelihood that I may still not get it? I am still holding out hope that it doesn't fall through. Just thought I had to share with others who might appreciate the situation. What do you think?

    You should be fine so long as BBTS did not overestimate their ability to get stock like they did the VF-25S.

  2. The front to back on both the 17 and 19 is awful and can lead to the joint popping apart in some cases. If the 25 has no ratchets then I'm curious why the ankles on my F and S both click as I adjust them forward and back?

    Maybe that sound is stuck in your head, cause my 25 valks have no ratchets.

  3. Yeah.. I really can't stand any of the display stands these companies make for their stuff.. Why do they always have to be so ugly and huge? Haven't they ever seen anyone make a stand with a freaking post that goes in a hole? It's not that hard.

    I at least would have preferred it to be a clear stand instead of straight black. But whatever. At least the valk looks awesome.

  4. This is funny. I've never sat on a valk, but I have nearly stepped on one, and I have knocked them off the shelf. The nose of my YF-21 was sticking pretty far out from the shelf, and as I was passing by, my shoulder knocked it, and it fell off the flight pose stand and basically tumbled into everything else. I watched an entire shelf of valks collapse on top of each other. Luckily nothing was damaged, but still, scary.

  5. Actually, the original pre-orders for the 29 didn't sell out in a minute either. It was only after the movie was released and the second run was put up that there was a mad rush for it. There isn't a guarantee the G will be hard to nab.

    I passed on the initial 29 release because previous DX toys (and Bandai's entire history with the franchise) had pretty craptacular, and I wasn't confident that Bandai could produce a valkyrie toy that didn't suck. I'm sure there are others who felt the same way.

    Even after the 29 came and went, I was very cautious about preordering a 25F. It was only after I had gotten the first one in my hands and found that it was a POS that I ordered a second one.

    Exactly that. Now that the cat is out of the bag that Bandai can make an awesome valkyrie, all bets are off with the 25G.

  6. I think being on the west coast gives me a bit of an advantage. I don't usually have to stay up past midnight. So far I've had awesome success, snagging the 25F/S, 29 and 171 all from Amiami with no issues. Hopefully my streak continues! :D

  7. Eh, who knows what Bandai is thinking? They seem to be scared of overstock. They have been very deliberate in making sure releases don't overlap eatch other or clog the market with valks. Whatever they are doing, looks like it is working. I think demand for the renewals will still be quite high a year from now.

  8. It's sad that the price of the Ozma is so inflated now. When you compare it to, oh the VF-17, I don't think it's worth being a $300+ valk. I still think they will do a reissue, just like they reissued the 29, but people might have to wait until after Michael and Luca are released. At least that's my thinking. Also, if there is a reissue, it might be just as much of a "blink and miss" re-release like the 29 was. I guess it's worth that price if you just have to have it now and don't want to take chances 6-12 months later...

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